Page 101 of Interlude

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A couple of days later,Dylan insists on accompanying me home, despite protests from Steve and Kim. He dumps my rucksack on the floor and his impression of my small flat is apparent on his face—the sort when people quickly glance around at all the things they think are wrong with something, and then try to hide with a neutral smile.

"Do you like this place?" he asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"This is what I can afford."

"I could—"

"Stop," I interrupt him. "Don't even go there."

"You didn't know what I was going to say!"

"I can guess. I don't want anything people could use to imply I'm with you for what I can get out of you."

Dylan seizes me around the waist and runs his nose along my cheek. "Are you sure? Some things you're happy to get out of me..."

"Don't..." I attempt a disapproving frown but I'm not fooling him.

He pouts. "Why not? Aren't you going to show me your bedroom?"

"Jeez, Dylan, we just walked through the door."

Fingers trace my lower back, sending shivers along my spine. "But I've thought of you all day."

"Well, my bedroom is too messy to receive guests," I tell him, disentangling myself. "Plus, I don't want you to fuck me and leave."

He winces. "I don't fuck you."

"That's how this would feel to me, especially because you need to leave soon." I take my rucksack from him and prop it against the wall.

"So no sex unless we share a bed?"


He raises an eyebrow. "Not very adventurous are you?"

Is he teasing me? I shrug at him. "If you want adventurous, you're with the wrong girl."

Dylan laughs and steps towards me, I back away bumping the wall. "I can teach you plenty," he says, fingers playing beneath my short top and across my belly.

One touch and few words is all it takes for Dylan to start desire charging around my body. I crave his hands on me, to be naked and drowning in waves of pleasure only Dylan could pull me into. Now our bodies have meshed, mine doesn't want to disconnect. I hold my breath and fight the arousal rising.

"I wish I’d seduced you on the beach that night," he whispers against my hair.

I circle my arms around his neck, resting my head against his. "No thanks, I wouldn't appreciate the sand in...places."

"Oh? You sound like you have experience?" He grabs my ass and tugs me closer. "Have you? Because now I've images of us on the beach."

I make a surprised noise as his mouth meets mine, and his tongue delves into my mouth with one of his skilful, jelly-leg inducing kisses. Immediately we return to the passion of the morning, behaving like two sexually frustrated lovers who've met again after weeks apart, even though the last time I lay beneath Dylan was hours ago. We pull at clothes, drag hands across each other’s skin and fight for breath between the kisses.

I pull away, trying not to pant in an unladylike manner. "You have someone waiting in a car downstairs. No way can your car stay outside the front of my flat for any longer than necessary." I adjust my jeans, which somehow became unbuttoned.

Dylan hooks a finger through the belt loop and yanks me close. "You should take those off, not fasten them back up."

I place my hands on his chest, which rises and falls rapidly. Giving in and letting Dylan do what we wants would be so easy, but I don't want him to leave me afterwards, and I know he has to. Steve demanded Dylan return straight after bringing me home, and my pull isn't great enough to overcome Steve yet.
