Page 61 of Unplugged

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“Blue Phoenix rehearsed at Liam’s house. I was subjected to their early songs and believe me, they weren’t good.”

“I don’t believe that. They’re amazing.”

“When you’ve heard ‘Stairway to Heaven’ rehearsed on repeat for two hours, that doesn’t sound so good anymore. Once they started playing their own, the band improved. Marginally. ”

Phoebe laughs. “So romantic though. I think there’s a reason you and Liam reconnected. You might’ve been too young then, but the world can’t keep you apart if you’re meant to be together.”

“My fifteen year old self whole-heartedly believed that. Now? I’m not sure, but I won’t miss the opportunity.”

“You deserve someone who’s nice to you, Cerys. I’ve seen you smile more this past couple of weeks than the whole two years I’ve known you.”

She’s right. Someone turned the colours on the world up a notch when Liam walked into my house the other week. The everyday stress is bearable, because each mundane day of my hassled routine between school and home, and dealing with a five year old, is one day closer to Liam coming back to me. At first, I doubted I’d see him again after Ella’s party, but the constant texts and occasional phone call are from a man who is thinking of me.

“I’m cautiously optimistic,” I say with a small smile as we cross the road.

“I want good things for you. Ella told Jordan all about him.”

“Really?” I ignore the pang of fear she’ll get hurt. “I’m not sure Ella should be excited about Liam yet.”

“You’re talking about yourself, aren’t you? A sexy as hell rock star, who your daughter loves, texts you constantly.” She indicates the phone. “Beats a narcissistic plumber who treated you like crap and rarely visits his daughter.”

Craig still doesn’t visit Ella much even though he still lives in Cardiff. A couple of times, he’s arranged to come over and take her out, and then cancelled at the last minute with no explanation. On the evening of the party, Craig called her to say ‘Happy Birthday’ and brought a gift the next day. Personally, I don’t think a five year old should have an iPad but the bigger the guilt, the bigger the expense.

Craig looked like crap too and though he said he didn’t come on her birthday because he was sick, I suspect drunk with his mates is closer to the truth. Luckily, Ella didn’t mention Liam to him. Craig’s manipulation at Christmas, lying about his love for his daughter, annoys me because he used that to weaken me. I allowed myself to be sucked back into his control.

Not anymore.

Phoebe waves goodbye as she climbs into her Subaru. She works across town, part-time secretarial work. She doesn’t need to work but likes buying herself pretty things, as she admits. Phoebe has family living nearby who help out with school pick-ups, giving her more opportunities. Unlike me.

The walk home takes ten minutes, and I sigh when I remember how much housework waits for me, mentally running through my list of things to do before I need to collect Ella. If I get on top of cleaning, I could take an hour to sit in the garden with a book. Self-indulgent, I know, but the weather’s warm and there’re few days left before Ella’s home full time.

I’m mid-way through cleaning the bathroom when the doorbell rings. I pull off my rubber gloves and wipe my face with the back of my hand before answering the door.


I stare at the apparition unable to speak. His wary eyes are combined with the wide-smile that accentuates how amazing his jawline is. I attempt not to stare at his toned physique, his presence triggering my usual shaking reaction. Every time I see him again, this man is hotter than I remember. I’m snapped out of my admiration for Liam when I consider how I look with my sweaty face and hair, dressed in a scruffy shirt and old denim cut-offs.

“Hello?” Liam waves a hand in front of my face and I catch sight of what he’s holding in his other hand—a bouquet of pink and white lilies. Nobody buys me flowers. The last time anybody did, I was in the hospital after Ella’s birth.

I rub my eyes with the palm of my hand. “This is becoming a habit. What are you doing here?”

“Huh. Nice to see you, too.” He pulls a face, but his eyes twinkle with the Liam cheekiness.

“No, I mean, yes, but you’re not due back until the weekend.” I push my fingers beneath my fringe that’s sticking to my face in an unattractive way

“I couldn’t wait any longer to see you.”

“You could’ve called. Look at me!”

He sweeps a gaze over my ensemble. “I am and you look beautiful.”

I shake my head. “Flowers and compliments? You’ve spent time reading the ‘How to be Romantic’ manual then?”

“Cover to cover. Aren’t you going to ask me in?”

I step back and as he passes me, he leans down and inhales. “Mmm, Eau de Bleach.”

I poke him in the ribs. “Like I said, if you’d called...”
