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Fuck that.I mean, sure I could appreciate the male was handsome as hell, even with the horns and tail, but no way was I that foolish. No, the asshole was messing with my mind just like Locke had. He had to be. I wouldn’t let him rattle me.

Glaring, I didn’t say anything as A-Two slid my dagger into the side of his leather pants, and I took a mental note of the name he’d just mentioned.Dar.He had to be talking about another one of the monsters who’d gone to my island.

“Well, now that you’ve had your fun, shall we?” He smiled and casually gestured toward the door.

When I continued to glare at him, he strode through the doorway, his large steps taking him swiftly down the tunnel. Of course, the arrogant monster knew I would follow him.

Hurrying from my room, I caught up to him and fell into step behind. He didn’t bother turning to look at me when I joined him, but I had no doubt he knew I was there.

I eyed the handle of my dagger bobbing above his leather pants as he walked. My fingers twitched as I thought of how easily I could grab it, but I snuffed out the thought. If I grabbed it, he’d be on me in a moment, and then what?

Having momentarily given up on the idea, I let my gaze wander, and I found myself staring at his ridiculously perfect ass. The black leather pulled tight with each stride, molding to each cheek and giving me a sinful view.

As if he could feel my gaze, he turned his head to peer at me. Quickly, I forced my attention to his face, but his knowing smirk told me he knew I’d been perving. My cheeks flushed with heat, but I gave him my best “so what?” face.

Shaking his head, he let out a low chuckle. “Lotsof fun,” he muttered under his breath.

Holy goddess, what the hell is wrong with me?

The walk seemed never-ending until we veered off to the right down an even narrower tunnel and entered a wide cavern. Sand crunched under my feet as we crossed to the middle of the room. Again, the torches lining the walls were up much too high for me to reach, but in this cavern, a space for each torch had been carved out of the wall.

My brows knitted as I took in the empty room. “Where are the others?”

“Others?” A-Two responded, turning to look at me.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. He had to know who I was talking about. “The other villagers,” I clarified.

“Oh, they’ve already been,” he said casually.

What the hell does that mean?But then I saw the blood splatters and footprints scattered across the sand, and my stomach plummeted. I clenched my jaw, grinding my teeth together. “If you killed them…,” I seethed.

He lifted a brow and didn’t bother hiding his amused smile. “Then I don’t doubt you’d try to avenge them.”

“Well, did you?”

“They’re still breathing,” he said with a shrug. His gaze flicked across the cavern, and I turned to see he was staring at nothing but a bare part of the cavern wall. Frowning, I wondered whether he was trying to tell me something.Are the villagers behind the wall?The notion was absurd, but anything was possible in this place.

He turned his attention back to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’ve been looking forward to watchin’ you dance. We all have. If anything’s goin’ to make you change, it’ll be this. Have fun, Sharachi.”

Watching me dance, what does—?Before I even had the chance to try and decipher his words, he was striding back toward the door. I only had enough time to yell, “My name’s not Sharachi!” just before the iron door slammed shut.Make me change?I’d barely turned the question over in my mind, when I found myself gaping as the door disappeared into the gray stone wall of the cavern as if it had never been there in the first place. All that was left was me, a human, on the bloodied sand.

My hands grew clammy as I scanned the cavern again.Goddess, I wish the asshole hadn’t taken my dagger.All right, so it probably wouldn’t have helped me much, but it would have been something.My internal whine died as a strange creaking noise sounded, and my gaze shot upward. High above, a hidden panel shifted in the ceiling, and then something was falling right toward me. I sidestepped just in time to avoid the small stone that would have smacked onto my skull.

The rock thudded to the ground, and I stared in disbelief as it was sucked into the sand and disappeared from sight.Well, that’s not good.I squinted as if hoping to see some small detail I was missing, like you know, absolutely anything that made sense about this whole situation, but another creak from above drew my attention.

Another falling rock careened toward me, and I dodged to the side to avoid it. Like the other one, it was also eaten by the sand, and a sickening feeling wormed through my gut. This one was larger than the last—half the size of my clenched fist.

I looked at where the door had been only moments earlier, and I darted over, running my fingers along the bare rocky wall. When I found there were no hidden grooves indicating a door, just smooth, cold stone, I let out a growl of frustration. A creaking sounded overhead, and I jumped away from the wall as a third rock fell from the ceiling, thudding onto the sand inches from my toes.

A-Two’s words came to me as I stared at the rock sinking into the sand like the others had.If anything’s goin’ to make you change, it’ll be this.Again, I asked myself the question:Change into what?

Rolling my shoulders, I peered upward as another creak sounded from above, and I moved quickly to the side. I’d been running around the island since Cara had been taken, knowing that an agile body was often the key to survival. Whatever this sick game of the monsters was, I could dodge a few rocks.

If they all wanted to see me sweat, fine. But I’d survive—for Cara’s sake. I’d find a way to escape.


~ Asher ~
