Page 6 of Say It's Me

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"I must say, August, I'm surprised you showed up here tonight. You left with your trophy, after all."

The spite in her tone makes me want to choke her, and I would never dream of touching a woman.

"Carson, you are the one who left for six months claiming you wanted a break. You wanted time apart to make sure we were right for each other. We both know that was bullshit. I really don't see why you are upset. I moved on, and so did you."

She takes a sip of her whiskey and then twirls the ice in her glass with her finger. "August, you really are clueless, aren't you? It almost makes me feel bad for you."

August throws back his entire glass. "Well, why don't you enlighten me? Did you think I was here for any other reason?"

"I could care less about your new toy. You'll tire of her in time. We both know your tastes are darker than what most girls care for. Do you think you can honestly have a monogamous relationship after me? You can’t truly believe she’s the type of girl that will bring girls to the party?"

I can't help but let my mind wander on that comment. What the hell kind of taste is she referring to? There is no way in hell Gigi would be down for multiple partners. I doubt she knows about this side of August, because a girl like Gigi, who takes dating and relationships seriously, wouldn't sleep with August knowing this information. I'm about to drive off and say, ‘fuck it’ when I catch movement behind August in the hallway. Someone is hanging back in the shadows listening.

"Carson, we both know that shit was your idea. Excuse me for not complaining. I'm not here to rehash our sex life. I think you know why I'm here."

Turning away from August, she fluffs her blonde hair in the mirror hanging on the wall as if his words didn't bother her in the slightest.

"As a matter of fact, I do know. You're here because you want to know why I'm fucking Ethan. Well, that's really, very easy. It was always Ethan. We've been fucking for years, but I wasn't convinced it would work out, and I needed a backup plan. That's where you came in. Your name holds more status in our social circles, it's established, respected, and you come from old money, not new money like Ethan. We all know how new money is viewed. I had to make sure the funds wouldn't dry up."

August slams his hands on the island. "Are you fucking serious, Carson? This is all about money? You really are a stupid bitch."

Throwing her hand over her chest, she feigns offense. "I would be offended if I didn't already know that everything revolves around money, August, and the thing is, Ethan, is about to have a hell of a lot more than you."

At that moment, Ethan comes out of the shadows, steps up behind August, and stabs a syringe into his neck. August drops immediately.

Ethan then goes around the island and grabs Carson by the waist, pulling her into his crotch. "You did great, my little slut. I want his brain spinning while he's tied up in the basement."

He starts biting his way down the side of her neck while pulling the front of her strapless evening gown down. Huge fake tits spill out, and he squeezes them hard. Throwing her head back, she moans loudly before he takes a nipple into his mouth. The two looked like they were about to get it on right there on the kitchen island with August lying there on the floor, but Carson suddenly pulls back and slaps Ethan across the face. "You know you didn't have to be so friendly with her tonight. I didn't like watching you paw all over her like some lovesick puppy."

Wow, I didn't see that coming. Ethan's chest is heaving, and the look on his face is cross. I've never seen a man hit a woman, but he looks close. Either she really is stupid, or she has some huge balls, because she meets his gaze with her own furious scowl before pulling her dress back up over her tits.

Picking up her whisky, she begins to head out of the kitchen. I don’t miss the outrage on Ethan's face or the wrath in his tone as he calls out, "You know they can't be together. It jeopardizes everything." I'm on the edge of my seat, wondering how this will play out. I know August hit him. I can see the evidence of that on his face, and now Carson is being a cock tease. The man is about to lose his mind.

Carson has now walked out of view, but I can still hear her.

"Keeping August away from her didn't require you to be handsy. That's your problem, Ethan. You're too short-sighted. Tonight, you acted like you would run off with her instead of helping daddy steal her money. This isn't some game, and if you want my help, you better get your priorities straight."

I watch as he places his hands on his hips, shakes his head, and then looks down at August's body lying on the floor. He gives him a swift kick to the stomach before dragging his body down a set of steps located off the kitchen.

Quickly, I flick through all the cameras but find none on the area where he was hauled off to. That's when I come across the feed of the wine cellar. Most wine cellars are located in basements, so I turn up the volume and playback the tape to see if I can't catch any sounds that might help me figure out where he is in the house.

Slowing the feed, I hear a loud bang like a door being slammed open, followed by grunting. Ethan must be tying him up. Then he starts talking.

"You always had to be the best at everything. The golden boy who could do no wrong, with the cemented family dynasty. You always get everything you want. Not this time. I’m more than happy to take it from you now. Your little whore stands in the way of me becoming a billionaire. I never wanted Carson, but fucking your girlfriend felt good. Funny that tonight you thought you'd be burning my world down. I can't wait to see your face when you find out Gianna is gone, and you'll never get her back. This time you don't win, August." A door slams, and it goes silent.

ThenightAugustgothimself tied up in Carson’s basement, I wanted to head straight for Florida, grab Gigi and run, but I knew that wasn't the right choice. I still had too many questions and running wouldn't bring me closer to getting the answers. As much as I don't want to rescue August from the Bradbury Estate, I know I need to. I can't have that on my conscience, not to mention I don't know that Gigi would ever forgive me if something fucked up happened to him.

Somehow, Gigi is a roadblock to Ethan's financial gains, which is mind-numbing. Her family has zero money, and her parents have been drug addicts for the past decade. There is also the fact that the breaks on my car were tampered with. While I don't believe August was involved, I haven't ruled out Ethan as a suspect, and I want revenge. These entitled pricks think they can fuck with people and get away with it because they have money. That stops with me. I'm no one's puppet.

On Saturday, Ethan threw August in the basement. By Sunday afternoon, he was awake. It wasn't until Tuesday that anyone went downstairs to check in on him.

"Oh, goodie, you're awake. Did you miss me, baby?"

"Fuck off, Carson. What do you want?"

"August, I already got what I want, and you no longer have anything I need. Now, I'm just here to tease you and break you."

"Now the slut outfit makes sense. Too bad I'm not interested in what's between your legs. Haven't been for a long time."

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