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He didn’t need to tell me twice. Now that the white-haired female was gone, I stepped out from where I’d been eavesdropping in Kade’s bedroom. The door had been cracked just enough that I was able to snatch glimpses of the female monster they called Lyr, and my stomach had dropped the moment I’d seen her. The monster looked like a goddess with eyes the color of the ocean and pouty pink lips that looked as though they were begging to be kissed.

Releasing a breath, I strode into the common room. “Who was that?” I asked. I’d meant to sound nonchalant, but my words came out clipped.

“A friend,” Kade growled.

Friend?I wasn’t sure why the thought of this female being their friend left my throat dry. I hated these monsters. Right? My gaze landed on the open case on the table closest to Locke.

Following my gaze, Locke gestured to the case before I could even ask. “Take these,” he said. His gaze swung to the right, landing on one of the iron doors. “Washroom’s through there.”

I eyed the door but didn’t move. “First, explain what you were talking about with that female. What did she mean when she said I have to compete?”

Locke’s eyes narrowed to slits, the whites disappearing, and a dark energy crackled through the room. “Clothes first. No one can concentrate when you’re standing there half-naked.”

I bit my tongue to stop myself from arguing and glared at him. From his hard gaze, I knew he wasn’t going to take nofor an answer, and if I refused, it wouldn’t have surprised me if he’d forced me into the washroom himself.

Cursing him under my breath, I strode over and surveyed the items in the case. Three garments were neatly folded, one red and two black, and all made of the finest leather I’d ever seen. I grabbed the red one in the middle and held it up, letting the material unfurl.

The leather top had a lowVin the chest and tapered off to a small waist. I raised a brow at the lowVbut didn’t comment. Anything was better than this shirt.

The next item was a pair of red trousers. The leather was so shiny I could see the outline of my face. They’d be slightly on the short side, but otherwise, they looked to be the right size.

A glimpse of lacy black material was hidden under one of the outfits, and I dug my fingers into the case, pulling it out and holding up…Lacy black panties?Well, I couldn’t fault Lyr for packing an entire outfit. She’d even packed two pairs of boots, one red and one black, which were folded at the bottom of the case.

“Thank you, Lyr,” Asher muttered behind me, but I didn’t give him the satisfaction of a reaction.

I didn’t care if the panties were lacy, nor did I care if Locke had specifically requested them or not. At least I had some.

Snatching up the outfit, I ignored the monsters who watched me and disappeared through the doorway that Locke had indicated led to the washroom.

Closing the door behind me, I spun to face the room, and my jaw dropped open. The space was even larger than Kade’s room. Blue torches flared to life up high on the walls, and a round pool was spread before me, taking up the majority of the space.

The sparkling blue water glittered, shining beautiful patterns on the stone walls. In the middle of the pool, water rushed out from a hole in the ceiling, spraying down, reminding me of the spray from a waterfall.

A mirror spread across the wall on the left, and a rack containing stacked towels was neatly pressed against the opposite wall. A small door sat at the far back, and I guessed it led to the water closet.

Mother, pinch me.

Dropping my new red outfit onto a stone shelf, I began to undress. When I was standing naked, I eyed the water. Locke had only ordered me to get changed, but it had been so long since I’d properly bathed, and I still had sand rubbing in places I didn’t want to think about from when the rocky ceiling had turned to sand.

Fuck it. If they’re going to make me wait for answers, they can wait too.I stepped down the stone steps that led into the pool, and groaned as I sank into the crystal water, the warmth of the liquid soothing my bruised body.

Swimming to the middle, I stood, letting the spray from the ceiling run down my face and stream down my hair. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the feel of the water rushing over my body, washing away the grime of the past few nights. For the briefest moment, it was as if I could wash away the memories. As if I was back on my island away from all of this. I’d often bathed in the spray of waterfalls on the island, and this was just as good. No, it wasbetter.I sighed.But you still haven’t found Cara.The thought speared through my feeling of bliss, leaving the dark stain of guilt. I didn’t have time for this. What was I doing?

I waded from the water and grabbed one of the plush black towels, drying myself off.

Idle chatter and laughter came from the common room, but for once, I wasn’t paying attention to what they said. When I was dry, I slid into the supple leather outfit left by the monster Lyr and peered at myself in the mirror.

I hardly recognized my reflection. The leather fitted tightly to me like a second skin, molding to every groove of my body, accentuating my thin waist and hugging tightly to my ass. The deepVof the top curved downward, revealing a healthy dose of cleavage.All right, ladies, I know it’s a squeeze, but it’s the best we’ve got, I mused internally, consoling my breasts.

Aside from being tight in the chest, the outfit fitted nicely. I looked…badass.The red leather was a vast improvement to the white dress I’d been wearing when I first arrived. I wasn’t sure how Locke thought this would be less of a distraction than the shirt, but that wasn’t my problem.

Smirking at my reflection, I raked my fingers through my wet strands of red-brown hair.Definitely an improvement.There were even hidden pockets around my ribcage, clearly designed for holding various blades and weapons.Lyr is my kind of girl.I instantly had a newfound respect for the female.

I finished the outfit with the pair of red boots and sauntered into the common room. I hadn’t really intended to sway my hips from side to side, but it was as if this outfit demanded I do it justice.

I’d barely made it a few steps from the door when four pairs of eyes were on me, watching me walk across the room.

Asher let out a low, appreciative whistle, his gaze trailing down my body and lingering on my cleavage. “Locke, you sure lettin’ her borrow Lyr’s outfit was a good idea? I’m not sure it fits.”
