Page 115 of Reverb

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“I know that. I'm not here to interfere with your relationship. I'm genuinely happy for you.”

I swallow. “Then what? Tell me over the phone.”

“I can't,” she whispers. “Bryn, I have to see you. It’s important, really important or I wouldn’t be begging you.”

Has to see me?After blanking me, telling me to stay away, refusing to listen to me. Now she wants this? “I'll think about it.”

“I go back to Australia at the end of the week.”


I end the call before she worms further into my day, and I pace the room, a hole knocked through my new world she isn't a part of. What do I say to Avery? Do I say anything to her? Dealing with this on my own is better.

Avery doesn’t need to know if this is one meeting with Hannah. Besides, this could be a good thing – me and Hannah could part knowing this is the last time, forever.

* * *

I refuseto drive to Wales to see Hannah because memories of the teenage us would inevitably appear. Is asking me to meet her in Wales a plan to drag me backwards again? I tell Hannah she comes to my place in London or we don’t meet at all.

Hannah might not care about people knowing she's been in touch but I do. The last thing I need is a sly photo of Bryn Hughes with another woman, and a struggle to explain to Avery why. The press don't tend to follow me or lurk outside my home as they do with Dylan and Jem, so meeting here is the safest bet. Avery comes home tomorrow, I have to do this before then and draw a line under everything.

Terrified I'll feel something I shouldn't when I see Hannah, I spend the morning filling my mind with all the wrong she's done me. I can’t sit still or concentrate on anything, stuck on endless loops of what Hannah wants to see me about. The tension and adrenaline increases with each hour and as the time Hannah is due to arrive grows closer, so do my fears I’m doing the wrong thing.

When Hannah steps into my apartment, she blows away all the anger I had. Wrapped against the autumn weather in a long grey coat, she unwinds a scarf revealing a woman under stress. Dark shadows sit below her eyes and her face is lined by a tired defeat. When she unbuttons her coat, she reveals her frame has gone from slender to thin.

“Thanks for seeing me, Bryn.”

I remain in the spot. If I move, I don’t know what I’ll do. The haunted look in her eyes grabs me, and I resist the urge to take hold of Hannah and ask what's wrong, I cross my arms tightly. “I'm totally confused.”

Hannah sits on the sofa and places her handbag on the floor. She refuses to look at me, staring at the black bag.

“Do you want a drink?” I ask.

She shakes her head.

I lower myself into the armchair opposite. This has to be over with quickly. “What did you want to talk about?” Hannah takes deep breaths, twisting her hands. “Hannah?”

“There's something you need to know. I never wanted to tell you, but I have to now because I need your help.” The words rush out, as rehearsed as the ones I have for her.

My heart rate spikes further. “What?”

“I came to Wales because of my brother,” she says softly.

“Your brother?” I rub my forehead. Her younger brother? Is it him she needs money for? This time when she nods, a tear spills.Shit.“Is he okay? Nothing happened to him did it?”

To my alarm, Hannah buries her face in her hands, shoulders shaking as she attempts to control her distress but fails.

“Hannah?” I reach out then pull my hand back. No, I can’t get dragged into her.

“Oh, God.” Hannah looks at the ceiling wiping her eyes with both hands. I lean across the table and pull a tissue from the box, then pass it to her. “Bryn, I'm so sorry.”

“About what? You're not making any sense. Did your brother tell somebody about us? That doesn’t matter now, does it?”

“Please don't hate me,” she whispers. “I wanted to tell you, but...” Hannah trails off, back to fought back sobs.

Irritation joins the panic, at her dancing around, confusing me. “Tell mewhat, Hannah?”

“My brother. Connor. He isn't my brother.” She breaks off and her breathing speeds as the tears choke the words from her. The pain in Hannah’s eyes as she looks at me, the fear hidden within, confuses me further.
