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“Not at all,” she said primly, but we both knew I hadn’t really left her with a choice. She owed us for standing by her all those years ago when the leaders of the other houses had tried to push her and her mates out. Like us, Lyr didn’t like playing by the rules.

Like me and my brothers, Lyr and her males were all different types of monsters, and they should have belonged to other houses, but there was no separating them. When she’d put forward the case that she wanted to create her own lower house, my father had been the only one on the council she couldn’t influence.

Lyr was a white tiger shifter and a spy, a good one, and I suspected she’d blackmailed half the council. Those she couldn’t blackmail, she’d bribed using riches that had likely come from their own pockets.

My father had been the only one still standing in her way, and that was where I’d come in. I’d known the favor she owed me would be useful one day, but I’d never imagined it would be for this. I was willing to bet neither had she.

“Did you bring what we asked?”

My gaze went to Kade, and he nodded his response, confirming he’d asked for what we’d discussed.

“I’ll admit, I was intrigued by your request, four males asking for females’ clothing?” One of her brows rose, but I didn’t take the bait. Realizing I wasn’t going to play, she gestured to Dean. The green monster lifted the case he was carrying and placed it on the table before me. Unclipping the metal clasps, he let the lid fall open.

“I only have three garments I can spare, newly created by my tailors. They have been made to my specifications, but they should do if the female’s of a similar size.”

I eyed the shiny leather garments neatly folded in the case. Knowing Lyr, they’d likely cost an immense sum and had been crafted using Katakin’s top tailor, but they’d be practical. “They’ll do. And the vials?”

Her chin tipped upward slightly, but she reached into her pocket and held out three glass vials filled with black blood. “This will buy you time, but only if Warrick doesn’t analyze the blood too closely. Otherwise, it’ll become obvious this is shifter blood.Myblood.”

Grabbing the vials, I stuffed them into my pocket. “We only need a few nights.”

Lyr watched me carefully. “You know you won’t be able to hide her for long. Once the week is up, the human will have to compete like all the other newbloods.”

I resisted the urge to rub my temple. Kade had agreed not to tell Lyr or her mates anything about Raine and our plans, but I wasn’t surprised the tiger shifter had figured it out on her own. Hell, the human’s scent was all over the place. “By then she’ll have changed,” I said.

“And if she hasn’t? You know what this could mean.”

I sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of my nose. “We’ll deal with that if the time comes.”

Lyr’s expression became serious. “No one has seen Queen Izla since she slipped through that portal two hundred years ago. When King Adrien went to that island and found only the humans, he’d been on a rampage. It was lucky he’d come to his senses and realized the humans could be useful if they had an agreement. For almost two centuries, we’ve used the humans as test subjects to check if the curse remained the same. In all that time, the curse has never changed. If the human doesn’t turn, there are many who would be interested. And what if the fae find out—”

“There hasn’t been a fae attack in years,” Darian commented.

“We need to be united if we’re to stand a chance,” Lyr continued, not deterred by Darian’s comment. Her blue gaze sharpened. “The balance is fragile. Between the threat of fae attacks and the appearance of the outlier monsters, there are many who are uncertain. When the monarchy crumbled and the high houses were created and took power, governed by the council, there was at least a sense of peace. That peace can’t be upset. Monsters do horrible things when they are afraid.”

I slid my gaze to Asher then, worried Lyr’s comment might have triggered him to think about his past, but my friend just grinned back at me.

“Lyr, can we rely on you not to say anything?” I asked.

She stared at me, as if insulted by my words. “Just be careful who you speak to about the human. Even your father—”

My angry glare was enough to quiet her. “No one will know other than those in this room. Why do you think we require your blood?”

She nodded then, but her brow remained creased. “I need a drink.”

Before she’d even turned to the table of spirits, Dean was striding there. He poured both Lyr and himself a drink and placed a silver goblet in Lyr’s hands.

“Thanks,” she said to her mate with a smile that was so full of genuine happiness that I felt uncomfortable watching them.

The shifter lifted the goblet to her lips. I wanted to ask her about the bond the human had forged among me and my brothers. If anyone had answers, it would be her. Lyr had been Queen Izla’s personal spy and knew all sorts of information about monsters and magic. But while she was one of the only other monsters we trusted, we didn’t need her knowing that a human could be our destruction.

Lyr downed her drink in one motion and pulled the goblet from her lips. “Well, if that’s all, we’d better be on our way,” she said, placing the goblet on a nearby table and trailing her nails affectionately over Dean’s shoulder. “We left Nic and Soren dealing with a…minor inconvenience. I hope you guys know what you’re doing,” she purred and strode from the room, Dean close behind her.


~ Raine ~

“Youcancomeoutnow, Raine dearest,” Darian called from the common room.
