Page 89 of Turbo

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“I’m not here to argue that,” he countered. “I wish your client would have done a better job of covering his tracks. There is no love lost with the death of Mr. Everett in the community and do I even want to know how the leak around what had been going on with his stepdaughter got out?”

Cream’s smirk reflected on the screen and Porsche made sure to hold in her giggle. Having come from the area originally Cream maintained friendships among many in the Bay Area and while the woman kept few close, those she did know could be counted on.

A weight pressed on her shoulders and loyalties were divided. While she wanted to call bullshit, she couldn’t Onyx many times was secondary to the women of the MC when it came to Topaz. Her priorities were clear and he respected it. They both had work that had to be done before they could play. And they played hard. It was an enviable relationship and on so many levels she’d never considered it because she had been dead set against allowing one man that much control for her. She knew how easy it would be to give herself over to a man to take on everything she didn’t want to think about.

“I have one question for you Ms. Castle and before I toss my career away I need to know in my heart it was for the right reason,” the man said.

“That is?” she questioned.

“How hard is the road those around you travel?”

Porsche’s eyes widened, Bugs sat confused and Cream’s shoulders straightened. The reply a code between those who rescue along the dark net group making any fear of prosecution.

“Easy now that it has been paved.”

“What just happened?” Bugs asked when the video was disconnected.

“Mr. Anderson is part of the Hard Road,” Porsche said making him spin in his chair, having not noticed her coming in. “Which means he sees you as an ally not an enemy.”

“What she said,” Cream replied, getting up from her chair and placing a hand on Porsche’s shoulder when she reached the door. “I’ll let Red know we have a new contact who more than likely will be reaching out at some point.”

“We can fly?” Porsche asked, hope blooming inside she wouldn’t have to make a choice between Bugs and her responsibilities.

“Yes, two days for Bugs, but if you need to—”

“I don’t,” Porsche said as Mike approached and slipped his hand in hers. “He’s my priority and what I have to do will hold for two days.”

“Your job?” he questioned and she nodded.

“And the fundraiser, you’ll never guess what Hack’s song is going to be.” She beamed only to meet uncertain eyes. He didn’t have to return to Montana, he was free to go forward with anything he wanted to at this point and his reaction sent worry through her.

“Honestly, I shudder at the thought of him in a speedo shaking his ass,” he said before cupping her cheek with his hand and kissing her forehead. “I need to make a call to my commander, give him an update and see if I still qualify for my benefits.”

“If they say you don’t, please let me know,” Cream said. “Between the vets in the Steels and myself I’m pretty sure we can find a way to get through any issues. But Porsche, I know my Ol’ Man, you need to get your ass to Turnabout sooner rather than later, he can move but so can a slinky when you drop it down a set of stairs.”

* * *

“Do you have to go to work?” Mike whined, three days later as he slowly reached out and circled her waist with his arms. “We just got back.”

While the evening had been a reuniting of father and daughter, he wanted a moment of peace with her. Not a night thinking about men lusting over his woman as she danced in a way that was only meant for him. He’d nearly lost everything and now what he deemed most precious needed to be saved. His daughter had rushed to both of them, not only him when they arrived. Turbo was a part of his family, but sharing wasn’t in his nature. Wanting a beautiful woman and living with men lusting over what was yours sent fear coursing through him.

“Yes, I’m on the schedule. Topaz has been giving me leniency, but at some point I have a schedule to follow,” she protested unlocking his arms only to have him spin her around and pin her back to the door.

Guiding her arms above her head he took both her wrists in his left hand and held them together above her head as he cradled her neck in his hand. Lowering his head, he drew out the kisses on her neck as he worked his way up to her lips. Her body melting into his, spurring his need to discover more about her.

Being in control was something Mike found more enjoyable than he’d expected. Turbo was malleable to experiences that were not only pleasurable to her, but him too. There were so many right things when it came to the two of them, the unflappable loyalty and fight when she was around him. She understood the ways of the world and her love from his daughter.

The kiss deepened and he held her arms together the entire time while cradling her face. He slowly lowered her arms down to her sides and worked his way back up holding her to him as he continued to use his hand to memorize the feel of her.

When he broke from the kiss he whispered to her, “Don’t go to work tonight, Turbo.”

“I have to,” she purred, doing her best to slip from his hold. “It’s what I do. I’m good at it.”

“At what? Making men believe they’re something special to you.”

“Don’t,” she warned with eyes narrowing. “Don’t, you barely came back from your latest snap decision.”

“As if telling you not to dance for men is the same thing.”
