Page 60 of Unplugged

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I pushElla’s bag onto her back as we arrive at school. The English summer heats up and Ella counts down the days to the end of school. Next term, she starts ‘big school’ and she’s as excited about that as the oncoming summer holidays. I doubt we’ll do much in the summer break; I don’t have the money for a holiday anywhere. I promise Ella trips to the park and picnics with friends—time and fun together is precious and wherever I’m making memories with Ella, that’s special.

Liam keeps his promise and he texts me constantly through the day. We follow each other’s vastly different lives through snapshots of daily events and messages. He didn’t stay long after Ella’s party—she woke again, interrupting the intensity of our reunion and he left. In a small way, I’m glad she did because her need for me distracted me from my need for Liam.

Ella wriggles from my hug and skips across the tarmac school playground toward the open doors into school. Big girl Ella won’t let me go inside with her anymore, even though her school days are mornings only until September.Almosta big girl.

My phone beeps.

I giggle and reply to Liam’s message.

Phoebe bumps me, and I’m pulled out of mine and Liam’s world back to the school yard. “Texting your man again?”

“He’s not my man; I haven’t seen him since Ella’s party.”

Phoebe purses her perfectly made-up pink lips. “Mmm-hmm.”

The past two weeks filled with whispers and rumours, and Phoebe is the only person I’m comfortable talking to about Liam. Yes, we unfortunately hit Facebook, thanks to a sneaky photograph of Liam eating party food, but that’s the limit of media exposure. I’m happy because I don’t want the world to think I’m his after only a couple of hours together.

I text

I pull a face at the phone and Phoebe laughs at me. “Cute. You’re like teens.”

“We knew each other as teens.”

Phoebe tucks her arm through mine as we head back toward the school gates. “Teen sweethearts reconnecting? Even cuter.”

“Not exactly. He was too old for me back then; I’m friends with his sister.”

“So you were around each other a lot?”
