Page 46 of Turbo

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“You’re the one with the little girl right?” Mike asked.

“Guilty.” Mountain wiggled his still glitter painted nails.

“Maybe we can get the girls together on the build site.”

“Alright Hanover let’s go to town and get the supplies. We’re going to have to go to a bigger city to get everything, most is ordered. We can pick it up and run if you’re worried about leaving Syd too long.”

“For now, let’s have someone on the cameras you have set up.”

“Okay I’ll make it happen.” Hack and Mike bounded downstairs into the clubhouse.

A few men sporting prospect patches were jawing around the bar and Hack walked over to a taller man with tats adorning his heavily ringed fingers.

“Hey Ax, I need you to take first watch over the cameras. We need to have someone stationed in front of the computer until the new supplies come in.”

“Will do.” Ax took the open laptop and headed toward a comfy chair and settled in.

“You seen Porsche?” Mike questioned, every sense on fire when he realized the two of them weren’t sitting in front of the big TV.

“Guess the kid passed out and we were being loud,” Ax said. “Porsche gathered her up and took off.”
