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Why hasn’t she changed?This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Fear was supposed to bring on the change. All the other humans had already transformed, but not her.

My wolf jumped up and his strong jaws snapped at her heels. His teeth missed by a mere inch, but she’d scaled the wall high enough that he couldn’t get her. Not that it mattered.Remember, we only want to terrify the human, I reminded my wolf.

My wolf jumped up again, and his mouth opened wide just as she…slipped.

His huge jaws snapped shut, his long fangs sinking into warm flesh as the human’s leg fell into his mouth. Lightning zapped through us as her skin touched my wolf’s tongue, and pain seared down my wolf’s throat, making him cough and splutter.

He hadn’t been expecting to capture anything but air, and he gagged as blood filled his mouth, his sharp fangs buried deep into her flesh. Her weight knocked him backward, and he released her leg on instinct as both he and the human sprawled to the ground.

The lightning pain disappeared as soon as her skin disconnected with my wolf’s tongue, and he jumped back to his feet.

The human remained on her back on the ground, red blood oozing from her leg, soaking her tattered white dress. She stared up at my wolf with wide eyes, all trace of fear replaced with…disappointment?

I took control, forcing my wolf back beneath my skin, my limbs shifting and morphing back to my human form. When the shift was complete, I crouched beside her, inspecting the wound on her thigh. It was fucking bad. Her blood gushed freely, red pooling onto the rocky ground, and I grimaced at the sight of what my wolf had done to her. There was too much blood.

My gaze lifted to her face, only to find she was looking at…a different part of me.

Heat rose in me as she continued to stare.

She blinked slowly, her gaze sliding up my chest, burning its way back to my face. Nudity wasn’t something that bothered wolves, but I couldn’t deny the affect her gaze had on me.

“Well, good for you,” she said, her words slurred, and then her eyes closed.

Thehumanwaslightin my arms as I carried her through the tunnels of the mountain, her head lolling to the side.Raine. That was what Darian had said her name was.

“What the fuck happened?” Locke asked as he, Asher, and Darian appeared behind me.

“He tried to eat her,” Darian drawled, though he was striding quickly to keep up with us.

Asher peered at Raine’s limp body. “Human’s lost a lot of blood, Kade,” he commented grimly. “You were only supposed to frighten her.”

“I fucking know,” I grumbled. “She fell.”

Asher rubbed at his chest with his palm. “Fucking Halced, this pain.”

Pain?I halted abruptly, and the others almost slammed into me. “What pain?” I growled, spinning toward him with my brows lowered.

Asher rubbed his chest again. “She’s zapping me with something. My damn chest feels like it’s on fire. It’s been happening since she touched me.”

“You feel it too?” Locke said in surprise, his dark eyes widening.

I glowered at the pair of them, unable to believe what I was hearing. “Why didn’t you fucking say anything?” I thought of the searing pain in my chest that was growing in intensity, like something was trying to burrow to my heart.

“I thought it was just me,” Locke said, thoughtfully. “I didn’t want to burden any of you until I knew what I was dealing with.”

“We,” Darian added, and the three of us turned to look at him.

He shrugged as if the fact he’d also been feeling the pain was no big deal. “I felt something when she grabbed my hand for the first time. I thought it was something to do with my own magic. Didn’t feel anything the next time I touched her.”

“Do you feel it now?” I barked. “The pain in your chest,” I clarified. Fuck, my brothers were fools. We weren’t supposed to keep secrets from one another.

Darian grimaced. “Unfortunately, yes. It’s like something is trying to claw its way past my ribs. It’s rather bothersome.”

I grunted and continued striding down the tunnel with more haste than before.

“What’s it mean?” Asher asked from behind me, staring over my shoulder at the red-haired human again.

“Since I touched her, I can feel her,” I stated without looking back.
