Page 131 of Reverb

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Why doesn't Avery understand?

Since the argument last week, I’ve attempted a rational conversation with Avery, but the distrust in her voice grows each time I call. Now she’s unleashed her insecurity, the unwarranted accusations fly about me and Hannah every time we talk and push me away.

Six months. I haven’t had a relationship last that long for years. I’d convinced myself me and Avery were right for each other; that we could take on the world. No, not that we could take on the world, but that we’d created ourown. Yeah, Hannah dropped a nuclear bomb in the middle of our peaceful existence, but I’m shocked that me and Avery aren’t working through this.

Avery doesn’t trust me and what is a relationship without trust?

I end the latest, short and hostile call, and look out across the tidy pavers in Hannah's garden, beneath the orange streaked evening sky. Frangipanis border the ordered space, the fragrance cloying the air, and the scent reminds me of my house in the States.

Avery’s withdrawing. We have little to say to each other. If I talk about Hannah and Connor, she gets defensive and I'm angry she doesn't trust me. Tonight she accused me of having nothing left for her and when I told her right now, I have little outside of what I have for Connor, she couldn't accept it.

Each conversation we have, the creeping feeling we’re over grows.
