Page 55 of Turbo

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Turbo was on a mission, one where secrets were kept and distance was cut getting back to the farm house. She wasn’t so much dashing, but there was a double time to her steps. He needed to check with Creek about what the Roadside was and what rank a Hoez was in the club. Rank he understood.

But with each swish of Turbo’s ponytail he wondered if the woman was a hypnotist. The way the hair moved, exposing one side of her long neck, then the next. Her hips, tapered from her long frame to form a heart, round and sensual as the mix of stress and the best form of release came front and center in his mind. This was more than a kinship forming between the two of them. There was a difference between attraction for the plain and simple animal urges and what was building inside him when it came to Turbo. He found himself thinking of her between moments of planning and panic. She quickly had become a place of refuge from a storm whirling around him he feared losing if things couldn’t be settled. Her touch was a reset button for him, a brush of the hand, the simple two fingers locked around his, all of it locking him into a place he’d never considered living with.

Sassy was a party girl, wild and untamable and he had been young. Even when she slowed down for Sydney’s sake her constant need for validation suffocated him making any and all long term options a nightmare. Porsche had admitted to daddy issues, but she was learning to handle them. Sassy swam in them and wrapped herself tight in the victimhood of it all. He knew it was the reason she offered her daughter to please a man so he would accept her. Cherish and love her at any cost. The narcissist overtaking any innate motherly protective drive. In a flash of brightness Porsche glanced over her shoulder, giving him a slight smile as she cut her way past the men working on the trailer hookup and giving a few of them quick waves in greeting.

Stepping up on the porch his free hand flew, slamming into the edge of the door to stop her from pulling the screen open as he tugged hard enough on their locked fingers to make her spin. Her breath catching from the quick speed of the last of their walk. Pink flushed her alabaster skin as her bright eyes blinked up at him.

“Wait a minute.” Stepping to her fully, his fingers caught in a few loose strands of hair as he tucked the golden length behind her ear. Cupping her neck he cut the distance by pulling her close once again. The heat of her body next to his, the soft feel of a woman and eyes he prayed he was reading right all set forth a trail he so wanted to take.

Dipping his head their lips met and heat scorched every inch of him as explosive bursts set off like a row of concussive bombs. Making his ears ring and body tremble. Blood rushed through him as they fell into a deeper kiss. Her mouth opening and inviting as he explored, her hands wrapped around him sending off pinpoint marks of moan worthy bliss as her nails scraped along his back. His shirt still in place giving a barrier he wanted to strip off because part of him wanted to be marked and taken by the woman. Porsche had quickly become everything he wanted in a woman and he needed more, wanted time to trail his lips down the column of her neck before disappearing down her body. Their hands explored each other for a moment until he feared he’d cross a line where he couldn’t stop if she didn’t demand it of him and he pulled away from her gently.

“I better get back in there.” Mike licked at his lips, praying to capture a final taste of her that may have lingered.

“I can help you with Sydney later,” she offered, her lips full from the embrace and breath hitching as much as his.

“Yes, if I need you I’ll come and find you. Thank you, Turbo.” Mike moved around her only to have her hand splay on his chest.

“I told you about calling me Turbo, that means something very different to the men and women here.” Her eyes narrowed a bit in warning. “In private it’s one thing, but if you get used to it you could slip up and it’s not something to be taken lightly, Bugs.”

“Belonging right? Mountain now sees me as a potential part of the pack,” he reasoned. “That’s why he gave me the name and called it out in the clubhouse.”

“You call me Turbo in mixed company and I’m yours,” she said, though her voice was less of a warning and more of a call for action. A chance for him to make her his and his alone. “I told you all my relationships have been shit before I met the Steels, since then I haven’t allowed anyone closer than a few nights of fun.”

“And no one has given you a nickname?”

“A few have tried and I was tempted to let them,” she admitted sending a pang of jealousy through him. “This isn’t middle school where you call the kid Stinky or Slim as a joke only to have it stick. You call me that and I respond, people will take note. You’ll be asked if you’re claiming me and once claimed no other man can approach me without your permission.”

He thought of the extended hand ignored by three women clad in leather with their names on the front. The back of their jackets claiming they owned their men and it appears the feeling was mutual. Ownership, yet not control. A partnership respected more than a normal marriage. Mountain wasn’t married to Nightingale and still the woman wouldn’t so much as shake his hand.

Part of him wanted to drag her over to the men working not twenty yards away and call out her name like the kid did inThe Neverending Story. Giving his princess a name, one allowing a kingdom to grow and survive. And yet he couldn’t help feeling like Bastian, on the outside, not believing the woman in front of him was giving him a simple option to save the world.

They weren’t at that place. Hell in a week he may be gone, with a nod, he left her standing outside as he went back into the house where the group was still gathered.

“Did Porsche help you collect your thoughts?” Red asked.

“Yeah, I’m good. I just need to breathe a bit and figure out some stuff.”

“Porsche does have a way about her,” Red said, as a frisson of electricity ran up the back of his neck until he followed up. “She’s a godsend on rescues.”

“That what I am?” he asked. “A man in need of rescue.”

“I didn’t think I was at one time,” Red said, running his hand over his thick copper hair and gripped the back of his neck. “Then just as I saved a woman, she saved me right back.”

A scratch at the front door had Red’s eyes narrowing a bit even with the smile tugging at his lips. Opening the door, a pit bull with scars on its face and neck bounded in the room.

“Creature, did you get out or did mama send you?” Red asked as he took a knee and let the dog greet him proper with big licks. “Let me guess, you smelled Grandma’s cooking and came running.”

Heading toward the kitchen Cream and Doc were sitting down at the table drinking coffee with Maggie as Sydney regaled them with stories as if they were all old friends while she ate apple slices. Her ease with the women gave him hope when it came to Doc and the others. Their ability to make his baby reanimate and engage. This was the daughter he remembered. The one he’d helped raise for moments. It made him feel better about letting these people help him.

Glancing down he could feel the dog sniffing at his leg and with a closed fist he let her continue to sniff. While the dog was making sure he was okay, the fact she didn’t snap at him when she first came in with loud barks demanding his credentials was a sign of those allowed in Maggie’s. Strangers allowed to cross the threshold were to be accepted. With a lick to his knuckles the square headed dog angled toward his daughter and when he stepped to follow Red held up a hand to stop him.

“Wait for it,” he said. “Creature’s a good girl, she knows somehow when to bound and when to crouch.”

He watched as the dog did just that, belly crawling slowly as her nose sniffed at the air. Paws inching her closer to where Sydney’s feet dangled, his daughter lost in the story she was telling to the three women putting her in the spotlight when a long tongue licked at her ankle. The squeal from his daughter as she jumped up on the seat of the chair.

“Something licked me,” Sydney’s feet were hopping from one to the other.
