Page 22 of Frayed Trust

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There were a few people glaring at Cas too, noting his pointed ears and figuring out that his natural charm was more supernatural than natural. None of them approached him, though. His angel companion was a deterrent, as were the watchful eyes of our bouncers spread around the edges of the club. Zero tolerance for hate speech. If they confronted him, we would ban them from Club Chaos for life. Considering we were the best club in town not run by boring Nulls, that would suck for them.

“You’ve got admirers,” Loretta said, appearing behind me and leaning in close.

My back went stiff, and I tore my gaze away from Shan and Cas to look at her. She was grinning, nearly swooning. They must be handsome. “Admirers?”

“Those two vamp Alphas on the end can’t stop staring at you. Want to take them? You know I don’t do well with Zemterrans, even if they’re hot as sin.”

“No, I can’t. Sorry, Lor.”

A tingle went up my spine, and I avoided looking in their direction. Kylan Jitara was a vampire. I doubted it would be him — Mattie was familiar with all the undesirable characters of the city and they knew not to come here — but his henchmen were a different story. And if there were two… they’d figured out that I was dangerous. Or at least, that someone attached to me was dangerous. Their sacrificial lamb hadn’t returned, proving their theory.

Loretta pouted, reaching above me for one of the top shelf bottles. “If you say so. I wish men would fall all over themselves to talk to me like men do for you.”

“The attention of men isn’t all it’s cut out to be.”

Pout dropping to a grin, she rolled her eyes. “Send Jen over if I look like I’m getting flustered, pretty please? I don’t want to bother her if it’s unnecessary, but these guys… they’re intense. Look like the type to hate fae, too.”

“I’ll keep an eye on you, don’t worry,” I reassured her.

Helping her pour the expensive drinks, I chanced a glance toward the two vamps. They looked like the type to hang out in Westwood, an undesirable area of town with a heavy demon presence. Leather jackets, chains around their necks, tattoos on every inch of exposed skin, including some on their faces. I would cross the street to avoid them even before I considered the imposing Alpha aura. And their scent. Despite my distance from them, it was acrid, thick, and heavy. Copper and sweat and rot. My biology was warning me away from those men like it had never warned me away from anything else in my life. I’d never met an Alpha I was so utterly unaroused by.

I had a feeling my enhanced sense of ‘wrong’ was due to the tantalizing Alpha scents finding their way through the crowd to me every time I so much as thought about them. My body wanted Cas and Shan. Not the vamps.

I turned back to my portion of the bar and found Shan standing there, arms crossed over his chest. He was glaring at the vampires as if they were threatening him personally. Sucking in a deep breath, I released the air slowly. Shan may have painted a target on their backs without knowing. Those men were here to find who was killing their men, and they believed it was someone in my circle. Someone protective of me. His little display put him at risk.

And I couldn’t tell him about the danger he was in without revealing every card in my hand.

“I thought I told you to get the fuck away from my bar,” I snapped.

He turned back to me, raising an eyebrow as his posture relaxed. “I doubt your boss would take kindly to you refusing to serve people drinks.”


“Two shots of cheap vodka and a couple of limes.”

Slamming the shot glasses down onto the bar top, I poured in the alcohol and placed limes on top. He tossed a bill down. “Are those both for you?”

“One for each of us.”

“I thought Caspian drank gin.”

“He’s sexy when he does a few shots of vodka. Figured it was a good night to let loose a bit.”

Staring at him, it took a few seconds for me to realize what he’d said. The implications. Then I blinked and pushed the shots closer. A bit of alcohol spilled over the edge, getting on my counter. Caspian was a flirty drunk, which didn’t surprise me. What surprised me was that Shan seemed to want public affection from him, because he sure as hell wasn’t the one who was going to be letting loose. I was pretty sure the faint smirk on his face was as loose as it got. “Well, enjoy yourselves then,” I said dumbly.

Hopefully, he couldn’t see on my face that I was running scenarios through my mind. Sexy scenarios where both men were tangled together in a mess of limbs and pleasure.

His smirk deepened as I glared again, finally schooling my features. “Oh, I’m sure we will.”

When he moved away from the bar with a shot in each hand, my attention followed. Caspian was across the room, chatting with a woman who scampered away as soon as she caught sight of the incoming angel. Shan got up close and personal with Cas, tipping the shot back into his mouth in a move that was strangely sensual. Dominant. Then he placed the lime between Caspian’s teeth and did his own shot, before looking back at me.

He was checking to see if I was watching, the bastard.

Of course I was. How could I not when they were both sexy as sin and just as into me as they were into each other?

I made a few more drinks for people, my brain not on task but my hands knowing the movements without thought. The next time I saw them, I was sliding a rum and coke across the bar to a waiting fae. I could barely stop the drink from going over the opposite side of the bar with the force I suddenly thrust at it.

In the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by bodies but within view of my workspace, Shan held Cas against him. Back to front. Caspian’s ass grinding to the beat of the music against a hard bulge in Shan’s pants. He’d thrown his head back against the man’s shoulder, eyes closed in bliss. Shan held his neck in an iron grip, keeping him right where he wanted him as he kissed and sucked at his neck. Even with the dim strobing lights, I could see the telltale darkening of hickeys that would disappear within minutes on a fae like Cas.
