Page 23 of Frayed Trust

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“Sorry,” I muttered a quick apology to the customer I’d almost drenched in coke.

If I hadn’t been using the descenter, my intense Omega arousal scent would have filled the entire club. As it was, a few people turned to look around in confusion, noses flaring. Slick dripped down my legs, sliding between my thighs as I pressed them together. Pressing them together wasn’t helping. Might be making it worse, giving me the tiniest bit of friction. “Good gods,” I said to myself, not even bothering to mutter. No one could hear a damn word I said over the DJ’s set.

Turning on my heel, I strode over to Loretta, grabbing her gently by the shoulder. “Can you cover my section for a minute? I have to use the washroom.”

“Sure, it’s slowed down for the moment, anyway.”

She glanced once at the end where the two vampires had been, but they were no longer sitting there. I had no doubt they were somewhere else in the club, but I wasn’t in the correct frame of mind to worry about that. Shoving through the throngs of people to get out from behind the bar, I made my way to the staff lounge. The washroom was blissfully empty, everyone busy with the patrons, and I locked myself inside with a sigh of relief.

These men were going to be the death of me. I was masturbating at work, for fuck’s sake.

My fingers nimbly slipped up under my skirt, finding my clit. I used my other hand to pinch and pull my nipples through the thin mesh top and bralette I was wearing. The pleasure built, hard and fast, remnants of arousal from my heat still plaguing me. My skin was hot, but I leaned back against the cool tile of the bathroom walls, making it easier to slide my thighs apart. With the image of them dancing clear in my head, it was only a couple of minutes before I was reaching my peak, coming with a loud moan and a gush of slick down my thighs.

At least that would be the end of that. An orgasm should tamp down my arousal enough that I wouldn’t need to come back here and clean up again.

As I was wiping my inner thighs down with a damp paper towel, though, I heard whispers from out in the employee lounge. Then the doorknob jiggled and my heart damn near stopped because I recognized the scent seeping through the cracks.

It wasn’t one that I was happy to smell in a private area where no one would come to interrupt.

Chapter 9


Intheenclosedspaceof the bathroom, the metallic scent of rot made me gag. Thinking was difficult when I was trying to control my reflex to puke into the sink, but I had to do something. The vamps were right outside this door, and they wouldn’t be for long. A simple lock couldn’t keep them out, and as soon as they’d tried the door, they’d decided they were coming in.

There were no windows in this bathroom, only vents to help with air circulation. Could I hoist my body up to the ceiling and through a vent? Unlikely, and I doubted I’d shimmy far enough that they wouldn’t be able to grab my ankle and drag me back down. I didn’t have a phone on me to call for help, not that any of my coworkers would answer during their shifts.

“Oswald, you’re summoned,” I whispered, hoping my voice didn’t echo too much.

Tossing away the paper towel I’d been using to clean myself up, my familiar appeared in front of me. His confusion morphed into a feral snarl when he realized what was going on.“I need you to get Caspian and Shan.”

“We can take care of this ourselves.”

For once, Ozzy was more protective of my independence than I was.“Not if I don’t want to be caught. This is the staff bathroom. Now go, because the lock won’t hold them long. Only until they figure out that Mattie put in an extra locking mechanism.”

He vanished as quick as he’d come and I released a breath of relief. I would hold my own until Caspian and Shan got here, assuming they hadn’t disappeared into the back alley for a quickie. It had been looking like the flirtation was going in that direction when last I’d seen them. Oswald was right, taking care of both of them myself would be possible with his help. But I would have to use an amount of magic that would leave me drained, and I wasn’t willing to bet on being able to clean up before another employee came back here.

When the knob jiggled again, more vigorously, I was grateful for the measures Mattie had taken when he put this place together. We all knew how easy it was for the stronger races to break a lock, often without even trying. Bursting into locked rooms led to some embarrassing situations if they weren’t careful. So, he’d put an additional locking mechanism on all doors, hidden in the body of it. Breaking it took effort, so no one accidentally barged in.

Within a few seconds, these two vampires were going to barge in on me very much on purpose.

A weapon would be helpful, but I didn’t have one on me. In the past, I’d kept one at all times, but when the investigation started poking around me, I’d stopped. Being armed as a random Beta witch could appear suspicious. From now on, I would have to take my chances with being labelled suspicious, because I would not be caught in this situation again. All I had was my magic to protect me.

One final jiggle and they slammed the door in, falling half off the hinges and causing a resounding crash. Maybe the people in the club would hear it. Unlikely, but possible. I darted out of the way and pressed myself into the corner of the room. Being trapped like this made my body go into fight mode, arms up to fend off my attackers.

They came at me fast, speed one trait that made vampires so powerful and deadly. Extended fangs glinted under the harsh glare of the overhead lighting. Beyond them, there was no one I could see, leaving me to fend for myself. At least there were only two men. Under my breath, I whispered the words to a spell, reaching out to grab hold of one vamp at the last second.

He collapsed to the ground, muscles limp, but he wasn’t easy to keep down. This man had been prepared for a fight, unlike most of the men I’d murdered. There was no element of surprise to keep him stunned. My magical energy was draining with every second as he fought against it, and I could hardly focus on the other man. With my defenses down, he wrapped a hand around my throat, choking me in a way that was distinctly not sexy. Black spots danced on the edges of my vision as I struggled in his grasp, barely managing to keep the other man down.

Seconds before everything went black, I glimpsed gleaming white wings in my peripheral vision.

Then the hand was gone and I dropped like a rock to the floor. Chest heaving as I gasped for breath, I watched as Shan used his light to bind my attacker. Caspian had the other one, and I released my grip on the spell keeping him immobile, letting my magic work to strengthen my body instead.

I’d never seen an angel look so murderous. Shan’s brown eyes were burning with rage and he was glowing brightly enough that I shielded my eyes from the view. His body was stiff with tension, and there were a few dishevelled strands of hair pulled out from his bun to frame his face. There was no floral in his scent, only heavy ink and paper.

Caspian’s scent was similar. The light sensual notes were replaced by aggressive winter pine. His incubus charms had the vampire on his knees in front of him, unable to resist the urge to submit to him. Cas also had a hand on his prisoner’s shoulder. Where he touched, the skin was turning blue with frostbite, delicate ice designs growing from the origin point until they covered most of his body. I’d had yet to experience his abilities, but it had to be Caspian’s fae magic he was using. Snow and ice and frigid winds. The temperature of the air had dropped low enough that I was shivering.

And I never got cold. Hot and bothered, remember?
