Page 20 of Topaz

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“How do you know that?” Shark took a bite of a hamburger he was working on, talking with a half full mouth. “What are you, some matchmaker? Or, you been living with that fool too long.”

Hollywood snuck up by the stage with a twenty folded long ways. Free was near the top of the pole, her back to the audience as she slid down in a twirl. Her eyes closed, but she seemed aware of how far she was from the stage. Hollywood traced the bill from her juncture, over her belly and between her breasts. Those at the right angle could see her start to smile because she knew who was teasing her. It was simple because, while men were tossing bills on the stage, anyone allowed this close had to not only be a Steel, but her man. When he tucked into the strap of her bra, he leaned in cradling the back of her head as he kissed her deeply. Her thighs wrapped tight and she pushed him back before doing her signature dismount. Hollywood whispered something in her ear and the crowd booed him as he rested his hand on the butt of his gun still holstered.

“Hey,” Onyx hollered. “People pay extra to see the cops with strippers in LA.”

It was Hollywood’s fault for still being dressed for work. His best friend flipped him off and Free’s song ended. With a quicks scoop of the last few bills, both she and Hollywood disappeared in the back.

Onyx sat back to see if any of the women he liked were around. Lyna took over dancing on stage while Tempest and Zoe were walking around. Now, those women were some women you could fuck and didn’t want attachment. He liked that. They were women who just loved sex like he did but didn’t want anything but an orgasm or two in return.

Michele walked back to the table and set his beer down. “Here you go. What can I get you to eat?”

“Steak, the T-bone, baked potato and whatever vegetable you have available to go with it. Oh, and you can bring me a piece of that chocolate cake I love.” He winked.

Michelle laughed. “Sure thing Onyx, I wouldn’t keep you from that cake now would I?”

“No, you better not.” Onyx joked with her.

Shark finished up his food. “So how did that rescue go that you went on?”

“It was okay, the usual. Ended up with stitches in my head from a fight, but other than that it was uneventful. How was the run you and Freaky went on?”

“It went pretty well. We made about five grand for the club and a few for ourselves. I don’t mind going on them as long as it goes as well as this one did.”

“That’s good. I wondered how all that would pan out for the club. Illegal activity was never something I cared too much about.”

“Yeah, it is that isn’t it?” Shark took a long pull from his glass. “You and Hollywood, not sure how you lasted in LA and weren’t corrupt.”

“TV and movies, all lies and over exaggerations.”

Topaz walked into the restaurant, fresh in a tight outfit and headed toward the bar.

Onyx noticed her right away. Why couldn’t the woman he wanted, be the one with as little care as the others? This rescue proved that she didn’t want a damn thing to do with him.

Michele walked back and gave him his plate of food. It smelled wonderful and triggered his hunger more than Topaz triggered his need for release.

Shark told him about the run while he ate his meal and after he cleaned his plate, he was ready for more. Like a warm body to take to his bed.

Lyna walked over to their table. “Hi Onyx. Hiyah Shark.”

“Hi beautiful. What are you doing?” Onyx shifted his chair to the side, so his lap was open and curled his finger to pull her to him.

“Aw… you got a boo-boo.” Lyna placed a kiss on the Band-aid.

He whispered in her ear, “My lap is a little cold and lonely, sweetie.”

“Guess you took the wrong person for that long ride.” Lyna leaned in, draping her arms on either side of him as he fished a few bills from his wallet, tucking them in the top of her panties as she whispered in his ear. “Remember how satisfying the trip was when you let me on your bike.”

She bit at his earlobe and he adjusted his hips so she could work her magic. Having stripped down to her bra and panties on stage. The little skirt she wrapped around her hips was less than a dust ruffle. Lyna stretched her body then moved in between his legs, swaying her ass back and forth over his crotch.

He should have been paying attention to the thick curves giving him a lap dance, but Onyx’s eye caught sight of Topaz staring at him. She glared, but continued to work behind the bar. He wanted to ignore her but they were both caught, focused on each other and he couldn’t help imagining what her beautiful body would be like if she were giving him the dance.

After Lyna finished her dance, he was charged up and wanted more from this beauty. She was the type of woman who could help relieve him of his pressures.

Capturing her hand, he slowed her from moving on and stood. “If you’ll excuse us Shark, I have some business to tend to.”

“Have fun. I’m going to look for some for myself.” Shark grinned.

* * *
