Page 36 of Say It's Me

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"I don't need to be here for this. None of this is important right now. My brother just lost his parents, and while they may have been crap, it's all he's known. Seeing me laid up in a hospital bed probably more than traumatized him. I have to go."

"Baby, you're still in a gown. You clearly haven't been discharged. We'll have them move you to my room."

"August, I'm fine. I'm not staying here a second longer than I need to. Elio clearly hasn't changed or showered in two days. He needs to go home."

When I say the word home, it hits me there's nothing left for us at home. Sure, we have clothes there, but now it's just an empty house. It was never truly a happy place, but it was also all we’ve ever known. August and Ethan have said I have money, but I'm sure that's not something I'll see for a while. I'm sure things will be held up in court for some time before I can touch it.

"Where are you planning on going?" August is now attempting to sit up, and while it's clearly painful, he does so anyway, throwing his legs over the side. Were it not for the gown and machines hooked up to him, you'd be none the wiser that the man nearly died.

"August, I'll be fine. Ben can escort me." But, of course, Ethan can't stay quiet.

"They can stay with me. She is my sister after all." I know that's going to piss August off, and normally I would step in to diffuse the tension. But as I stand here glaring at Ethan for his ignorance, something else dawns on me. Ethan has made no attempt to comfort Elio. I am his sole focus. That can only mean one of two things: I'm being played, and Ethan isn't my brother, or Elio isn't his brother…which could mean he's not biologically mine either. Back at the apartment, he mentioned that he sent samples off for genetic testing, but he’s also acted as if he is absolutely certain I am his sister.

"Damn it! I just need to get out of here. I need answers. I'm not doing this in front of your parents, who fucking hate me anyway. This is my fucked up life, August. They're right. You're better off without me." I know I don't mean those words, but I'm furious, and I'm done with all this crap.

I storm off toward the door as August calls out, "Gianna, I swear to God, you better not walk out that door on me right now."

He doesn't see right now that this is me putting him and myself first. August needs to address things with his family, and I need to take care of mine. So, before I make my way into the hall I turn back and say, "August, it will always be you."

OnceI'mbackinmy room with Elio and Vivian, I call the doctor to start my discharge paperwork. I know what my health issues are, and hopefully, now that I don't have toxic parents calling the shots I can focus on getting better. I'm not starving myself because I think I'm fat or have some sort of death wish. Most of the time, I simply forget to eat because I'm busy or my mind is focused on other things. The same thing happens when I start to put food in my mouth. My mind wanders, and then I get stressed out about timelines, money, work, and stability.

"Gigi, what's your plan? Are you and Elio going to go back to your parents’ house? If it's too hard to go back, you know my mom will let you guys stay with us. There is plenty of room in the basement."

"Vivi, I know we could stay with you, but I don't want to put anyone out. I'm not really sure what we're going to do. I have some money I had put away for moving out that will help us get by, and I'll figure something out for work. Clearly, I won't be going back to Reds. I still have that chunk of money Mason loaned me for Florida. Oh my god, Mason. Where's Mason?"

I don't miss how Vivian's eyes immediately shoot to the floor, and I know what she will say before she even says it.

"He's gone, Gigi."

I knew it.

"When he called me, he explained everything that had happened and said that I needed to come home immediately because you would need someone you could trust and count on, and it wouldn't be him. It couldn't be him. I know you've made your choice and are happy, but Mace needs time. He's been through a lot, too."

I know she's right. Mason put everything out there for me, and I shut him down. While I know he is crushed now, I think once he's had time to sit with my choice, he will see what I felt in my heart the second he asked me for more. I'm not really his first choice. We already said what needed to be said, there's no closure needed, but it still hurts losing someone you've always been able to count on for a good laugh, a hard cry, or an ear to bend. I hope it's true that time really does heal all wounds because I can't imagine not having his friendship back.

"I'm not surprised, but it does suck."

"Hey, I have a great idea. What if I come with you guys back to the house? It could be like good ole' times, and we have a slumber party."

I can't help but watch Elio's reaction to her suggestions. He's just sitting on the end of my cot, legs crossed, fiddling with his shoestring like he's deep in thought.

Leaning forward, I put my hand on his shoulder and gently squeeze before asking, "Elio, what do you want to do buddy? Anything you want, we'll figure it out, I promise."

What he says next surprises me. "Is Ethan my brother?" I'm not sure where he's going with this line of questioning. When I think back to the night Ethan showed up at the house to pick me up for the fundraiser, Elio seemed so stoked that Ethan Grand was at our door, but his body language right now seems unsure.

"Well, he says he's my brother, so that would make him your brother too." His eyes search mine, and he nods, seemingly pacified by my response, but I can tell he has more questions.

"Elio, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that you're not really my sister."

Ethan chooses that moment to come strolling into my room like it's his. Ben, my silent bodyguard, moves forward to stop him until I hold up my hand to signal he's okay. I don't address him because I need to finish this conversation with Lo.

"Lo, what gave you that idea?" Maria did say that Elio was, in her words, "unfortunately Mario's."

"When mom was tying me up back at Mason's to use me, to get you to sign all those papers, she called me her bastard son and said I guess you're going to come in handy after all. I know what a bastard is Gigi."

"What the hell, you were tied up? Mason said you were playing videogames." This is news to me, and what paperwork?

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