Page 38 of Turbo

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“Fuck…” Mike knew he had to come clean. The man could keep a secret with the best of them, but this was big, Mike hated asking for help, but this was to keep his daughter safe.

He wanted to cry. The pain of those screen shots nearly crippling the man unable to keep his own child safe. Killing that man hadn’t replaced the anger, it only added fuel to the fire because in what world would a man be stupid enough to cross him. Had he actually been seen as a weak, gelding? With the intimidation level of a new born puppy? How had he not put the fear of more than God into the man and failed his daughter so completely.

“Creek, I need your help. Sydney’s stepfather raped her, more than once, I couldn’t even take in all the magnitude of how much he’d done to her.” Pushing up from the ground he crossed to where his go bag was and dug out the tiny mint container with the sim card in it and passed it off to him. Then took the man’s cell phone from the inner pocket. “I have evidence, but it’s not changing the damage done to my baby.”

Creek eyed the two pieces of tech and took them from him. Not powering it on, but making sure to tuck them inside his inner pocket for safe keeping as he continued to catch his breath.

“Oh shit. I didn’t think it was something like that,” he shook his head. “I thought maybe she saw you kill the guy after a fight.”

“I sent her to the truck and went back inside, told her I had to talk to the man. There wasn’t a fight,” Mike said as the adrenaline started to drain from his body sending shivers through him. “It was a quick snap. I’d noticed a changes when I had leave in October, and again in December, but I wrote them off.”

Mike pinched the bridge of his nose and not to stem the throbbing from his nose, but instead to stave off the tears threatening to turn him into the biggest bitch known to man as his brother pulled him into his arms. Wrapping him up as he let out a howl of pain from a place so deep it stole his knees for a moment, only he didn’t fall. Creek held him until he could once again find his feet. The man’s grip one he should have had on his daughter from the moment she let loose her first cry.

“Fuck,” he said pushing the man back as razor blades sliced at his throat. “No wonder that piece of shit thought he could touch my daughter. Fucking weak ass.”

“Bullshit,” Hack said. “What about the mother, Fanny or Trashy or—”

“Sassy,” he countered as bitter bile rose in his throat.

“What’s her part in this?” Hack was still gathering himself from their fight, leaning against the work bench, but then headed over to a chair along the wall to sit and held his head in his hands. “You took her baby.”

“The mother was part of it, she lost the rights to her when she brought her into the marriage bed.”

“What the fuck?” Hack spit.

“I need to get Sydney somewhere safe and thought I could figure something out if I had a few days under your roof, but now I know I need your help to do it. I’m in trouble here.”

“Red called a meeting, not sure what tipped him, but I can’t do anything without the club’s approval. Your daughter’s safe in my house, I’ll keep the guards in place, but you need to explain your case.” Creek passed him a roll of paper towels and closed down the wood stove. “Right now.”

The walk into the clubhouse was different and not for the lack of food being placed out buffet style. Behind the bar he couldn’t hold a look with Porsche. Instead, he followed like a puppy as other men dispersed with a few following up the stairs.

A long wood table already had men surrounding it as Creek sat on one side where a laptop had wires connecting to a box. The whole tech thing triggered his headache to move into a hum in his ears or he actually had brain damage. Not the first time, wouldn’t be the last. He glanced around the room where he wasn’t being offered a chair and he found a place along the wall.

“Hack has vouched for you as a brother in arms and claimed you’re welcome in his home. But a situation has arisen that needs to be addressed. We have about twenty three minutes before all our phones go off again,” Red said as a man about six-six came into the room and sat on his right. Unlike the rest, the man with jet black hair wore a Carhart government issued heavy coat and was in a brown uniform with a star above his left pocket. “And this man will have to switch from brother to Sherriff.”

“You don’t want that to happen,” a man with the cut saying Baldy and Vice President said as he twirled a cane. “Convince us you’re not a piece of shit kidnapper, twenty two minutes and counting.”

“Jesus, fucking Christ,” Creek said under his breath, his eyes focused on the screen in front of him where the sim card was inserted into a converter box. “I’m gonna be sick.”

“You sayin’ he’s not going to need twenty-two minutes?” Baldy questioned as a second man named Casanova leaned over to see whatever Creek was reviewing.

“Motherfucker,” Casanova said then piercing blue eyes met his as the man pointed to the screen. “He still alive? Is he still alive? Because this motherfucker needs to be fed his own balls Rocky Mountain oyster style.”

“Yeah, this ain’t gonna take twenty-two—”

“One,” Baldy said, tossing his phone with a countdown clock running on the table.

“I thought I removed that app,” Creek snapped only to get a smirk and shrug from Baldy and all the men turned their attention to Mike.

His stomach turned as he cleared his throat. Every inch of his skin was raised even if it was bouncing between scalding and freezing as waves rippled through him. “When I went to pick up my daughter a text came through on her stepfather’s phone while he was in the other room. Something made me glance down and…” He closed his eyes needing to gather himself when the room erupted in a round of snarls and snaps with more combined expletives then he’d heard even on board a class one destroyer. When he opened his eyes the telltale bubbles of text were showing everything that nearly destroyed him on a TV hanging on the wall. His nightmare playing out in scrolling lines.

The Sherriff stood and came within inches of him. “They’re your lawyers now, what you say to them, stays with them. I can’t be that for you now. What I hear, I can’t unhear. It’s a hard line I’ve drawn with Red. These are my brothers, I’ll do anything for them. Including closing off from the facts of the world around me when necessary and worthy. As far as I know you picked up your daughter for spring break. Nothing more.”

The room stayed silent, every man listened to the heavy footfalls of the man in uniform as he plodded down the stairs.

“I don’t get to Rocky Mountain oyster him do I?” Casanova asked as Creek kept scrolling, the men in the room had faces twisting as the disgusting play out of messages told a story more twisted than he could have ever imagined. Going back months and months.

A man who had to duck to come in the room entered with his hands up and making quick apologies. “I’m sorry, Maisie was in a mood and—” the man halted in midsentence when the screen on the wall caught his attention. “Isn’t that baby staying at Hack’s named Sydney?”
