Page 35 of Say It's Me

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"If anyone gets to tell me those words, it's the man lying in that bed, not you. He took a bullet for me because I mean something to him, so you'll have to excuse me for not buying into the bullshit you're spewing."

I'm done letting people come in between our relationship and spark doubt. After this weekend, I know without question that August loves me, and now it's my turn to carry the torch and be there for him.

Ethan and Ben come rushing into the room, drawing both Miranda’s and my attention. Ben's expression softens when he sees whose room I've entered, but his next words take me by surprise.

"Gianna, you can't run off. The feds are still looking for Eduard."

Before I have time to process his words, Miranda chimes in. "Sara's Eduard? Why are the feds after Eduard?"

Now Augustus has entered the room, and Ethan quickly steps in front of him before answering.

"Easy, while you guys have been standing here casting stones at a woman who has more class in her pinky finger than both of you combined, Eduard has emptied Sara's accounts and went into hiding to escape going to federal prison for securities fraud. However, upon searching his residence, they also found evidence that he hired a hitman to plant lethal amounts of fentanyl in our father's car, which caused his death. Your son was one of the people who discovered the plot to take down the Moretti family and uncover Eduard's involvement."

Wow, that was information overload for sure. Ethan not only said "our" father, but he also defended my name. It would appear that he truly is trying to step up, make amends and be someone worthy of keeping around. I can't believe I'm saying this, but at the moment, I'm glad he's here. Still, I can't help but feel guilty about his presence when I know August hired men to keep him away from me. I'm just about to ask everyone to give me a moment with August when his father speaks up.

"I don't give a damn about any of this shit. At the end of the day, that girl put my son's life in danger." The anger in his voice is palpable, and spittle is flying from his mouth as he addresses the room.

"Everyone who is not related to my son will exit this room at once unless they plan on spending the evening in jail, seeing as how they have no right to be here."

The entire room is silent, and nobody has moved an inch until he yells, "Now!"

Ethan starts to cross the room to come to my side and escort me out, but the heavens must have finally decided to show me some grace because at that exact moment, August opens his eyes. When his eyes land on mine, I know I'm not going anywhere. I rush over to his side, attempting to keep my tears at bay, when he says one word, "Baby," before lifting his hand to cup my cheek. It’s useless, tears instantly spring up from my eyes. This man has been through hell and back for me over the past two weeks, and I'm still worth it for him.

I cover his hand with my own and lean into his embrace, but it's not enough. Leaning down, I put my forehead to his before asserting, "If you ever take a bullet for me again, I'll kill you myself."

He smirks and says, "Deal, now kiss me before I really do die."

I can't help but smile at his playful tone, and clearly, he can't stand my lag in response to his demand because he winces as he leans in to capture my mouth.

When my lips brush against his, my heart feels like it's about to gallop out of my chest. I love this man so much. Don't get me wrong, I'm not rushing down the aisle to marry him or have his babies, but I know without a doubt that he is my person. I was meant to find him. His lips part, and his tongue gently skims over mine before he pulls back on a groan and says, "Baby, I fucking love you, but I need to know how it's possible that Ethan Grand is in the room right now because I paid good money for him not to be."

Because I wasn't done with our kiss, I lean in and give him a sensual peck, eliciting yet another groan. I swear this man is insatiable. He's just been shot, yet all he can think about is his desire for me. I'd be lying if I said mine wasn't just as greedy. Taking a deep breath, I pull away and give him a sad smile before saying, "Well, he's kind of my brother."

He pushes his head back into the pillow, closes his eyes, and says, "You've got to be fucking kidding me." To which Ethan just chuckles. I shoot him a glare that clearly says now is not the time, and he just casually shrugs before taking a seat across the room, making himself all too comfortable.

Regardless of our relationship, I know I still have reservations about Ethan, and so does August. I don't want August assuming that we've suddenly become thick as thieves while he was out, so I add, "If it makes you feel better, he only just got past security because I allowed it. You haven't missed much. But, I was done with the violence after Ben tackled him to the ground. Elio has been through enough. He didn't need to see that. Ben knows he can resort to violence if need be, but so far, Ethan's behaved."

Truthfully, Ethan has been more than all right, but that's the last thing August wants to hear, I'm sure. When Miranda speaks up, I'm quickly reminded that we still have a room full of prying eyes.

"August, as your mother, I think we deserve some answers, don't you?"

August reaches for my hand and grips it tightly before loosening his hold. Slowly, he starts to rub his thumb across the tops of my knuckles in a soothing motion that puts me at ease. I hadn't realized how strung out I was until that simple act.

"Mom, I'm not sure what you want to hear from me. Gianna is my girlfriend, and it's clear from the disappointment written across your faces that you don't approve. The thing is, I'm no longer living my life to please you. I'm done with the act."

"Son, the press is already having a field day with this. You can't expect us to believe this is your choice. When you told me you were dating Gianna, I wasn't surprised. Any man with eyes can see she is beautiful, but she is not marriage material. You've just been shot, you nearly lost enough blood to warrant a transfusion, and you are in no condition to be making these type—"

"Dad, that's enough!" August shouts so loud that it startles me. He gently squeezes my hand again, and I can't help but melt. My entire life, no one has put me first or thought about my feelings, and I've gotten used to being overlooked. This right now is between August and his father, but August is acknowledging that I'm getting caught in the crossfire, and he's got my back.

"I am with Gianna, and that's not changing anytime in the foreseeable future. I don't need your money, I don't want to take over Reds, and I'm done wearing a mask. I've never wanted Reds. Not once in my life have either of you ever asked me what I wanted. Because I was born male, you assumed this would be my legacy. The two of you have had every detail of my life planned out from the second I was born. It was clear that I needed to fall in line, and for a long time, I accepted it. It's not like I had a terrible life or knew another way, but that all changed when I met Gianna. I found something real, something worth living for. I can be my true self with her. She sees me for who I am, not for what I can offer her, which now isn't much, considering she has more money than anyone in this room. This is my life, the person I choose, and if you don't like it, you don't have to be a part of it."

Now it's my turn to squeeze his hand. If I could make this entire room full of people disappear, I most certainly would because all I want to do is be with my person. I want to snuggle up to him in his bed, hold his hand, and finally talk about all the things we've never said, but I know that will have to wait.

Movement from the hallway catches my eye, and that's when I see Vivian hugging Elio while rocking him back in forth in her arms. While I love August and want nothing more than to be with him right now. I have to be there for my younger brother. He just lost his parents, and this situation got way out of hand. I wanted to see August and make sure he was okay. I've done that. Now I need to be a mom.

I squeeze August's hand one more time before dropping it. I give him my best ‘we're okay’ smile, before I move to step away. He grabs my gown, concern written all over his face. "Baby, where are you going?" Hastily I step back toward his side before my gown reveals my backside to the entire room. When he sees me closing the back, he grinds his teeth, clearly annoyed that I almost flashed the room.

"August, I have to take care of Elio." I nod my head toward the hallway, and he follows my line of sight. Realization and empathy flash across his expression.
