Page 101 of Turbo

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Porsche’s crop snapped across the woman’s chest, not hard, but sharp enough to set a line and she gathered herself. Coming back into character even as the line blurred for the first time ever.

“Back off, Mistress Turbo shares for only so long,” she said, cutting the woman off, but attempting to be sarcastic as Bugs grasped the back of her neck and captured her lips with his own. Bending her backward as the woman fell away and she received the loudest cheers she’d experienced as money filled the stage and she allowed herself to be claimed fully by Bugs.

When they broke from the kiss he smiled down at her. “I called you Turbo in front of people.”

“My Ol’ Man can call me anything he wants,” she said. “But I have a job to finish.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that,” he said with a sigh. “I was hoping you were going to drag me down the hall like Topaz did with Onyx.”

“Oh, I will,” she beamed. “But these ladies need some man candy to keep them at bay.”

Righting herself she smoothed back her hair with a hand still holding the mike and kept the other pinky finger locked on Bugs as he stepped back to let her shine.

“I’m sorry ladies,” she howled. “You know the Mistress has to set men to rights from time to time. But I know what you all came here for. The man, the myth, the Mountain that filled the posters. Oh DJ, let’s play the song that tells it all.”

Lizzo’sBoysstarted as Mountain came out to teen fan girl screams, nudging Bugs as he did, barely making it to the end of the stage before yanking the front of his plaid shirt to split it in half.

“He needs to work on his tease,” Turbo said as Bugs pulled her into his arms, spinning her behind the curtain and claiming her mouth again.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she felt someone pull her crop and mike as he spun her. Walking backward in heels, proved Ginger Rogers knew best, she could do anything Fred Astaire did even better. This was the first time she blindly traveled down the hallway, but she knew the dimensions and steps it would take to fall into a private suite. One she rarely used, but may never leave once inside.

“Why are there so many straps?” Bugs whined as he reached in to lift her breast out of the bustier and began suckling her nipple.

Lathing and taking care as he pressed her into the door. The passion over taking both of them in a flurry of buckles and binding ties impeding a hard give and take of bodies. Each demanding to be the first to the top, not sexually, this was different this was leaving a mark deep enough to last past the normal healing time. The kind that you wore as a badge, not a scar.

“The shorts can be yanked down,” she said and he did just that, turning her to press into the door as he tossed the bit of leather from his hard shaft.

“Fuck, I wasn’t planning this,” he said slipping two fingers inside her and angling her neck back with the other hand as she braced her hands on the door. “I didn’t bring protection.”

“I’m your woman, why would I need protection from you?” she questioned and the shared look was so deep her soul burned as he removed his fingers angled her and thrust deep inside before she could even react. The sweet sting of stretched tender skin even though it was slick from the last ten minutes of being pledged and pleased.

Over and over he slammed, biting at her shoulder as she got lost in the feel of skin on skin. The heat no longer trapped behind latex as the curves she traced with her tongue were now being savored by her core. Her essence coating him as he teased her clit to the point she nearly exploded as her arm wrapped backward around his neck and she felt him come apart behind her. His orgasm powering into her with satisfying bursts as he coated her channel with his seed. He’d claimed her, marked her and let everyone know she was his. And this very moment as her own orgasm crested and tightened around him she returned the favor.

“I love you, Turbo,” he mewed next to her ear. “From the start and I’m going to spend every day apologizing to you.”

“Good, because my favorite dances are done with and for you,” she said feeling him slip from her body and she turned enough to face him. Hands splayed across the firm chest she pressed lightly until he fell into the bed and she ran her hand down the side of her bustier where the hidden zipper easily slipped. Tossing the restrictive leather top to the side she stood at the end of the bed in only a pair of thigh high boots and smiled. “Too bad someone took my crop.”

“I’m not worried,” Bugs said, his length thickening before her. “You’re pretty good with your makeshift kit, Mistress.”

“Oh, you’re not ready for the Mistress.”
