Page 30 of Turbo

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Creek had a few other men by his side as he approached their table, cutting off the conversation his daughter and he weren’t ready for. Mike knew he was about to do the meet and greet to allow them to say. Standing he brushed his hands over each other and waited for everyone to approach him.

Maggie waved her hand. “Mike why don’t you go and visit with the men and meet everybody I’ll sit here with Sydney. Don’t worry, we won’t move until her plate is clean, will we.”

Sydney spied the plate still half full before nodding in acknowledgement of the need to eat.

“Thank you, Maggie. For both those things, I’ll do that.” Mike followed the men as they made their way toward the bar and he could tell these men could read a man from fifty paces.

“Hanover, this is Red our President, Baldy is our VP and this is some of the other men, Freaky, Bounty, Cass, and Onyx.” Hack went from man to man introducing them as Mike shook each man’s hand in turn. “Hanover and I served together; he’s brought his daughter up here for spring break.”

“Do you not like her?” Baldy joked as he adjusted his hand around the grip of a cane. The man was about his age with long hair shaved on the sides and few scars still red indicating they weren’t more than a year old. Gray-green eyes held a hint of pain, physical, not emotional, even as he masked with a jovial nature.

“Have you tried Maggie’s mac and cheese?” Mike joked.

“Wait,” Onyx, the man dark as midnight held a hand to still the man. “There’s mac and cheese over there?”

“Not for long,” Bounty said as the two men vied, pushing and shoving their way to the front of the buffet line.

“Here I thought Chief was here causing the calamari smell,” Cass said eyeing the man with a look of one who had served, just not in the Navy by the comment he made.

“Look man,” Mike said hoping to create a bridge that would keep him and his safe. “You want to squirt lemon on me and dip me in tartar sauce you’re gonna have to buy me dinner first.”

The men erupted in laughter as Cass shook his head. “Fuckin’ squids, they’re infecting the damn place Red.”

“Obviously I didn’t go far enough from the beach,” Red replied with a sigh. “I’ll pull the nets out to make sure we don’t catch anymore.”
