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Asher and Darian walked with Kade down the tunnel, and I moved into step beside Raine who was following behind them. Her gaze was fixed on the deep wounds that had been carved into Kade’s back. They were bad, but nothing he wouldn’t heal from.

As we walked, I was shocked to find my anger dissolved as I stared at Raine. I took in her sweat-slick body, and couldn’t stop looking at where her thick, wavy hair curled down to the small of her back.

“He’s been like that since his family passed, hasn’t he?” she said, her voice quiet.

My mouth refused to work as I wondered exactly what had gone down with Zacal and the wolves. From the pair of them, it was obvious they’d fought. HadKadefinally fought back?

“Yes,” I said, not wanting to give anything else away. It was Kade’s story to tell, if he hadn’t already.

She simply nodded, as if all I’d done was confirm her own thoughts.

“What happened, Raine?” I asked.

She blinked up at me, as if she was surprised I had used her name. I couldn’t blame her, because I felt the same way. It had just slipped out, the sound of it feeling so delicious and right on my tongue. Like she was a part of our group and always had been.

I shut down my emotions, my expression becoming hard. She wasn’t a part of our group. We couldn’t claim her.

Confusion crossed her face as she watched me, but she said, “Zacal gave me a valuable lesson about this world.”

My nostrils flared, a trace of something that couldn’t possibly be fear working into my thoughts as I again wondered if Zacal had laid a hand on her. I sniffed again, but I couldn’t detect any trace of him on her, or any of the other wolves. “And what lesson was that, beautiful?” I asked.

She swallowed, and I watched the slight bobbing of her neck, noting the veins that rested just beneath her skin. “That you’re not the bad guys.”

Caught off guard, I opened my mouth to correct her. We’d done plenty of bad shit in our time, usually to appease my father, but I closed my mouth again without saying anything. If she wanted to pretend we were the good guys, I’d let her. Maybe it’d make her less likely to try to escape. And, deep down, there was a part of me that wished she was right.


~ Raine ~

Kadepassedoutnotlong after the others had found us, but we made it back to their rooms quicker once Asher hefted Kade over his shoulder and carried him the rest of the way. Asher placed Kade onto a settee, and I watched as Locke grabbed a medical kit and Darian cleaned Kade’s wounds, smearing a blue ointment on each one.

Darian’s fingers were swift as they worked on Kade’s body, tending to him, and I had a feeling he was the main healer of the group. The three of them were an efficient team, and I had to force myself not to think about how many other times Kade had let Zacal and his followers leave him in a similar state.

I thought of all that Kade had told me on our walk back after dealing with those wolves. What the hell was I doing? I’d risked my escape, nearly gotten myself killed, and still had no idea where Cara was. From what Kade had said, Cara had been given the choice of which house she belonged to, so there was that, at least. Still, how was I supposed to find her in a world of monsters? I didn’t even know what kind of monster she’d turned into.

I’d been so desperate to escape before, but after seeing what Zacal and his fellow wolves were like, I was starting to wonder whether Kade was right. What would happen if one of the other monsters out there captured me? At least I knew these monsters wouldn’t kill me. This bond stopped them from doing so, and they didn’t want to anger the Taratun.

I didn’t really worry about death, but if I was dead, I couldn’t find Cara. For the first time since coming here, I wished I would turn into a damn monster already. If I was a monster it’d be easier for me to find her, as my new abilities would make me stronger, faster, and quicker to heal.Demon. You should turn into a demon.I thought of the way Asher healed, his skin knitting together after he pulled my dagger from his flesh. That would be damn handy. I didn’t care that it’d mean I’d have horns and a tail.

Sighing, I left the others tending to Kade and went to the washroom. After relieving myself and washing my face, I went back to the common room and gulped from the jug of pink liquid on the table to ease my dry throat.

They’d placed Kade on his bed, and I went to check on him. The male was still stark naked, and I moved closer to him, inspecting his wounds. My eyes widened when I noticed they had already grown smaller.Holy Goddess.Whatever the blue ointment was that they’d smeared over him, it was working.Definitely need to turn into a monster.

“Let’s go, beautiful,” Locke said as he watched me. “You can stay in my room for the rest of the day.”

A strange surge of excitement went through me at the idea of seeing Locke’s bedroom, but I shook my head. “I’m sleeping here.”

Curiosity shone in Locke’s black eyes, but he didn’t speak as he left me alone with Kade and closed the door. I knew he was probably waiting in the common room, making sure that I didn’t sneak out of Kade’s room while the male was unconscious and escape, but I didn’t care.

Moving back, I stared at the other side of the bed. Exhaustion dragged at me, and the leather outfit I wore had begun to chafe. I was grateful for Lyr’s clothing, really, but the ladies were definitelynota fan.

Peering at the wardrobe, I opened it to find Kade’s clothes neatly arranged inside. Plucking out one of his huge shirts, I wiggled out of the leather outfit, rubbed the red marks on my breasts, and slid the shirt over my head.I’ll change back as soon as I wake.I knew it wasn’t the best idea, but Kade wasn’t going to be up anytime soon.

The blanket was pinned under Kade’s large form, and my gaze slid to the floor, then back to the bed. There was no way I was prying it out from under him.If I stay on the other side of the bed, we’ll never be touching.Carefully, I lay on the edge of the mattress, turned my back to the male on the other side, and closed my eyes.

Isatupsuddenlyand squinted in the dim light. Kade was no longer lying on the other side of the bed, the empty space illuminated by the blue hue of a single lit torch near the door. The darkness seemed to swell around me, clinging to the edges of the mattress, and my hand dropped to my thigh before I remembered my dagger wasn’t there.

Movement in the corner of the room caught my eye, and I turned to see Locke step from the shadows. His wings and claws were nowhere to be seen, but his predatory gaze was so dark it sent a shiver down my spine.
