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Striding back into the main room, I nibbled some crusty bread, and gulped down a cup of the pink liquid that had been replenished while I had been sleeping earlier.

When moments passed and Darian still didn’t appear, I stripped out of my dress, laid it on the floor to dry, and crawled onto the cot. Then I threw the blanket over myself and pretended I could block out the world and the treacherous images of a muscled monster chest that kept appearing in my mind.Monster assholes.


~ Darian ~

“Whatthefuckwasthat, Dar?”

I padded to where my brothers stood before a rocky wall, leaving a trail of wet footprints in my wake.

“What was what?” I asked innocently, turning to look at Locke’s hard expression.

“You know what,” Kade growled. “You don’t let the humans touch you. You sing enough to get them entranced and searching for you, but you don’t let them touch you.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “Our lovely human wasn’t changing, so I thought I’d give her a stronger dose.”

“You entranced her so deeply she lost all sense of herself,” Kade added.

My lips curled upward. “I just wanted to know…” I trailed off as I recalled the strange crackling energy I’d felt when the human had taken my hand. It had almost reminded me of… I shook my head, purging my mind of the thoughts that were impossible. It was obviously some weird malfunction of my own power. No point telling the others I was damaged. Still, I’d wanted to see what would happen if I’d touched her again. The strange sensation hadn’t repeated when her tongue had slid up my neck. Nor when her legs had straddled me like—

Asher shoved my arm. “Stop grinning so hard. You look like an idiot.”

“Jealous, brother?” I asked, my smile widening.

Asher laughed. “Do you blame me?”

“You wanted to knowwhatexactly?” Locke said.

I glanced at Locke, and the lie came out easily. “If she could handle more, and if something would happen. She turned a rocky ceiling to stone last time. Who’s to say what else she can do?”

All four of us were silent as tension filled the air.

“She broke free from my power today,” I finally added, breaking the silence.

“She needed to pee,” Asher commented pointedly with a smirk.

A smile teased my lips, but my expression remained thoughtful. “No one has ever broken free. Not just with my power. Breaking the power of any siren isn’t heard of.” I turned to look at the rocky wall, and as if on command, the wall shimmered and became clear, and then I could see out over the waterfall and across the span of water in the adjoining cavern.

Locke and the others stepped up beside me and followed my gaze over the water.

“How was the hunt?” I asked.

Locke exhaled sharply and his eyes darkened. “We captured a barghest. Warrick is satisfied for now.”

“The beast was almost the size of a small house,” Kade added. “This one better last him fucking longer than the chimera.”

Locke continued to stare at the lake. “The outliers are becoming more common. There were three barghests tonight.” Turning his head, he peered at me. “Anything out of the ordinary happen with the other humans?”

I shook my head. “Four more changed today. Three sirens with the power of song, and a banshee who almost burst my eardrums before I overpowered her. They were all shocked, but they still had their humanity, mostly.”

“With the others that have already turned, that leaves two remaining humans in a mountain of monsters,” Asher added, folding his arms across his chest.

“The only one who was different is Raine,” I said, gesturing to the waterfall and the lake, though the human was back in her room. “The others succumbed to my song with hardly any effort.”

Three pairs of eyes shot to me, and I didn’t hide the ridiculous smile on my face.

“Raine?” Locke asked, and I didn’t miss the irritation in his voice.
