Page 19 of Topaz

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Pulling into town, Onyx was thankful the trip had been uneventful after they left Canada. Regina and her kids had been transferred to another caregiver in the morning. Tired and in need of some real food, he rolled into town and watch the vehicles separate from his crew.

Wanting to relax and get something in his stomach, he decided a trip to the Roadside was in order. He intended to order the biggest steak they had available and eat the whole thing. Maybe get a whole bottle of Jack and head home to drink away the gentle touch of Topaz.

Parking his bike in front of the building, he noticed the parking lot was full tonight.

Red walked up with his arm around Roadkill’s shoulder walking in the same direction. “Hey, heard I need to check your head?” Red called as the men clasped hands and pulled in for a little chest bump.

“Empty as usual,” Onyx joked. “Beyond that, not sure what you need to check.”

“How about those non-dissolving stitches?” Red said not even asking before pulling back the bandage.

“Topaz used black, pretty sure that they’ll blend in.”

“Asshole,” Red replied then taped the bandage back down. “Give it another day, then let it air out.”

“Our girl do okay?” Onyx asked.

Roadkill shook her head.

“She did,” Red switched into doc mode. “You black out at all?”


“Still, come by the clinic, we’re picking up a to-go and heading back to Harlow,” Red said tapping Roadkill on the shoulder.

Unspoken commands had her slipping from him into the bar.

“You get sucker punched?” Red asked him.

“Not really, and my leg popped a bit, but it’s not hurting as much.” Onyx glanced up the street. “I’m not a liability in a fight.”

“Never thought you were,” he replied.

“Crazy, I thought Hack over planned with the whole harbor thing.”

“Yeah, he’s got some good ideas. Especially, around that kinda thing.” Red reached his hand out to be taken by Roadkill as she came out with a plastic bag holding two takeout boxes. “Now, I’ve got the rest of the stubborn heads to listen.”

“You will.”

They parted and Onyx walked inside, finding about every member of the MC was inside. Shark, back from his gun run, sat by himself. “Hey, do you mind some company?”

“Sure have a seat.” Shark motioned to the chair across the table from him.

Flopping in the chair, he let out a long breath. “I’m starving.”

Michele the waitress walked over to him. “What can I get you Onyx?”

“Why don’t you bring me a beer to start with?” He smiled.

“Sure, I can do that.” Michele walked away.

He watched her walk away and wondered if she was ever going to find a man. As far as he knew, she was single and looking. Then again, most eligible men came in and watched the dancers not the waitress and who wanted that competition? “Do you ever wonder if these women are ever going to get serious for a man?” Onyx asked.

“No, I don’t wonder something like that, usually.” Shark chuckled.

“I sure do. Like Michele she’s single and I know she is looking for a man to call her own.”
