Page 71 of Turbo

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The text she sent explaining she was needed at the ranch wasn’t greeted with the enthusiasm she’d been hoping for. Then again, Topaz wasn’t dancing as much as she used to. Moving toward managing the dancers instead of being one, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t fill in for one night. Hell, it might bring her the baby she’d been yearning for since there was no chance Onyx wouldn’t be watching from a corner booth.

Momentum was everything, which meant Porsche also couldn’t go and get the kit she owned since Bugs was on a hair thin line at the moment. There would be no outfit of tight leather or heels perfect for the thin spike she could wield to tease or illicit pain. She wasn’t a dominatrix by a long shot, a switch was the closest she came. Enjoying the thrill of being dominated and teased until the orgasm literally poured from her body. But she had the ability to give as good as she got, and Bugs needed that. He needed to let go of all the worry clouding his mind so he could sharpen his senses. Take stock fully and set his path.

There was also a bit of punishment needed for his bad behavior. You can’t ask a person to care for your child and in the same breath call in to question their character. No, Bugs had to learn his place. Both around the MC and with her, because damn him, he made her feel things she wasn’t used to. Questioning if she’d lost her mind or if his touch was more than those that had come before. Taking stock of what she could between the kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms she gathered the items and disappeared into the en suite for the master bedroom.

Stripping off her top she stood, bare footed, in jeans and a lacy bra. Bugs hadn’t earned more of her, not yet. A coiled object caught her eye as she reached for Bugs’ go bag to see the man was exactly who he should be a boy scout prepared for anything. She bet he never thought the rope he carried would be used to keep him in place. She wasn’t skilled enough to pull off a set of Shibari knots, but she knew a few beginning ones even the SEAL would have trouble loosening.

Satisfied she closed her eyes and centered herself. Coming to the mantra she was in charge, this wasn’t for her even as her body buzzed at the idea of the man as if she hadn’t been touched in years. She needed to calm herself. It wasn’t as if a week ago one of the enforcers hadn’t shared her bed, but this man was different. This man needed more than her body and it was as if she knew this. Even when he called her out, it wasn’t from a place of judgment of her, but himself. His fear of choosing wrong and doing more damage to his baby girl and that was more than she could have ever wished for in a partner.

Steadying herself she let the ridges of the small corded rope slip between her fingers. Dragging the braid across the pads slowly, drawing the action out knowing this man had been trained for torture, not pleasure. He didn’t know the rules she barely grasped, but she understood the power she would wield over him and excitement burned her nipples as they stretched the fabric of her bra.

One step into the bedroom and she saw him sitting at the end of the bed as she curled her toes into the plush carpeting that may serve useful. He reminded her of a pensive virgin who’d paid for a first time with a woman who couldn’t say no. His mind had to be racing, the mix of her tone and his worries knotting his shoulders as they hunched a bit. This she understood, this was a match to her own spirit, she knew the importance of taming the wild beast that tended to take over if she allowed it.

A heartbeat passed before he noticed her silent entry. Standing she raised a single hand and then slowly lowered her fingers to see if he would take the hint. There was a bit of hesitation, but nothing she couldn’t work with as he sat back down.

“At any point if I’ve gone too far you will need to tell me,” she warned as she circled to stand in front of him, his head tilting to the side as if she weren’t serious in her words.

“Like a safe word?” he questioned. “Am I supposed to say kumquat if the spank on my ass is too hard?”

Grasping his chin she jerked his head up and waited until the humor left his eyes.

“You’re not to speak, unless I tell you to. The only time that mouth is to open is if and how I want it to,” she said, wishing the pounding of her heart would slow. “Any words you say will make me stop. Harder, faster, deeper—”

He raised his hand, but like a good boy, didn’t speak. This would be fun.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have my kit, deeper would be you wanting to be further inside me. I tend to draw out my sessions and don’t always allow full access to those who don’t behave.”

His tongue flicked and glided along his lips, wetting them as his eyes became heavy lidded. Submission would be hard, but not impossible. Especially with a few soft teases to ease him into the power she possessed. At any point this man could have full power of her, and yet, he sat, anxious.

“Bugs, you may nod in response, do you understand?”

His response was half-hearted, but she wasn’t discouraged. Every part of her wanted to let go and allow him the control. Let him plunge into her, hold her down and have his way with her. It would be easy, the man was one who knew how to tug hair the right way. She’d been cupped by the back of her neck and claimed by him, but that wouldn’t do. He needed to have a release beyond a hard come and when it came down to it she was probably the only one in a hundred miles who could not only provide the option, but find her own pleasure bringing him there.

“We need to perk you up,” she said. “Strip for me, fully and stand in the middle of the floor.”

Toeing off his shoes she watched as he stripped his shirt from his body, the muscles hidden from view now on display and she had to hide her satisfaction at it being hers. The cuts and curves she would soon be dragging her nails over to watch the skin rise. Shucking his pants, then boxers as he stood, unashamed in the middle of the room. His cock engorged as he wrapped his hand around the shaft and she reached for the spatula she’d snagged from the kitchen, smacking his hand, but making sure she caught a bit of the glistening tip.

His mouth opened only to clench his teeth and let out a hiss of dissatisfaction.

“Drop it,” she commanded. “That is mine, not yours.”

Bunching his eyebrows he slowly released his hold.

“If I wanted the pump primed, I’d have told you to do it,” she said. “Now, since your hands are not behaving, put them behind your back.”

The hard grimace had been betrayed by a pearl colored drop slipping along the slit at the end of his cock. She watched as he complied, hands behind his back and she reached for the thin rope. Wrapping it around and through, a simple technique, when done right could be as effective as handcuffs with a thicker rope. Grasping a length hanging from the end of her knot, she tugged and he cut his eyes at her, but returned his focus forward.

Curling her fingers into claws she circled him, dragging the sharpened ends over his shoulder and down the center of his body. Open fully and clear with no pesky hands to stop her. Normally she’d have the arms bound above his head, but this was about therapy and opening himself up.

“I’m not sure when or how I’m going to use this,” she said, then cupped his sack before shifting her hand as if rolling his balls before fisting her hand and tugging.

Another hiss greeted her ears, but he had stayed silent. Gooseflesh erupted along his flesh as she lowered herself to mouth level with the thickness that had her mouth watering. She wanted to lick the slit and score her nails along his thighs. Every inch of him had her throbbing with need as she reached for the condom she’d found in the gathering of items. Removing the latex from the foil wrapper she put it between her lips and slipped it along the length. Her tongue following the thick vein on the underside until he was hitting the back of her throat and he moaned out.

“Fuck yes, Turbo,” he called as his shoulders jerked his body and she dug her nails into his ass to make him stop before falling back.

“Did you just speak?” she snapped once her mouth was cock free to see his eyes wide and mouth agape.
