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“The human,” I said casually. “Her name’s Raine.”

My brothers continued to stare at me as if they couldn’t believe what I was saying. I knew this would bother them. It was clear the human had us all curious, and the fact I knew more about her than them had to be eating them alive.

“Next he’ll be saying he wants to claim her during the Week of Orash,” Kade growled.

I arched a brow. I had no intention of fighting to claim one of the newly turned, but Raine was…special. The idea of her joining the House of Saceris—high house of the water monsters—annoyed me. I only hoped she didn’t turn into any kind of water monster so there was no chance she could join my old house. She didn’t belong with those self-conceited pretenders any more than I did. Being with the House of Saceris would stifle her spirit.

Would I fight to claim the lovely Raine if she turned into a water monster?There was something irresistible about her. Ever since she’d touched my palm, I couldn’t stop picturing her beautiful face or her delectable body. And the feel of her tongue on my neck was—

“I’m up tomorrow,” Kade said, pulling me from my thoughts. “Then we’ll know what she is. No one has made it through the fourth test without changing.”


~ Raine ~

Afistbangingonmy door startled me awake. “Go away,” I grumbled, my words slurred with sleep. It was hard to know how much time had passed in this forsaken place without sunlight to mark passing days, but weariness made it hard to move.Are there days in hell? Or am I just enduring a single long night for eternity?

The hinges on the door squeaking and the torches on the walls flaring to life alerted me to the fact someone had entered my room. I should have jumped out of bed, ready to face my intruder, but today it was as if all of my strength had been sapped away. They’d tried to kill me, toyed with me, and frankly, they could wait a few damn minutes.

“Time to go, Sharachi,” said a deep voice.

Ah, A-Two.The bastard who’d tried to crush me.Well, he can wait a little longer before putting me through another ordeal like that.“A few more minutes,” I mumbled. If he wanted to torture me, he’d have to get me out of bed first. I suspected the hard mattress was part of the torture, but honestly, it was similar to what I had at home.Home.It was funny thinking of the island and our village as that. After Cara had been taken, the island hadn’t felt like home anymore, but I guessed that was what it was.

Heavy steps came closer to the bed, and the strange pull I felt when I was near the monster came to life, urging me to move closer to him. I cracked open an eye and peeked out at the figure towering over me.

An amused grin pulled at A-Two’s mouth. “Look, I get it. If I had my way, I’d still be in bed as well. But the thing is, Kade hates waiting.”

Kade?“Good for him.” I shut my eyes again but sighed in resignation. Angering any monster did seem like a bad idea even if it was satisfying. I was about to lift my ass when my thin blanket was ripped from me.

I yelped and curled into a ball on my side. “What the hell!”

“Shit, sorry, I didn’ realize you were, uh—” A-Two’s gaze traveled from where he now spotted my white dress spread out on the floor and then back to me in only my panties.

“My dress was wet, asshole,” I said, snatching the blanket back. I was about to wrap it around myself, but A-Two’s heated gaze had me stilling, the blanket forgotten. His gaze slowly trailed to my breasts and belly before lifting again, a mischievous glint brightening his eyes.

My nipples hardened in response, my pulse quickening. Logically, I knew I should have been wanting to stab the monster, perhaps in the eye this time, but his gaze had my breath catching in my throat.

Just when I thought he was about to reach for me, he swallowed and blinked, as if pulled from his own trance, though he didn’t seem at all remorseful for his wandering gaze. “I’ll wait outside. You’d better get dressed.”

He started toward the door but stopped and turned back to me. “Or don’t,” he said with a wink and exited the room.

I cursed under my breath, hastily pulled on my dress, and rushed to use the water closet—I wasn’t going to makethatmistake again. After shoving a mouthful of bread into my mouth, I found the arrogant bastard waiting, his violet eyes glowing in the darkness. His gaze raked over my body in the dress. “Shame,” he muttered and started walking.

Narrowing my eyes, I followed after him. Despite the strange urge I had to be near him, I imagined how it would feel to wrap my hands around his neck and cut off his air supply. I’d probably have to use the crook of my arm.

“You know, the least you could do is tell me how many days I’ve been here. How do you know when it’s night?”

He strode a few more steps, then paused briefly. “Four.”

My brows slammed down. “Four?”

“This is your fourth night here. Monsters are awake during the night and sleep during the day, so we count the nights.”

Of course they do.I thought about the previous three ordeals I’d been through. “Each time, a different one of you has come to collect me. Shouldn’t it have been the monster with the pointed ears’ turn to get me?”

“Pointed ears? Oh, Kade. I’m taking you to him,” he said over his shoulder.

I remembered what A-Two had said back in the room.Kade doesn’t like to wait. So the fourth monster is Kade.I knew three of their names now, and for some reason, the thought made me feel a little powerful. Like the more I knew about these males, the more chance I had to survive them.
