Page 59 of Unplugged

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“For what?”

There’s no hesitancy in Liam’s kiss this time. He releases my waist and seizes my head in both hands kissing me as if he’s suffocating and I’m the air he needs to survive. Momentarily, I’m surprised but the overwhelming passion of his kiss, but the strength with which he holds me isn’t frightening. He jolts long-forgotten desire, my body aching in a way I haven’t experienced since Christmas. I stumble backwards into the door, which closes behind me and Liam continues to hold my face, tongue exploring mine. Then as suddenly as he started, he stops and releases my head.

“I’m sorry forthat.” Liam runs his tongue along his bottom lip. “And for not having sweet thoughts about you.”

“Don’t be.” I curl my hand around his neck. “That’s the best kiss I’ve had since, well, Christmas.”

Liam kisses a spot on my brow between the eyes, with a calmness not matched by his rapid breathing. “I want you, Cerys. I don’t just mean I want to do things to you that I’ve thought about for months, butyou. Can we get to know each other better?”

I laugh. “That’s very polite of you following a kiss like the one you just gave me.”

“I’m trying to be realistic. I don’t want to scare you away.”

I could stand here in my tiny kitchen with this larger than life guy all evening and that wouldn’t be enough. He angles his head toward me. “Don’t kiss me again,” I tell him.


“Because I couldn’t cope if you never came back.” And I couldn’t stop myself—if he so much as brushes a finger against my skin, I’d be his. Here. Now.

“I will come back and this time every day I’m away from you, I’ll be in touch so you know I haven’t forgotten you.” He takes my hand. “Let me have your number and I promise I’ll call or text.”

Is this happening? Has Liam really walked into my house, told me he wants me, and kissed me in a way that blows my mind again? The loneliness of the months since I spilt with Craig – no, the loneliness I had even before we spilt – lays my raw heart open looking for someone to heal the empty pain.

How easy it would be to let go and give in to the swell of physical need surging me towards Liam. To allow the promise in our lips from that night to find the natural conclusion.

The unspoken hovers because we don’t need to express the words exchanged between us. There’s more intimacy in the way he looks at me—the shivering feeling Liam looks directly into my heart and soul, a place nobody touched before. And his are reflected back.
