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“What did you do to us?” Kade asked, his voice cold.

I sucked a breath through my teeth at the pain, but a whimper slipped from my lips.

“She’ll bleed out at this rate. Dar, the bottle,” Locke snapped.

I watched as Darian grabbed a bottle of glowing blue liquid from an open medical kit spread near him and handed it to Kade.

I swallowed, still not quite believing that the monsters were trying to help me.What if this is another torture they have planned? Why else would they pretend to help me?

“Name’s Asher,” A-Two said, his violet gaze holding mine.

I stilled as I stared at him, my panic subsiding. There was something about those eyes that made me want to trust him, even though it went against everything I thought I knew. “Fine,” I whispered.

Asher’s answering smile left my stomach doing flips. “Good girl, Sharachi.”

Sharachi?I was about to ask about the name he kept calling me when Kade’s words cut my thought off.

“This’ll hurt,” the wolf monster interrupted and began pouring the blue liquid on the bite wound.

I tipped my head back and squeezed my eyes shut as the pain intensified, and an alcoholic smell filled my nostrils.Fuck.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked through gritted teeth, but I never heard the response as darkness crept over my vision and swallowed me whole.

Openingmyeyes,Ifound I was no longer in the same room as before but on a massive bed with pillows so soft they cradled my cheeks. The masculine scents of sandalwood and coffee surrounded me, and I wondered whose room I was in.

The pain in my thigh had dulled to an ache, and I frowned as I remembered Kade pouring the blue liquid onto my wound.How long was I out?The bite had been nasty, and it wouldn’t have healed quickly.

Locke. Asher. Darian. Kade.I thought of the four monsters who had taken me from my island. I knew all their names now. Sure, they weren’t as fitting as what I’d been calling them, but…shit. Knowing their names made them seem like more than just the monsters I’d grown up hating. I squashed the thought. They stole people from my island. They’d stolen Cara all those years ago, and they’d probably only saved me because they didn’t want to lose their latest toy.

Peering around the dark room, I could only just make out a writing desk against one wall, near a richly carved wardrobe. To my left, the door was cracked, letting a sliver of light spill onto the carpeted floor. Hushed voices sounded through the open door, and I strained my ears to make out the conversation.

“Raine’s energy is returning. She’ll be fine,” said a lilting voice.

“Even if Kade’s wolf tried to eat her,” said a deep voice, a smirk in his tone. “What was that about bein’ able to keep it in your pants, brother? As I recall, you weren’t wearin’ any.”

“My wolf didn’t eat her, for fuck’s sake. She fell.”

“Right, I’ll use that excuse after my next hookup. The female will just ‘happen’ to fall onto my cock then too.”

There was some grunting and the sound of shoving before someone grumbled. “At least that damn pain from my chest is gone.”

A pause, and then a sharp voice. “It would have been better for her if she’d died. No one has gone through the fourth trial without changing. We all know what this means.”

My brows lowered.The fourth trial?I remembered the wolf monster chasing me around the boulders in the cavern. It was the fourth ordeal they’d put me through.It was a test?

“We couldn’t let her die. When her life force was weakening, ours was too. We all felt it. Until we sever whatever bond she’s forged with us, we need to keep her alive. Besides, the Taratun council won’t be happy if we lose a human.”

Bond? These monsters are making no sense.

“Could she be a fae spy?”

A low growl. “It would explain the combat training she’s had.”

“She’s too oblivious. Her methods too sloppy. She’s had some training, but it’s not at all like the fae Haraks art of fighting. More likely, she’s a human trying to be a hero.”

I scoffed. I wasn’t trying to be a hero. I just wanted to save my sister. And what the hell were fae?

“Humans don’t have magic,” another voice pointed out. “And they certainly can’t turn stone to sand or bond themselves to monsters. The magic of this mountain is changing her into something. We can’t deny that.”
