Page 39 of Turbo

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“Yes,” Mike said making the giant glance over his shoulder then back at the screen. “That’s the text chat between her mother and stepfather.”

The man named Mountain brought a fisted hand to his mouth as if he was fighting back vomit. Not that Mike could fault him for that inclination.

“We are killing the fuck nut that sent that shit, right?”

“Yet to be determined,” Red said. “Have a seat Mountain, let Mike finish his story.”

“The snap of his neck echoed in the empty house,” Mike said, his body becoming frozen as he turned away from the screen behind Red’s head that allowed everyone to see Creek’s laptop screen. “I knew I couldn’t wipe the house clean and I was supposed to be there anyway.”

Not one man in the room moved as he continued retelling the nightmare of the last few days.

“Something kicked in, training I don’t know,” he said. “I busted in the back door and took a few things, messed up the place. Anything I took I tossed out of my truck as I drove Sydney to my mom’s before taking off. Sassy was late and it gave me the time I needed. I couldn’t bury the son-of-a-bitch or take him out for a boat ride.”

He glanced around the room, landing on Casanova.

“And yes, your idea would have been nice, but in the moment, I couldn’t think of anything beyond ending the problem and saving my daughter.”

“As of right now,” Red said turning away in disgust from the sexual fantasies of the pedophile who’d been alone with Sydney. “You are someone they want to question, nothing more.”

“I’ll go back, but I can’t leave my daughter with that woman. Spat from her womb or not she lost her rights to her the moment she—” he covered his mouth for fear of spewing vomit on everyone in the room.

“You’re not going back without a lawyer,” Red said. “And protection. Bounty, is Cream still licensed in Cali?”

“You know what she’s going to say,” a young man with long blond hair with the front half pulled back with a binder.

“Show her one text,” Red said. “Doesn’t matter which one and she’ll be willing to do a criminal case.”

The young man glanced up to the screen then nodded his head in agreement.

“Take that shit down,” Red said. “Even if he never touched her that shit is sick.”

“If anyone even glanced at Mayhem with those thoughts,” Casanova snarled as his hands fisted.

“We know, you’d feed him his balls,” Creek replied. “I’ll reach out to the Hard Road and try to get relocation started. Until then you’re safe here and I’m shutting down the AMBER ALERT for the five counties around us, best I can do. That’ll allow Hollywood to stay ignorant and play the good cop who thought the alert had been cancelled.”

“You think he did this?” Red asked, then held up his hands. “Not saying he didn’t, but if your daughter—was violated, we can help with that too.”
