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Barrett noticed him glancing surreptitiously at Minty. She was a cool one. Hard to tell what lay beneath that calm exterior. Both Jeanie and Mara cried happy tears many times and were even now holding hands.

The creak of the back door sounded, and Barrett swung his attention to it the same as everybody else.

Zale stepped out first, dressed in his suit. He glanced up at Barrett and sent him a thumbs up before turning to reach a hand inside for Willa.

Barrett held his breath. She stepped out with a nervous smile for Zale, and then scanned the yard for him. She perked up and smiled happily when she met his eyes and he boomed out his big laugh. He could see her shaking with laughter from across the yard.

Zale tucked her hand into his arm, and patted her hand, smiling down at her. He said something and she nodded. Barrett assumed he was asking if she was ready.

Barrett took her in, his flower, wearing flowers as usual. Lucky played the melody to ‘I’d Love to be Your Last’ and Zale led Willa to Barrett’s side.

Zale untucked her hand and kissed the back of it. She suddenly gripped her fingers around his hand and tugged. Zale’s attention zeroed in immediately on Willa’s face. Barrett watched Zale’s face soften as he pulled Willa into his arms. She wrapped her arms tight around his broad back.

“I love you, Zee,” she said, and then her voice dropped to a whisper. “Thank you.”

Barrett watched as Zale pressed his lips together and closed his eyes. “I love you, too, Willa. You’ll always be my girl,” he whispered.

Zale patted her back and drew away, then placed her hand in Barrett’s. Barrett reached out a hand and shook Zale’s, a silent message sent and received.

The pastor spoke, her words eloquent, before beginning the traditional ceremony. After Willa and Barrett repeated the traditional vows, the pastor asked if they had prepared anything to say.

Barrett stilled.

He had completely forgotten about writing vows.

She looked into his eyes and smiled.

Holding both his big hands in hers, she looked up into his serious face, and vowed, “Everything I am, everything I have.”

He relaxed.

The truth was, she had given herself to him already, and he had made promises, too.

He smiled with his eyes only and gave her his vow in return.

“Today, tomorrow, forever.”
