Page 72 of Turbo

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Pulling her hands back she could see the indent of her nails in the globes of his ass she smiled as she stood. She’d marked him, it would heal, but until then he’d been marked for disobedience.

“The problem with you Bugs, is you haven’t let me have you yet,” she snapped, using a wooden spoon to slap at what had to be stinging wounds. They were dark red, but the skin hadn’t been broken. “And I’m not talking about this.”

Her hand wrapped around his shaft as she squeezed and released, then repeated the action over and over. Not stroking, this was about pressure.

“On your knees,” she commanded and he dropped, the tail she’d left from the rope would be just enough to bind his ankles to his wrists as she made him move, inch by inch to the bed. Eyes wide she used the end of the spoon to lift his chin. “Now that I have your attention, if you ever compare me to that cunt again, they’ll be calling you Babs instead of Bugs, you hear me, bunny?”

His eyes blazed as he sat trapped, knowing he couldn’t speak for fear of another spanking or worse. Even she had no idea what the worse could be with her homemade kit put together through pure luck and happenstance. The idea she would be on the same level as a woman who offered her child to a man over and over for any reason made her want to kill and Porsche knew she had to tamp the rage down.

“If you wouldn’t have been so bad you could have used your hands, but now, that over used mouth of yours is going to need to take my pants off.”

Bugs swallowed, eyeing the button and zipper even as his body was bent back slightly. Rocking forward he struggled, becoming frustrated at the button and more with the zipper until she reached for his chin and lifted it again.

“Must I do everything?” she questioned, popping the button and lowering the zipper. Turning around she wiggled just a bit, shaking her ass in his face until her pants where half at her ass. “Now, Bugs, can you help a lady out?”

His nose brushed along her hip as he nodded in approval, nipping her ass cheek lightly when he did, which she forgot to chastise him for because it felt too good. The hardest part of being a switch for her was remembering she wasn’t supposed to allow liberties, no matter her body’s response. Soon her pants were past her thighs and she stepped from them. Kicking them aside she wrapped her fingers around the string of her panties and lowered them, but placed them on the bed next to his head before gathering an oversized pillowcase and wrapping it around his eyes. The man sat silent, bound by wrist and ankle with muscles twitching from a mix of use and wanting to get away. Porsche knew as a SEAL the man had the ability to shut completely down in a torture situation, but this wasn’t that. Any torture she provided was meant to illicit pleasure which was why he wasn’t zoned out and allowing her to do what she wanted with his body. He was present, so present she needed to reward him.

“Now, Bugs, tell me, are you parched?”

He nodded and she stepped on either side of him, lifting one foot to balance on the mattress as her other foot was planted between his bent legs, bringing her hand to cradle the back of his head and leading him to her sex.

“Open your mouth, be a good boy, and drink.”

Beneath her hungered licks split her pussy. His tongue trying to go deeper as she did her best to hold her façade of strength until he swirled her clit and sucked it into his mouth. Her fingers raked through his hair, his neck arching back further as her hips rocked. Riding his mouth as he pulled and sucked. Tongue finding its way into places deeper than her body. The moans of satisfaction and struggles of the bound arms had her lost in the moment. Relishing the feel of him entering her, savoring the essence flowing down his throat as she began seeing stars.

Loosening herself, she had to pull back from his face and the man nearly fell forward trying to stay with her as she found her footing and had to hold her hand out. Grateful the man was blindfolded and didn’t seen her stumble. His cock stood hard and proud as she tried to remember this was for him when all she wanted to do was impale herself and ride him till morning.

Snagging her panties she shoved them in his mouth, sure she was going to lose it if he said one word of longing for her. Asking to be freed as she crouched. Watching him struggle against the ropes. Flashes of red burst forth on his face as the veins in his throat bulged. He was animalistic at this point. Caged and needing to be freed. She’d done her job, shifting his mind. Making him slip into fight or flight mode and when she went to release the binds the sound of a snap from the too thin rope sent a jolt to her heart as his hands were loose and he pulled the panties from his mouth.

“I wasn’t done,” he growled, removing the makeshift blindfold and he quickly overtook her. Catching her at her hips and yanking her pussy back to his mouth. Shifting her thighs to his shoulders as he devoured her. His tongue, curving upward as his heavy arms locked her in place leaving her only one option. Give into the orgasm as dark eyes traveled over her body.

She’d bound him with thin rope, teasing and torturing and he’d locked her right back with his hold. There was no thin string of rope for her to snap. There was a vice like grip that could only been unlocked when he chose. Her body bucked as he took her, the orgasm rising and threatening to fall when one leg was released, but only so his fingers could thrust inside her as he moved up her body. Pleasure wrapped around her hips, stinging and sweet when he tore the cup of her bra away and sucked the hardened peak.

“Who said you could do that?” she questioned.

“I gave myself to you,” his voice husky. “And you walked away. Pulled the first tangible thing to make me clear away as if you were tearing a band aid.”

“I didn’t, I wasn’t done,” she gasped as she saw the eyes of a man who would be able to claim her body and soul and every part of her wanted to submit.

“What was next?” he asked, his fingers in a sickening rhythm as she tried to determine how many were inside and feeling as if she needed more. She needed him. His cock throbbing, pounding, taking over so she could be the one to let go. “What torturous thing were you going to take from me next?”

“Patience, all you needed was patience, that was the point. To be in the moment, let me score your skin and take from you everything I could.”

“I can’t, I can’t do that, not yet,” he admitted, practically on the verge of sobs.

“Then fuck me, hard, right now,” she said, cupping his cheek with her hand. “Get past that, and I’ll start again. And again, and again, until you Michael, can take me drawing out your pleasure and come clear with your thoughts.”

Flickers of understanding flashed in his eyes as she felt the hard thrust of his shaft stretching her. The more she wanted and needed being met by him as the plush carpet burned her skin when he drove into her. His mouth claiming hers and the lingering salty flavor of her on his tongue. This one was for her. The hard pounding and escape into a cascading orgasm.

A tease drawing out her own desires. The heavy need in her core as he thrust into her, she arched her hips so more of him was inside her. Rolling, her knees straddled him as she was filled to the root with him. His hands now free to knead her breasts before slipping down to her hips and guiding the motion to what they both needed. The wash of serotonin not from a pill was a cold rush cascading from the top of her head, down her back and over her hips as he pulsed inside her.

Her hands balanced on his chest as she leaned down, sliding her hand to the back of his neck, their eyes meeting long enough for her to know she was falling over a cliff and now had to trust him to catch her.
