Page 21 of Topaz

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Topaz wasfurious and horny which tended to be a dangerous combo. Watching Lyna give Onyx a lap dance had triggered her anger. Outside of the tuck of cash, he’d kept his hands on either side of his chair. Allowing the body to brush against his. When their eyes locked was when the rage turned to desire. As if unspoken he told her she was who really was dancing. The one straddling his leg, like she had in the motel bathroom. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and leaning in. More importantly, she was the one causing the rise in his pants.

She tried to serve customers, but every time her eyes strayed toward the couple, it infuriated her even more. When Lyna pulled Onyx toward the back of the stage Topaz knew where they were going, setting off a level of irritation, that in a clam could produce a pearl, but in her, it might just explode.

They made their way across the restaurant, Topaz slipped from behind the bar and stood by the door that led to the back rooms. The ones where private dances turned naked and for the most part, only MC members went.

“Lyna!” Topaz stood, arms crossed and legs planted. “You need to go in the back and get changed.”

“Why?” Lyna asked, her fingers intertwined with Onyx’s as his hand wrapped around her body and rested on her bare belly. “We had a little business—”

“You need to go on stage again tonight, then after that I want you to take a shift behind the bar,” Topaz ordered the woman. “I’m sure Onyx can handle his own business.”


“It’s not a suggestion.”

Onyx’s hand slipped from Lyna’s and he stepped back, leaning a bit on the stage.

“Sure Topaz, I can do that.” Lyna smiled up at Onyx, her hand trailing down his chest to his waistband giving his pants a tug. “Darling, I get off at two if you want to wait for me.”

“Well, if that ain’t a tempting offer to a starving man. Maybe I’ll do just that,” Onyx replied. “Watching you dance might heighten my delayed satisfaction. So how about you be a good little girl for Topaz and show me your special moves.”

“I’d rather show my skills in the back.” Lyna cut her eyes at Topaz, setting off a small fire in her. “But I guess some people think they’re my lord and master.” She turned, making sure Topaz saw her displeasure before moving around her and off to the dressing room.

“Queen bee, you gonna take care of me?” he asked tossing a little gas on the bonfire already reaching the stars.

“Really? Swapping out women like plugs?” she snarled.

“You’re the one jamming them child safety covers in the socket,” he replied standing over her. “Maybe I don’t mind getting a little jolt every now and then.”

His body was hard and large. Most would have feared, but she didn’t. In a way, it was a blanket ready to cover her. In Byron’s arms, she thought nothing could ever hurt her and Onyx was twice the size. He knew how to fight and had seen the ugliness of the world.

Topaz tilted her head upward to face Onyx. “It’s just like you to take one of my girls away before the end of her shift.”

“What the hell Topaz? Like a shift ever mattered to any of these girls,” he bit. “Besides, what we were about to do is part of her job.”

“Not hardly. They think they can just leave any time. It’s not happening under my watch.”

“I’m pretty sure Free’s break is going a little long in the back there, she might have clocked the fuck out for the night. Which means you don’t give a shit about the girls.” Onyx glared. “Must mean you have something against me.”

“Why would you think that?” Topaz felt more anger at herself for letting her want for him to manifest this way.

“Because you seem to have it out for me. The entire trip you were a cold, distant, bitch and now, you take away my fun for the night.”

“First off, I fixed your head.”

“Yeah, well Lyna was gonna take care of the one you ignored.”

Avoided would have been a better word and it wasn’t like he even made a move.

“Second, I didn’t take away your fun. You made a plan to be with her later. I just made her do her job.”

“You don’t normally stop the girls from taking care of the members of this club. So why do you seem bent on taking it from me?” Onyx raised his voice an octave.

A few people near them turned on their barstools.

“I ask because it ain’t the first time, but Topaz, it will be the last.”

“Let’s take this outside.” Topaz grabbed his hand, rough and calloused she tried to push out the feel of them on her hips as she pulled him through the kitchen to the back door of the restaurant. Shoving him, he actually stumbled a bit and she kicked herself. She’d forgotten his leg was still hurting and not lined up right. Even with his weight, he couldn’t match her angry strength because he wasn’t at a hundred percent.
