Page 23 of Interlude

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Cupping my chin with his rough fingers, he rubs my cheek with his thumb. My breath comes in such short bursts, I’m convinced I sound like I've run a marathon.

Dylan replaces his fingers with his mouth, a hesitancy in his kiss I didn't expect. Because he's not sure I want to or he's not surehewants to? I push my lips against his, tasting the salt and Coke as Dylan winds a hand into my hair and gently holds my face to his. His lips are firm and warm, softer than I imagined. When he runs his tongue along my bottom lip, the tingle spreads across my face and I'm lost.

I want Dylan to kiss, touch, whatever he wants, because with one kiss, he's shot my brain into orbit and left my disintegrating body falling into his arms. I grab Dylan around the neck, steadying myself, and unashamedly kiss him back. Hard.

Dylan drops his hand from my hair and runs his fingers along my bare arm, adding to the goose bumps from the cold night. A small part of my brain asks why the hell this god of a man wants to kiss average me, but who cares? He wants to. With Grant's kisses, I couldn't breathe because he suffocated me with bad positioning, but Dylan takes my breath away with the sheer expertise. I have never been kissed like this. Ever.

I slide my tongue to meet his and as the intensity of our kiss grows, I relish the burn of his stubbled jaw on my sensitive skin. He makes a low sound in his throat, and the fact I caused this arouses parts of me I've tried desperately to ignore around him.

Dylan pulls his mouth away, a tiny space that feels like a gulf opening between us, and his breath comes in warm bursts against my face. Shifting his attention to my neck, Dylan plants a row of tiny kisses before he flicks his tongue into a sensitive spot I never knew I had. I curl my fingers into his short hair press myself into him, not wanting this over any time soon.

With the sound of the sea in the background, and the cool sand beneath my legs, I'm pulled back to my first teenage summer kiss on the beach. Everything feels new and forbidden—the excitement and illicitness of what might happen next adding to my arousal. Fourteen-year-old Sky takes control of my thoughts. Will he touch me? Or just kiss me? Where will he touch me? Should I touch him?

Dylan does touch me. Possibly, because I dive my hands beneath his hoodie first, eagerly scrabbling under his T-shirt to touch the lickable abs I need to inspect. He winces at my cold hands on his heating skin.

"Sorry," I murmur.

If I sounded like I'd run a marathon before, I'm pretty sure I sound as if I just finished a triathlon.

"No problem," he murmurs.

Dylan snakes a hand under my shirt, the sensation of his feather touches on my lower back flicking a switch. Heat streams through my body. To. Every. Part. Of. Me.

When Dylan slides his hands up my sides, towards my breasts, I ache for him to explore more—I don't care I'm on the beach. But Dylan pulls away again and rests his head on mine. He sounds as if he's joined me in my marathon, rapid hot breath against my mouth.

No, no, no. Don't stop.For a heart-aching moment, he doesn't speak, and I need to know what he's thinking.

"Did you have summer crushes when you came here in the past?" he asks, his breath ragged.


"Will you be my summer crush?"

"Mmhmm." My ability to form a coherent response left minutes ago. I don't care how stupid I sound, or what a weird question this is, I want him back to kissing me again.

Dylan lifts his head away and strokes my cheek with the back of his hand, placing a final kiss on my forehead. Then he takes my hand, laces our fingers and pulls me close. I lay my head against his shoulder as he wraps the other around my shoulders, rubbing my cool arm.

Disappointment over the end of passionate, teenage-style kissing on the beach edges away as I enjoy the comfort of Dylan’s embrace. Nothing else is said for some time, as if everything is communicated by us being here in this moment.

I don't think rock gods cuddle much, or ask people to be their summer crush, so now all I need to do is figure out what being Dylan’s summer crush entails.
