Page 103 of Turbo

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Sydney gulped back a sob and Creature laid her head on her lap. The soft strokes on her head were in time to her testimony.

“My mommy—Sassy, touched me in places that were mine and mine only. She let Daddy Mitch, my stepdad hurt me, over and over. She told me I was a bad girl if I cried when I hurt. That I was ungrateful for all he gave to us.” She paused, her eyes not coming to Bugs, but to Turbo’s. “But it’s okay to cry when you hurt. And not all adults are good. I didn’t know that before. But I know that now. I know that because my Daddy saved me and brought me to the Steels. And the Steels don’t let anyone touch anyone that doesn’t want it. Especially a kid. And I’m just a kid. Even now.”

The lump in Bugs’ throat was suffocating and maybe Turbo wasn’t the only one holding her breath.

“I know that and I’m a kid. I don’t ever want to see Mama Sassy anymore because she’s not a good mama.”

Cream was standing at the podium when Sydney paused longer. “Thank you Sydney, is there anything else you wanted to say?”

“No, but I have a question,” Sydney stated, the tears finally bursting and flowing down her cheeks causing Creature to practically crawl on her lap.

“Okay, what is that?” Cream said, her tone soft and soothing.

“Why did you love him more than me? Why didn’t I matter? And why didn’t you kill him when he touched me? Mamas are supposed to protect their babies. I was your baby. No more. I’m not yours because you were a bad mama.”

Sassy’s eyes were glazed over, not responding to the crying of her own child when half the gallery was a mix of rage awash in tears.

“I wish you would have died too,” Sydney snapped. “I hate you. I hate you for holding me down as Daddy Mitch pushed inside me and I hate you for touching me because he said to. You don’t have to do everything a daddy says. My real mommy doesn’t.”

Even with the want to laugh, there was too much pain in the little girl uncorking in front of everyone like she did during play therapy tearing apart and beating the inanimate objects.

Suddenly a burst of strength made the little girl stand. The little girl who’d been scared to come from behind his hip months ago now faced down her abuser and called her out with all she could at age nine.

“Boys don’t rule anything and I don’t need to love anyone I don’t want to. Just because you loved Daddy Mitch doesn’t mean I have to. I hate you and I hope they lock you in a hole smaller than my closet like you locked me in when I was crying too much.”

Creature barked, adding a deep growl with a snarl on her face that had Red stiffening next to him. The last thing that should ever happen was Creature being put down for pulling apart a person that had his baby girl mad. A low whistle was enough to have the dog back to her soothing stance next to the girl who stood two fisted staring at the woman who’d spat her out.

“Everyone doesn’t need to like you, Mama,” Sydney added turning to Judge Yang. “But I’m not carrying my hate. Doc is showing me how to get rid of it. And Judge, will you get rid of her. She’s not a mama. She is—"

Sydney pointed directly to Turbo who was a mix of blotchy reds and tears as she ducked her head. Not wanting to be part of the spotlight, but when Sydney ran from the stand and jumped in her arms no one protested, not even Creature. Instead she gave a snuff to Sassy and strutted like she’d done the best job ever as she followed her charge.

“I didn’t wait until Cream said I could go,” Sydney sobbed into Turbo’s shoulder as she cradled her head. “I just needed my mama.”

“And you have her, Sydie Bean,” Turbo said. “And even if it’s not okay with them, it is with me.”

Mike wrapped his arm around the two women and felt the nudge of the ultimate protector and had to laugh.

“Seems Creature approves too.”

“I think the Steel sharpened it’s smallest piece today,” Turbo said.

“I’m so proud of you Sydie Bean, how about we go outside and meet your fan club,” he said, knowing the family he was creating would never allow another tear to fall from his baby girls’ eyes.
