Page 172 of Mountain Road

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“Baby, you’ve always got my attention.” We’d been living at her place for a week. Most of Brayleigh’s things were here. I moved those in one day. I had no intention of delaying once Minty gave me the go-ahead.

Everything I needed from the house was here except for about half of my clothes. Minty still needed to shift her things around to make more space. The woman had clothes. And shoes. At this point, I figured I’d take over the dresser and closet in the guest room.

“This place has four bedrooms,” she began excitedly.

I grinned. “I’m way ahead of you. I’ll use the closet and dresser in the guest room for the rest of my clothes. That will leave the boys’ room and Brayleigh’s room free for them. And you don’t have to make any more space in here for me.”

She ducked her head. It looked like she was fighting a smile.

“What are you laughing at?” I eyed her suspiciously.

“Well, darling,” she began. “If we moved into your place, I could expand the shelter.” She paused, assessing my reaction. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

“You want to move into my place.”

“Um, yes?”


“Um…” She moved to get off me, but I snagged her around the waist.

“When?” I demanded, laughing.

“As soon as possible?” she squeaked.

I rolled her under me. “I’m going to kill you. I’m actually going to kill you. Do you know how much I hate moving?”

“It was hard to miss. You complained the whole time.”

I barked out a laugh. “That’s because I hate it! I don’t hate anything the way I hate moving. My sisters have moved, in total, seventeen times. Seventeen!” I pressed my body into hers and caged her laughing face between my forearms. “And do you know who they called each and every time to help?”

“You,” she guessed.

“Me!” I yelled, exasperated.

“Raiden didn’t help? Sean didn’t help? Carlos didn’t help?”

“You don’t seem to understand. There could have been ten men and it still would have been an astronomical feat. You have clothes. Dani has cooking supplies. Two kitchens worth and she demands two kitchens in every house they own. Not to mention the fact that she has three kids. Tracy has twins. Twins! And Sean is a collector,” I spat the word out like a bitter taste. “Don’t even get me started on Ava!”

“What about Darcy?”

“Darcy’s smart. Like me, she flies light.”

I looked down into her laughing eyes and caressed her temples with my thumbs. “You know I’d move seventeen times for you alone. Maybe even eighteen if you promised me a blow job.”

She laughed like I knew she would.

We laughed a lot.

I continued. “Brayleigh’s going to be heartbroken to lose her sparkly room.”

Minty cringed beneath me, her nose wrinkling. “About that… we’re going to redecorate her room before we move back in. We’ll bring everything from here!” She squealed as I buried my face in her neck.

“Tell me about the shelter,” I spoke into her neck, my voice muffled.

She ran her hands up and down my back. “We only have room for five girls at the house. Three of the girls who are there now are almost ready to transition out. They could easily be moved here. This apartment could house those women who no longer need the same level of support as they did when they first arrived. I could double the impact either by helping more women, or by extending the time they can stay.”

“I have one week of summer vacation left and I have to spend it moving,” I only half pretended to gripe. I rolled onto my back, bringing her with me. “Let’s talk compensation.”
