Page 65 of Turbo

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“Half that can be cleared up with a shot of penicillin,” Mike reasoned.

“Or pills if she can swallow them if not we’ve got bubble gum flavor,” Doc said. “That being said, I could see physical trauma in various stages of healing.”

“Her hymen, it’s gone isn’t it?” he questioned and Porsche bit her bottom lip with the misinformation of men in the world, thankfully Doc was there to school him.

“Hymen isn’t a determinate of virginity or anything else. It can tear, stretch, or a girl can be born without one. Seeing it or not seeing its all the same,” Doc explained. “It’s not a catch all for anything honestly, beyond shaming a girl who might not have one that tears and bleeds the first time. It has a purpose, but so does the appendix and spleen only we’ve evolved beyond them.”

Mike’s face flushed red.

“Most women don’t even completely understand the damn thing,” Porsche said to relieve some pressure from the man.

“More importantly there were no lesions, but we did send off for the basic chlamydia, herpes, etc. Where Red and I are on the fence is HPV.”

“HPV?” Mike questioned.

“It’s a virus, easily transferred from sexual contact that for the past decade or so pediatricians have been pushing on all kids, regardless of gender, to be vaccinated from.” Doc closed her eyes for a moment. “HPV turns into cancer and the chance of transmitting it increases the younger a person is when they are sexualized. Men are carriers and women the ones who get the cancer for the most part.”

“Does Syd have it? Did that son-of-a-bitch give it to her?” Mike’s voice broke into a low growl because he couldn’t snap, not with his daughter dozing on Porsche’s lap.

“I don’t know, that’s part of the tests we have to send out,” Doc said. “But the issue is she’s only eight and the vaccine isn’t approved before age nine.”

“Because no one should be touched even then.” Porsche had her own snarl building like a storm in her chest.

“I can give her the vaccine, but we want to wait until the tests are back,” Doc explained. “I’d rather start her a few months early than have the virus take her womb or possibly her life. Red thinks we should wait until she’s nine if it’s negative, but it’s all moot at this point until we get results.”

“So what happens next?” he asked.

“We give her a few days to be a kid, enjoy the ranch while things process,” Doc said. “And I’ll leave two to three days a week to help discover her story and help her heal.”

“What happens when I go back?” he asked. “Because I have to go back.”

“She’ll have a place and advocate in me,” Doc said, then nodded her head toward Porsche. “And it seems as if your daughter has found a place of comfort.”
