Page 73 of Turbo

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Easter had come and gone. Eggs had been found, a feast consumed and he’d even accompanied most of the MC to Easter service. The rebirth service fitting as Mike’s life would be new in many ways. But as the hours ticked away he knew the day had come. Leave was ending at eight the next morning and it was time to go back to Coronado, California.

In the room he’d shared the last two nights in a mix of sex and recovery Mike got his bag ready. The scent of Turbo’s shampoo ingrained as if she’d lived there for years. Visible marks were gone from his wrists, but under his clothing he could feel the raised flesh from her cat of nine tails whip and her nails. All of it a sweet reminder of letting the adrenaline flood his system, leaving him limp and at the base level of being a human. She’d bathed him, caring for the wounds she’d inflicted and held him. Soothing words and brushes of soft lips as he fell into her.

She’d explained the meaning of being a switch and while he’d never considered the lifestyle before he could see the draw. Not a full on across the board every moment type of life, but scenes played out in the privacy of a room from time to time had its appeal. Especially when he thought of binding Turbo and tormenting her with soft touches. Gliding over a body fully his and taking his time.

Only all of it would be a memory if he couldn’t get past the problems in California. Stuffing the last of his things in his bag he tucked an extra set of his dog tags in his pocket. The last two days had been an overload on his system. Between meetings with Cream and nights with Turbo he was coming to grips with all his short comings as a human being. For years he’d trained and honed skills both physical and mental and yet he might as well be in his first week of SEALs eyeing the ring out bell like a juicy steak.

In the kitchen Turbo and Sydney stood there waiting for him as he gently ran his hand over Syd’s head and cradled the back. Her blue eyes blinked up at him as she tried her best soldier face even with tears glistening in pools.

“Sorry Syd. I have to go back. I’m not sure when I’ll see you again. It might be a little while like before. Turbo will be here for you as will Maggie when she has to go somewhere. You know I love you.”

“Daddy, don’t leave me, please.” Syd grabbed him around the leg and held on.

Turbo dropped to a crouch, rubbing soothing circles on the little girl’s back. “Hey Syd, let’s not give your dad a hard time. You know if he gets everything to work out you all can stay here. We’ll be okay. Just you and me until Daddy comes back.”

“I know,” Syd snuffed and turned around, wrapping her arms around Turbo as she buried her head in the crook of her neck.

“Hey, I got something for my two girls,” he said fishing the set of dog tags out of his pocket. Snapping the smaller bead chain to pass one to Syd who took it and used the back of her hand to wipe her nose and cheeks.

“Daddy, I love you. I’m a big girl.” Syd’s voice was a mix of trembles from her shaking body as Turbo stood.

Cupping the back of her head he brought his lips to hers. The embraced one he’d never taken before going into battle and yet here he was kissing his girl goodbye and for the first time worrying he wouldn’t be seeing her again. His other hand slipped to hers as he pressed the dog tag into her palm and she shivered.

“We’re alone, for the most part right now, Turbo,” he said as he pulled back slightly. “If this doesn’t play out the way Cream is planning…”

“Don’t talk like that,” she said, her fist closing around the piece of steel. “Besides, you and I aren’t anything official.”

“You’re my Turbo, if the club doesn’t get it I do,” he said as he stroked her cheek with his thumb. “And thank you for teaching me your relaxation techniques.”

“Doc ain’t the only one around here teaching meditation skills,” she reasoned. “And don’t worry, I’ve got Syd with a whole Army behind me.”

“I’m not worried about Syd with you,” he said, feeling the words more than he ever believed he could.

Taking Porsche’s hand he squeezed tight and the three of them stepped outside. Giving his daughter another quick hug he walked to Hack’s truck waiting for him. Porsche wrapped her hand around Syd’s shoulder and she brought the fisted hand holding his dog tag to her heart. Giving her a nod, he tossed his bag at his feet and joined Cream in the vehicle headed for the airport.

The plane ride seemed like it only took minutes, even with layovers. Stomach twisting in knots as he sat next to Cream who kept occupied with her laptop. Drifting to the moments of silence when Turbo had been laying out her kit, anticipation building inside him and the focus sharp enough to slice through anything. It was where he needed to be, not the sex, the sex was a secondary bonus to the head space. Unlike in training where he’d been told to zone out, give the standard, name, rank and serial number, he had to be present for Turbo. Be attuned to what was before him and he didn’t think he was ready to face what he knew was coming for him.

After deboarding their final connecting flight that landed in the morning, he took an Uber to his house and quickly got in uniform, leaving Cream to settle in until he called. A second call for a ride took him to the check in gate at the Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado. Flashing his military ID the guy running post narrowed his eyes at him, then made a quick call. Nothing like preparing for an escort from MP’s, but there was about a seventy percent chance that was the call being made.

“Hey, leave ends for me in five minutes, if I’m not reporting for duty—” the guard held up a hand to silence him.

Thank Turbo for getting him prepared for not talking back because his inclination at this point was to snap, instead he brought his fingers around a wrist and rocked his hand to simulate the binding she made that drove him crazy. Never had he thought not being about to grasp a woman as she rode him would be so unnerving and heightening the experience. All these years he believed the motion mechanical in nature, braces needed to be in place to avoid falls, but it was sensory. The need to hold and touch.

“You’re clear to report to Task Unit Commander Anderson’s office,” the guard said before waving the car lined up behind him forward.

The base was like all others, a small town housed inside a bigger one. Razor wire fences and white washed buildings along grid like roads. Tucked in his bag were the papers he’d filled out for retirement, but he wasn’t sure if government processing would put it through in time for it to actually take effect or if it’d be flagged for conduct unbecoming and he’d be stripped of all he’d worked for.

“Hanover, you’re back. When the police reached out a pool was set up on you going AWOL.”

“How much you lose?” he questioned, thinking his dumb ass would have probably tossed twenty on a brother.

“I actually made bank this time,” he said. “What can I say, something about you screams compliance.”

Mike had to stifle a smile from wanting to tell Turbo others saw him as submissive as he shifted a bit in the chair until he got a biting sting from a welt.

“So, what the hell happened to you?” Commander Anderson pointed to the chair in front of his desk. “On base you’re a free man, but I assume you know I have to call the police and they’ll pick you up the minute you step foot on civilian land. Are you ready for that?”
