Page 102 of Turbo

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9months later

Bugs had just finished the updates on his old Harley soft tail and his first big ride had more meaning than he could have imagined. Thanks to an early thaw they were able to roll out of Montana instead of having to haul a trailer until they got past the snow. Turbo had been on his six for most of the ride, but as they got closer to California she had moved to the mini-van with Roadkill and Preacher Girl with the babies. Little Harlow was officially a big sister to Remington Bishop Luke, the little boy came out loud and proud a few months after the revue. Just in time to see the newly christened fire truck.

Most importantly in the van was Sydie Bean, this whole ride was for her. Between motions and testimony and all the bullshit lawyers tried to pull even with all the evidence, Sassy had finally been convicted. Her claims of being a battered woman falling flat on the jury the moment they saw one video. Multiples weren’t needed. Even with the writing on the wall Sassy had been unwilling to take responsibility for her part in destroying Sydney’s childhood. Now, with the help of so many, they were patching it back together and he’d come to accept that there was no chance of coming out clean, but he could make her life better from that moment on in the house he’d purchased with Turbo.

When they’d crossed from Montana to Nevada they’d been joined by a second Charter and once they hit the California border the New Mexico, Arizona and Cali Charters were along. The whole procession took up over a mile of road when they rolled up to the courthouse rattling windows as he rode tandem to Hack behind Red and Baldy. Pulling in and making it so the whole block was circled in bikes. They knew they wouldn’t all be allowed in, but with brothers circling a Steel bubble had been created.

Parking he stepped to the van as the women were unloaded and Sydie Bean got out, no longer needing her blanky or her thumb. Then again she was holding onto Turbo and his hand staring at all the bikes as they rumbled past to find a place to park. The sight show stopping to any and all in a three block radius.

When Red popped the back of the van, Creature jumped out of the kennel and headed straight to Sydney. Sitting by her side as if on sentry duty watching the bikes roll past. Even without a lead the dog had created a bond with Sydney greater than any he’d known.

“There are a lot of bikes daddy,” she said, her eyes not moving past the sight of black and chrome catching sunlight as Cream rolled up on her peach bike and parked in a spot being held by her husband. “Are they all for me?”

“Yes,” Turbo said. “The five closest charters sent most of their members to be here for you.”

“And Creature,” Sydney said.

“Always Creature, we are so proud of how brave you are,” Turbo said.

“Let’s amen that statement,” Red called out to those who had found a spot and were gathering around them. “Steels, call out for the bravest nine-year-old I know, Sydney, Sydie Bean, Hanover. Steel—”

“Sharpens Steel.” At least a hundred called out.

“Steel,” Red repeated.

“Sharpens Steel.” Another round sounded off and Bugs had to remember he had a prospect patch on his chest and was supposed to be yelling even as his heart was near explosion at the thought of these men and women all coming to let Sydney know how important she was. That they believed her and what happened was wrong and they were here to right it.

“Steel,” he called out for the third time.

“Sharpens Steel,” Mike joined in the chorus before kneeling at the feet of his blushing baby girl.

“That’s all for me?” she asked.

“Yep, you know my brothers that are SEALs?” he questioned and she nodded. “Only one is here but look at the new brothers I’ve made.”

“Like Maisie and I are sisters, not real ones, but better than real ones.”

“All of these people here are pledging you’ll never be hurt again,” he said as he led her into the building with Creature wearing a fake service dog vest, only fake because she was officially in training after how well she had done with Sydney.

“Now, Sydie Bean,” Cream said once they were in the courtroom. “You have to go up there by yourself.”

“What about Creature?” she said, the panic widening her eyes setting Creature into duty when her breaths increased. The dog pushing her head under the little girl’s hand to give her a place to cling to.

“I’m sorry, you and Creature have to be on the stand,” Cream corrected. “Your mommy is going to be at the table. You can talk to her, the judge, me or Creature. As long as you tell your truth you will be perfect. This is your time to let the judge know how what happened to you made you feel. What about your life changed.”

“Turbo’s my mommy now, Sassy is like Daddy Mitch, not my real Daddy,” Sydie Bean said and Turbo had to turn away to wipe her tears as she curled into his shoulder and the honesty of the little girl about to give her victim impact statement. The two clad in leather proclaiming their places in the Steel MC.

“I don’t want you to think you have to look at Sassy,” Cream said. “Okay, she has no power over you anymore.”

Twenty minutes, that felt like two thousand, the judge called for Sydney to come forward after Cream introduced her.

Meek, tiny steps that widened when Creature once again slipped her head under Sydney’s palm, making her straighten her shoulders and back as she stepped up on the small pedestal and sat. Turbo’s hand circled Bugs’ and he didn’t think she breathed the whole time.

His little girl’s eyes scanned the gallery and then out a window on the side of the courtroom. Making all the heads turn and with her elevated position she had a similar view to what he had. Those who couldn’t fit in the courtroom lined up in mass, blocking traffic and he watched his daughter gather herself. Steeling in a way only possible when you had hundreds of bikers standing watch to let you know they would tear the building down brick by brick if they had to save you from so much as a paper cut.

“My name is Sydney Hanover and Sassy Everett was my mother for eight years,” she began. “But she’s not anymore because I’ve learned what a real mother does. She doesn’t touch you in ways that make your belly hurt and she doesn’t let anyone else.”
