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“She’s in your arms, brother. Of course you can feel her,” Asher said, a smirk in his voice.

“Not physically. It’s like my wolf can feel her life force.”

“I feel it too,” said Locke, his face devoid of humor. “I just didn’t fucking realize what I was feeling.”

“And here I thought the human was just workin’ her magic on me,” Asher said.

“Whatever this feeling is, I’m guessing the fact her energy appears to be growing weaker right now isn’t a good sign,” Darian pointed out.

“No, it fucking isn’t,” I growled and started sprinting down the tunnel. I hated this. It wasn’t just the pain. For countless years, I’d managed to keep a part of myself locked away. Buried deep so the memories didn’t drive me mad. But as soon as the human had touched me, something inside me had changed.

It wasn’t just that I could feel her life force, but it was the sudden urge I had to…protect her. The feeling had bile rushing up my throat, sweat streaming down the side of my face, and fear darkening my thoughts. Because I couldn’t protect her. I couldn’t protect anyone.

When I reached the door to our room, I didn’t wait for Locke to open it. I kicked it open, tearing it off its hinges, and strode inside.


~ Raine ~

Asharppainlancedup my leg, bringing me back to consciousness, and I opened my eyes. It took a few blinks before I understood what I was seeing. Kade and A-Two crouched over me, way too close for my liking, and Locke and Darian stood watching close by.

I was surrounded by monsters. All four of them.Fuck.An increase in pressure on my leg sent a new wave of pain up my body, and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from crying out.Don’t you dare, Raine. Don’t give them that satisfaction. Just breathe.

I forced myself to let out a shaky breath, and my gaze narrowed on where A-Two’s large fingers probed around the brutal-looking bite mark on my thigh. His hand dangerously close to…

“He tried to EAT MY VAGINA!” The words were a strangled, surprised accusation.

Choked laughter and a snort sounded from Locke and Darian, and A-Two’s hand stilled as he stared dumbly at me, but I wasn’t looking at him. My gaze had pinpointed the monster who’d tried to kill me in the latest attempt. The wolf monster who’d sunk his fangs into my thigh.

No emotion showed on Kade’s handsome face aside from the slight downturn of his brow, his golden gaze calm and assessing. He was still naked, the bulging muscles of his abdomen crunched as he squatted beside A-Two. I forced myself not to let my gaze fall lower than his belly, knowing full well if I did, I’d get another glimpse of his huge…

“You fell into my mouth,” he said matter-of-factly, his voice a deep, rasping growl. “You shouldn’t have run.”

I pursed my lips.Right. Don’t run from the massive, angry wolf.No wonder he had a massive cock. Hewasa huge dick. “You shouldn’t have chased me,” I retorted.

A-Two’s fingers prodded at my wound again, sending an even worse stab of pain up my leg, and I almost lifted my good leg to try to kick him in the face. “A-Two, would you keep your damn hands to yourself!” I blurted.

A-Two’s brow creased with confusion. “A-Two?” The horned monster didn’t pull his fingers from my leg.

“Yeah, A-Two, as in, Asshole Two,” I clarified, quite happy to call him an asshole to his face, seeing as the fucker had his fingers basically prodding my vagina, and not in a good way. “I know their names are Locke, Darian, and Kade,” I said, gesturing with my head to the others, “but I don’t know yours. Asshole Two seemed fitting.”

“Asshole Two,” Darian mused thoughtfully, reaching a hand up to stroke his chin. “Well, that’s downright delightful. I’m using that from now on.”

A-Two glowered at the silver-haired male, but amusement shone in his eyes.

I licked my dry lips, suddenly more aware of my position. I was surrounded by monsters, wounded and vulnerable. And here I was, insulting them. Again. What was I thinking? “Uh, so I’ll just be going back to my room now,” I said. As much as I’d come to hate my little prison of a room, it was better than being here, surrounded bythem.I leaned forward, and my face scrunched with pain at the movement. I blinked furiously, refusing to let the tears welling in my eyes spill down my cheeks.Note to self: wolf bites hurt like a bitch.A firm hand with violet nails pressed against my chest, forcing me back down on the cushioned chair, and I glared at A-Two.

“Tell you what. If I let you know my name, will you stop strugglin’ so we can fix you up?” he asked.

“Fix me up?” I figured they weren’t going to kill me, or they would have done it already, but I hadn’t expected that they’d want to tend to my wound. My mouth popped open in surprise.

“You’ve lost a lot of blood,” Locke said, his eyes dark. “If we don’t do something, you’ll die. You want us to save you, or you wouldn’t have linked to us, right,beautiful?”

Linked to them?I didn’t have the energy to question what he was talking about. My eyelids drooped, and I struggled to keep them open.

“Stay awake,” Kade growled.

Pressure on my wound sent a new surge of pain through me, and my eyes opened wider.
