Page 70 of Turbo

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Mike read two chapters until he was sure Sydney was asleep and then leaned down to kiss her temple as Turbo slipped from beside her. Leaving a kiss on the crown of the little girl’s head as she did. Walking from the room he barely caught her as he closed the door.

“Turbo, wait,” he said as she made her way down the hall.

“I’m not dumb,” Turbo said, keeping her voice lower, but not in a whisper as the rage she’d put aside blasted to the front. “You’re asking for help and now rethinking the person you asked for because she’s a dancer.”

“Sassy was named to be a stripper,” he said dropping his head a bit. “Wild, crazy with issues I hadn’t considered because I wasn’t looking past the ass and one night. Honestly the woman did shit for free and I thought she’s liberated. For me great, I wasn’t thinking of what might happen with Syd, especially after Mitch came along and seemed to settle her down.”

“I dance for tips and I go home with men from the club and accept favors from others,” she admitted with no shame. “But I also don’t take shit from anyone. I get it, you haven’t seen me on stage and me sayin’ the woman up there isn’t the woman right here would feel like a lie.”

“Are you saying yes to me now because you’re told to by the club?” he questioned and she stood back, narrowing her eyes at him as her hands raised, then fisted.

“You really think that’s how this shit works?” she scoffed, heading for the door as he chased after her, catching her arm once outside before she bounded down the steps. “I should have fucking known.”

“I didn’t mean to say you were bought and paid to be my—”

She spun, wrenching her arm from him with eyes narrowed. “Babysitter? Fuck buddy? Faux stepmom?”

“You called yourself a ho, I have a daughter who was—” bile shot up his throat because he’d never fully spoken the words. The ones that made him more than cringe. It sent him down a path he wasn’t sure he’d get back from.

“Sexually assaulted, raped and worse,” she countered. “But I never said I was a ho, I said I was a Hoez, there’s a fucking difference. In the MC women have three ranks, Scrubz, Hoez and Ol’ Ladies. You understand ranks, jobs, classifications. Here’s mine, I’m under protection here you’re not. Friend or not to a founder, you cross a line with me and all I have to do is send a text and your daughter is back with her mother and after a few months everyone stops looking for you.”

Mike swallowed the anger building inside him as this woman stripped him down to nothing.

“Don’t get things twisted, I’m bi, but depending on the company and time of day you’ll never know if it’s sexual or polar.” Stepping to him, he backed up until he was flush to the door. “I fuck who I want when I want, and unlike on the street I know the men here will stop when I say stop. They won’t beat me until I only have one functioning eye allowing a sliver of light in. You think I’m wild and uncontrollable, then don’t leave your daughter with me. I have a job and yes I use my body to make money. Want to tell me what your body does to make money? Want to moralize and call down commandments? Because one of us breaks them and it ain’t me.”

The woman wielded words like daggers for a man already teetering on the edge. Every part of him needed to find the yellow ribbon to hold onto, but it was tattered and torn. He’d wanted her, needed to taste her, feel her body and find a center and instead he demeaned a woman who had no issue with who she was.

“I’m sorry,” he croaked. “I don’t know—I understand orders and can plan and plot and right now everyone is an unknown and I’m having to trust an instinct I know now is broken. I’ve never not trusted my gut.”

“When you kissed me, why did you do that?” she questioned. “Was it because you thought I wouldn’t say no? Because trust me, I do say no. Not a meek ‘oh no, I couldn’t’ but a hard fuck you and worse. We’ve all fucked up in our choices over the years. They haunt us and torment our dreams. But I learned long ago if you can find that one sliver of hope, run to it. I see it all around me, but it played out for my friends. Never me, not until you and now, much like you I’m thinking my gut was wrong.”

Her lower lip was trembling as he reached for her. Cradling her face in his hands and lowering his forehead to hers. Why was she letting him even touch her? Her fingers bunched the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled him to her.

“I kissed you because I couldn’t stop the thoughts of you,” he confessed. “The fact when I’m at the verge of crashing from all the bad in the world I see your face and it centers me. I’m not jealous of the men that came before, I’m mad because you’re a distraction I’m afraid will make me slip. Confess to shit I shouldn’t and fall away from the mission.”

“I know what you need, Bugs,” she said, her voice low as her hand stroked aside his neck. “But I need you to trust me, give yourself over to me, and block all but me from your mind.”

“That’s not really a problem,” he said, tilting her head up to see the sapphire blue of her eyes.

“You will do as I say,” she continued, her eyes darkening. “You say you know how to follow orders, good, because you are mine to command. Once we step into your bedroom you will have to earn the right to call me by my name.”

“Porsche?” he questioned, her hand moving to his cock and squeezing through the rough denim.

“Everyone calls me Porsche,” she countered, a snarl curling her lips and hardening his cock as if he were some twisted fuck. “You will call me Turbo, for now.”

“Here I thought you were going to say Mistress,” he chuckled a bit as nerves bubbled inside him.

“Oh, you’re not ready to call me Mistress,” she said, twisting his hardening shaft as her nails clawed the denim of his jeans. “Then again, maybe, if you’re a good boy.”

“Who are you?” he breathed.

“I’m Porsche DeGrassa and I’m going to clear your head and help you,” she said, releasing her hold and moving around him to open the door.

He grasped her neck, turning her back to him as he claimed her lips. The two falling into a place where the woman who’d threatened him a moment ago, melted into his touch as if he was all she ever wanted. To have him claim her, when a moment ago she was warning him of some rule she was tossing in place as if she were the law and this was his final moment before all control was lost.
