Page 29 of Interlude

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Dylan overwhelms all common sense the moment I have any physical contact with him. Losing myself in his mint-flavoured kiss, I yield to the power he holds over me that I love and hate. Dylan curls his fingers into my wet hair and pulls me closer; I respond with a deep kiss, running fingers across his face.

Fierce or gentle, his kisses mould my soul to his as perfectly as his body shaped with mine last night, as if we’re in a place created by our coming together. Kissing Dylan last night pulled me into his orbit, and when I see stars again, I swear his kisses will always take me away from the real world. If Dylan can remove me from reality with only this, god knows what any of his well-honed skills would do to me. The thought of us skin on skin, united through more than a kiss, lights a fire deep inside that would take more than the cold Cornish sea to extinguish.

Dylan loosens his grip on my hair and slides his hands across my damp back. He closes the final gap between us as our bodies meet; the soaked clothes annoyingly in the way. "I have never met anyone so…" He grasps for a word, but then stops and rests his forehead on mine. "I feel as if I’ve waited my whole life to meet you and then suddenly you’re here."

For a moment, I consider whether he’s teasing me again, but I guess I’m very different to the people in his real life. "I can honestly say I've never met anyone like you, Dylan Morgan."

He wipes water from my cheek with cool, damp fingers. "No one’s met Dylan Morgan apart from you, not for a lot of years, anyway."

I stare at the truth reflected in his pale blue eyes, unable to believe any of this is reality. His grip on my back loosens, and I step back. Rain drips down his face, soaking through his now damp T-shirt and clinging to his body in a way that does nothing to help my mounting desire to get my hands on him.

A subject change is needed rapidly, before I begin drooling. I hold out the shell in the palm of my hand. "I found this."

"For your treasure box?"

"Kind of." To replace his—the one I destroyed thirteen years ago.

He takes the shell from me and inspects. "Oh. A good find; definitely worthy of the secret box."

"Not worth half-drowning for though," I mutter.

A seagull shrieks overhead, and I could swear the bird is laughing at me.

Dylan shoves the shell in his pocket. "Let's get you back to the cottage."

We tread across the soaking sand and as the rain switches to a vertical sheet of water, I pick up the pace. Dylan strides to catch up.

"I'll carry you?"

I speed up. "Don't you dare put me over your shoulder again."

"Piggy back?" He turns and bends slightly gesturing with his arms.

"You are one big kid."

"Yep. And loving every minute! Come on!"

Every time I think I can avoid physical contact with this man, I'm in a position to get my hands on him. And how can I deny myself? I jump onto Dylan's broad back and wrap my legs around his taut waist, arms around his neck. Dylan grabs me under the legs and runs.

"You'll drop me!" I shout, alarmed by his speed.

"You're not heavy, but stop strangling me!"

I shift my arms, crossing them over his toned chest instead. Close contact with Dylan, even through my soggy clothes, sends the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. My damp cheek rests against his, and I fight the urge to bury my face in his neck and kiss him.

We arrive at the house in half the time walking would've taken, and he sets me on the floor.

"So we rewound to last night after the kiss. What now?" he asks, eyes shining.

A mess of arousal from his holding me, and shivering from my soaking, I can't think straight. "What did you intend to do last night?" I ask

"I was leaving that up to you. I didn't want to scare you away. What would you have done?" His eyes search mine as we puddle water onto the polished wooden floor.

We've stepped over the line so far now, I don't think there's any point holding back. I'm pulled in and locked into Dylan whether I like it or not.

"Probably, I would’ve kissed you some more and finished my fish and chips. Maybe not in that order."

"Sky, you are the funniest girl..." He wipes water from my face with his palm.

The kiss Dylan gives me next is brief and soft, rather than the all-encompassing one from the beach. I attempt to control my chattering teeth but fail.

"I think you need to get changed," he says, peeling the hoodie from me.

Before I decide to let him undress me completely, I head upstairs.
