Page 14 of Frayed Trust

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His light green eyes seemed darker as he uttered threats, more of a pine than a moss. They matched his scent, which was intensified with the heightened emotions.

“Fucking angels, man. I didn’t realize she belonged to anyone,” he sputtered, hands reaching up to grab at Caspian’s forearm.

“Ah, so you believe it’s acceptable to speak to single females in that manner?” Shan said, appearing out of nowhere to perch on the bar stool beside the display.

I nearly groaned. As if my hormones needed two overprotective Alphas right now. I was trying to tell my body they were unsuitable since they were essentially hunting me. No knot from them. No.

“Gods damned angel,” he grumbled, struggling harder.

“If you believe that to be acceptable Earth behaviour, I’ll have to send you back to Zemterra. I doubt you were here legally to begin with.”

Shan didn’t quite smirk. I didn’t know if he was capable of showing that much emotion or looking that self-satisfied. His face did twitch, though, not quite maintaining his blank facade. “You can’t just deport me, you fucking angel bastard!”

“Oh, I can. I have the authority. You’re officially in my custody, and your deportation is as good as done.”

If the demon’s shout hadn’t drawn attention from the patrons, the sudden flash of bright light would have. His wrists were bound with light behind his back, glowing collar around his neck with an equally bright leash Shan held in his hand. “Don’t pay us any mind.” Shan’s voice carried over the bumping DJ music. “I’m simply taking out the trash. Enjoy your evening.”

He may have said to not pay them any mind, but half the club was watching as he tugged the man out by his glowing leash. Even the music decreased in volume, only increasing again when they’d vanished beyond the front curtains. Caspian stayed in front of me, glaring after the man, until he leaned across the bar and took my arm.

“Are you alright?”

I noted his concern, but all I could focus on was his hand. Burning hot against my flushed skin. It had been unexpected, the touch, so I hadn’t warded myself against the rush of arousal. Touch made me want so much, especially if it came from him. When a desperate whimper left me, I wanted to cry both from the embarrassment of my reaction, and from the fact that we wouldn’t be touching for long.


Caspian leaned closer, still worried for me. To fight the temptation to smash our lips together and taste him, I bit my lip hard enough to break the skin. All that did was make him more concerned, his other hand reaching up to run along my bottom lip. He blinked down at the blood before releasing me all at once.

My tensed body relaxed enough for me to breathe again, but that was it. Desperation was crashing into me in waves, and I knew he’d triggered my heat. Within minutes, I would shed my clothes, the fabric already scratching against my skin. I couldn’t let myself do that here. It was bad enough that Caspian could smell how he aroused me and see how tense I was. My descenter was a bandaid on a situation like this, and my perfume would overwhelm it soon. “Oswald, you’re summoned,” I croaked out past my dry throat.

He appeared in front of me seconds later, startling Caspian enough that he reared back. The additional distance helped. Barely.“Good gods, you’re fucked.”

“I’m not fucked, which is why I’m in this situation. Now help me get the fuck out of here or I’ll make damn certain you never eat another fish in this lifetime.”I said.

If cats could roll their eyes, he would have. His body was stiff with tension, though, everything taut as he glanced over at Caspian and let out a feral hiss.“That’s cruel. All you need to do is run a few blocks away so you can portal.”He took in my frazzled state, the flush of my cheeks, the way my silver hair was rumpled and frizzy.“You can use magic in this state, right?”

“I better be able to.”

“Freya, why do you have this evil little pussycat hissing at me?” Caspian asked.

Oswald’s presence had drawn little attention from other patrons — familiars weren’t altogether uncommon. Seeing him was drawing Mattie in our direction, though. I didn’t call Ozzy to me at work unless something was going on. Trying to explain what was happening to me right now to my boss didn’t sound like an appealing idea.

My familiar grumbled something at me about hating being referred to as a pussycat, but ignored Caspian otherwise. Being fully in his right mind, he was far more likely to find me an out. Blatantly ignoring the now-confused incubus whose presence was pushing me out of my mind, I followed Ozzy’s path through the club to the back door. He took me on the path with the least people, but the club had filled up. Arms brushed against me. Backs pressed up against my body.

When Caspian caught up and grabbed onto my arm, my body was so frenzied that I could only do one thing.

I grabbed him roughly around the neck and kissed him.

His shock was clear, but he wrapped his arm around my waist, tugging me so our fronts pressed together. My body swayed to the music, grinding against the sizable and growing bulge in his pants as I imagined what it would be like to give in. To slide together, joined in that way, his knot pressing against my entrance as I gushed around him. I’d never taken a knot before. My biology told me it would feel good, but I wanted to know how good. I was desperate to experience one firsthand.

As his tongue plundered my mouth, my panties grew so soaked that my juices started running down my leg, sliding into the high heels I wore. With his scent surrounding me, I could have almost come with no stimulation.

That is, if it weren’t for Caspian breaking away with a harsh curse, shaking his leg.

Dazed, I glanced down at Oswald, claws attached to the man as he climbed up his calf. It was enough to remind me of why I couldn’t give in. Not today. Definitely not with this man in particular. Pulling out of his arms, I gave up all ideas of not making a scene and sprinted for the back door. People yelled after me as I pushed my way through the throngs, but I didn’t stop. My burst of adrenaline and shame kept my momentum until I was blocks away from the club and opened a portal to my quaint apartment.

I didn’t wait for Ozzy. He would buy me time, so there was less chance of me being followed. Opening the portal with a sigh of relief that my magic was strong enough, I stepped through and into the second bedroom of my apartment.

This room was always locked, the door never opened except for the little cat door at the bottom. On the outside, a bookcase blocked it so no one would notice I had a two-bedroom apartment. There was a mattress on the floor in the corner, covered in blankets and pillows to make a cozy fort. A mini fridge sat in the opposite corner, stocked with the only things I ever wanted to eat while I was in heat. Comfort foods because I didn’t have the comfort of a mate with me. Recently, I hadn’t been able to keep anything down because of the pain, though. There was an ensuite bathroom with a sink and toilet and tiny shower stall that I sometimes used to douse myself in frigid water hoping it would calm my arousal.
