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An uneasy feeling wiggled inside me. Either he didn’t mean to zap me with his magic, or something was going on that he wasn’t telling me about.

I sighed heavily. Since I’d arrived, I’d been bombarded with secrets and had the attention of way too many sexy asshole monsters.Cara probably went through all of this. You’ll find her.I didn’t remind myself that Cara was likely dead.Was she crushed to death?I shook the thought away.

Darian obviously had no doubt I would follow him into the water, as by now he was halfway across the lake and the water reached up to his thighs. Without so much as a look in my direction, he dived, disappearing into the inky darkness.

I waited for him to reappear, but moments passed, and not even a ripple showed on the surface. I chewed the inside of my cheek and waited for some horrible monster to spring from the dark depths of the water. Darian may have said nothing was in there besides us, but as if I’d believed him.

Peering behind me, I was surprised to find the door to the cavern remained open. A stupid smile sprang to my face. There it was. My chance to escape.I turned, ready to leg it out of there, when a bewitching tune sang to me over the water.

I stilled and tilted my head to one side. The notes were light and seductively smooth as they rose and fell, a captivating melody that wrapped around me filling my senses. Every thought emptied out of my mind as I became enchanted by the music.You need to—I couldn’t remember. Whatever I had been about to do became a forgotten memory as note after note captured me. My body warmed, tingles spreading from the tips of my fingers to my toes.

The music grew louder, and an intense longing began to lead me deeper into the water, as if I was a boat being pulled by a strong current, bobbing along the waves.

It felt as though no time had passed when I found the cool water up to my waist, splashing at my arms and swirling around me as if it had a mind of its own. And then I saw him.

His torso reached above the water, every chiseled muscle gleaming under the purple lights from above. His silver hair had escaped from his ponytail and waved down his neck, and blue eyes that glittered like sapphires fixed on me.

His mouth was open, and his song continued to fill the air, notes flowing from his perfect lips, lips that I had to have on mine. Because Iwashis. Andonlyhis. The words echoed through every part of me, filling me with a lightness I relished. I wanted him to consume me, devour me. Nothing else mattered except that I had to get to him.

As if I had wished it true, suddenly he was before me. I had no idea how I’d gotten to him so fast, but I didn’t care. Smiling, I traced my fingertips down the hard panes of his achingly perfect chest.

A forgotten thought pressed against the edges of my mind, but I ignored it. How could I want to be thinking about anything else? A grin teased his lips as he sang to me, but then I was pressing my mouth to his neck, his skin cool on my lips, my tongue. He was sweet and salty all at the same time.

Water sprayed on me as a large, shimmering blue fishtail flicked out of the water and curled around my body, pulling me harder against him. I shivered as silky scales slipped across my back, sliding against my skin. A nagging thought pushed more incessantly at my mind, and this time, I pulled back with a frown.There’s something…

My thought trailed off as two strong arms wrapped around me, and his body grinded against mine. He pulled me deeper into the water, and I savored the feeling of his hands on my skin. But it wasn’t enough. I had to havemore. Heat grew in my core, and I squirmed, my need making me antsy.

Lifting me in the water, he cupped my ass, and I wrapped my legs around his torso. I writhed, desperate for more friction. His eyes grew hooded, and he dropped his mouth against the side of my head, his rich song taking me deeper into a blissful state.

My vision became a haze of purple, silver, and black, nothing but happiness filling me. “Please,” I whispered, but he only continued to sing.

The faint rush of water sounded in my other ear, and I vaguely noticed the water spraying on the boulders to my left, droplets flying onto my face. I blinked once. There was something about that sound. I turned to the waterfall, hardly registering the water that rained from above. The niggling thought from before clawed at my mind, and my head began to ache.

Hands tightened on my body, and a moan escaped me as he nuzzled my ear. My head throbbed more intensely as a thought tried to break through.There was something I had to…If I could just…The pain in my head grew so bad I squeezed my eyes shut, and then a burning bloomed in my stomach. An aching, bursting, unbearable feeling that cut through the fog of my mind. I had to get it out. Ineededto get it out. I needed to…

“I NEED TO PEE!” I screeched, my eyes snapping open. Startled arms released me, and I toppled backward, my head falling below the water before I had the sense to move my arms and rise again to the surface. I spluttered and sucked in a huge, gasping breath, one hand reaching down to rest on my aching abdomen.

Blinking, I peered around as if I was finally seeing clearly for the first time in a long while. An eerie silence filled the cavern, the only sound the rush of the water.

Darian was still before me, his ridiculously sculpted chest still bare. I stared at that chest as I struggled to understand what I’d just done. “Did I just…Taste you?”My mouth gaped open in horror.

I recoiled, moving backward in the water, and another thought came to me. “And do you have a freakingfishtail?”

He stared at me for a moment longer as if shocked by my outburst, but then he tipped his head back, and the bastardlaughed.And it wasn’t just ordinary laughter but the tears-coming-out-of-your-eyes kind of laughter.

I’m going to kill him.

I’d been tricked.Violated.Somehow entranced to think he was some sort of love god, and I was his, and we were perfect together, and… I didn’t have time right now to kick his ass. Because I wasn’t lying. I needed to relieve myself. I needed to peebadly. The sound of all the rushing water made medesperateto go. I was an idiot for trying to hold it. I was now convinced that the burning in my stomach was worse than any of the tortures the monsters had put me through.

I didn’t wait for Darian. I’d have to deal with his violating hands later. Turning, I didn’t even wait for him to finish laughing, I just raced out of there. I expected him to stop me at the door, but he only followed, his footsteps padding behind me. I vaguely wondered how he was able to lose his tail so quickly, but right now, I had bigger things to think about.

I retraced our steps back to my room with surprising accuracy. I never would have expected to have remembered the way back, but it seems when your body is in a desperate situation, it’s amazing what it can accomplish.

I made it back in record time and slammed the door before Darian could follow me in. I mean, he could open the door, of course, but just the act of slamming a door in his face left me with a small sense of satisfaction.

Using the water closet was utter bliss.Way more blissful than having my legs wrapped around…Heat flooded me, and I clenched my legs together.What would have happened if I hadn’t needed to pee and broken myself out of the trance?

I groaned, frustrated at myself. I’d been tortured three times since tumbling into this maddening world, and each time, I’d proved I was no match for these monsters. I was never going to be able to slip away and find Cara.
