Page 8 of Say It's Me

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His cock is free now, and she pumps it once before he hisses. "You already know the plan, now be a good little slut and suck my cock."

She smiles and drops to the floor before taking his cock into her mouth. He throws his head back in bliss as she deep throats him, and fuck me if I'm not getting a semi. It's like watching live porn.

Quickly I click out of the screen showing the video and walk into the other room.

Pacing my living room, I try to clear my head and devise a plan. August is trapped in the basement, and I need to find a way to get in there and talk to him. That's when I remember the new technology I’m testing that came with our latest securities acquisition. I started hacking in high school. At first, it was just because I could. My first hack was into the school's computer system to change my C- to an A+. I never got bad grades, but we had a surprise test on a Monday, and I had spent that past weekend high as a kite on a bender. If I wasn’t with Gigi, that’s how I passed the time to forget how much everything else fucking sucked. Needless to say, once I was into the school’s system, I started seeing what else I could hack into.

Hacking became an obsession until it also became the way I thought I might be able to reach my dad. He buried himself in his work to escape his life, which worked for him. Maybe it would work for me too. I could kill two birds with one stone. Earn my father’s respect and find an outlet for the darkness I could never seem to escape.

Heading back into my office, I find the device I'm looking for when suddenly I hear grunting sounds followed by, "Thanks. I can't stay. I just thought of something. Guess your stress release tactics work well."

I laugh and shake my head. August had the guy nailed to a tee when he said Ethan was using her. At first, I wasn’t sure that Ethan wasn’t equally interested, but now it’s clear as day. How she doesn't see it is beyond me.

On my shelf, I find the gadget I'm looking for. It's the size of a marble and as light as a microchip. The device is similar to a drone. You can send it where you want and it’ll transmit video, but it also has two-way audio. I can hear and speak through it. My plan is to take it to the Bradbury Estate and get it inside to talk to August. They clearly don't want Gigi talking to August because he would catch on to their plans. That means I need to speak to August so I can figure out what they have been trying to prevent.

It'snowThursday,andI've been hiding in a bush for an entire hour, waiting for the cleaning lady to leave so I could get the gadget into the house. I'm able to connect to it via an app on my phone. Time flew by last night while I messed around with it, making sure I knew how to use it. The gadget is impressive. It makes zero noise and is so tiny you'd never notice it unless you were specifically looking for it.

Today, I lucked out with the cleaning lady. Unfortunately, since I've only been surveilling the house since Saturday, I don't have any precise schedules, and I'm sure since they have August tied up in the basement, the typical staff hasn't been around.

After I have the gadget inside, I waste no time maneuvering it through the kitchen and to the downstairs door. The device is small enough that it will roll right under.

Of course, once I reach the basement it’s enormous and looks to be completely finished. Scanning the area, I try to locate the wine cellar as it is the only room on this level with a camera, and August must be close to it. It feels like I’ve been searching this level for an hour when I finally spot a wall filled with wine. The closer I get to the wine cellar, I hear moaning, but not just any moaning—ecstasy-filled moans.

If I find him in that room fucking Carson, I'm out. I don't give a fuck. Gigi deserves better than a man who would cheat because shit got hard.

Gigi had a hard life, and lord knows loving her isn't always easy. I know she has always felt like she was a burden to me, because most of the times we would get together would be after she had a rough incident at home. Coming to me in a moment of need made her feel like I thought everything was always about her problems and needs. I could never get her to understand that I loved being her safe place, I wanted to hear her problems, and I wanted to take them away. When you're in a relationship with someone, don't you want to be the first person they think of when they're scared and need help, or happy and want to celebrate? Don't you want to be their everything? Yes, technically, we weren't a couple, but I liked having those moments with her.

Whenever she would start to overthink things and feel insecure, I would kiss her. Kissing her made her relax. Her tangents would stop, and I could show her how much I cared, how much she meant to me. Being intimate with her was a prize because she didn't give that part of herself freely. I earned every kiss, every touch, every delicious moan.

A loud outburst jerks me out of my trip down memory lane, and I remember I am supposed to be finding August.

"Fucking get out of here, Carson. Go put on this ridiculous act for Ethan."

Once I find the room the voice came from, I roll under the door, and that's when I see that August is tied to a chair. He looks like shit. The stress of the last few days has aged him incredibly. Dark circles frame his eyes, a five o'clock shadow that's almost a beard has taken over his face, and they most definitely aren't feeding him.

"Fuck yes! Don't stop."

When I turn the camera in the other direction, I see Carson on a desk, completely naked, riding another girl's face. Grabbing her fake tits in her hands, she squeezes them before trailing one hand down her stomach to her pussy where she parts her lips and climaxes all over the other girl's face. When I say climax, I really mean squirt. The woman is a grade A porn star squirter, and that's a turn-off for me. Of course, it could just be the woman. Carson wants to kill Gigi, and her fake tits and lips repulse me, but I digress. I'm not sure what the hell August ever saw in this woman. She is vile from the inside out.

That's when I hear August say, "You always did come hard for the girls."

"I never heard you complaining." She stands up and puts her silk robe on.

"You're right. That's because I was usually fucking the other girl."

Carson walks across the room and slaps him hard across the face. "You better watch how you talk to me, August. I might just do what Ethan doesn't have the balls to do." Then she turns on her heel, and the two of them walk out.

I watch as he sits frozen to the spot as if listening to make sure they are gone. Once he's convinced they're gone, he starts to mess with his restraints.

"August, it's me, Mason." I watch as he goes still and looks around the room before mumbling, "Great, now I'm losing my fucking mind."

"You're not losing your mind. Look down, see the ball on the floor?"

He looks down and then spots it.

"Son of a bitch. I thought you took off the moment I didn't come out of the house." He keeps fiddling with his restraints.

"Yeah, well, trust me, the thought has crossed my mind many times, but Gigi is in real trouble. They plan on killing her." I watch as his eyes close, and he grinds his jaw. He is pissed.

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