Page 20 of Interlude

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"Is that your band?"

“Foo Fighters? No. I wish. We opened for them on a tour though, a few years ago."

I give him a blank look. He's speaking a different language. Dylan smirks and shakes his head. Reading about red-hot sex in my book while Dylan is in the house is not a great way of controlling my um... urges.

"Are you okay? Your face is flushed."

"Fine." I tuck the book under a cushion.

"Ah! What's this? Fifty Shades?"


He roots under the cushion then pulls the book out. Momentarily, he appraises the semi-naked kissing couple on the front, and then flips over to the blurb on the back.Ground open up and take me now.

Dylan's eyebrows shoot up. "Sounds...interesting. Any good?"

I pull a face. "Guilty pleasure."

A snaking grin almost reaches his ears. "We all have guilty pleasures."

Oh, holy crap. Is he going to switch up the seductive looks now he's caught a glimpse of the Sky who wouldn't exactly say no if he offered? Were the beach and the dip in the sea another test?

I clear my throat. "Fish and chips?"

"My guilty pleasure? Nope, way off the mark, Sky."

"Ha ha. Shut up. I mean, you said you wanted fish and chips."

"Oh, so I did. Sorry, got a little distracted." He puts the book on the coffee table. "How does fish and chips on the beach sound? I don't want pizza again because that sends you to sleep."

"Maybe I’m still pissed off with you," I say.

"I don’t think you are. I think you secretly liked earlier."

"Oh, yes? Which bit?"

Dylan smirks. "All of it. Get changed, otherwise, we’ll miss the sunset."

"Sunset? The sky’s too cloudy."

"Yes. She is today."

Unable to find a good retort, I stalk upstairs.

As I change into jeans and a fitted blue T-shirt, I peer at myself in the mirror, at the flushed cheeks and brighter blue eyes. After a couple of days living in my fantasy world without tears, the layer of sad is peeling off my face. I touch my lips, visions of Dylan's dancing into my mind's eye. When his stubble touched my legs before, it scratched lightly and sent a not very chaste tingle through my body. Will he kiss me if I ask him? I snort at myself. He said he liked me because I didn't want to…ah...screw him.Buthe did say something about changing my mind.

I head downstairs vowing to think only pure thoughts for the rest of the evening. And not admit to anyone—including myself—that every word of the hot sex in the book downstairs involved a man who looks uncannily like Dylan.
