Page 52 of Mountain Road

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“It’s true,” Amber laughed. “Especially that last point. You’ve had a phenomenally long run of bad luck with men."

Which is when I blurted out the fact that I was seeing someone.

Amber topped up Ruby’s wine then curled herself into the couch. “Since when? Who is it?”

“You remember I told you about Willa and Bex from work? Willa is married to Barrett and Junie is engaged to Lenny who is the drummer in their band. Lucky is the lead guitarist.”

“He’s in a band?” Ruby’s eyes lit up. “That’s so freaking sexy.”

“He is. He really is and he’s very sweet. Anyway, I met him at Willa’s wedding but neither of us pursued it. Then we met up again at Lenny’s and he asked me out.”

“This is fantastic!” Amber exclaimed. “Do we get to meet him?”

“Well, see, this is what I’ve been thinking about. I wouldn’t mind introducing you but we kind of have an expiration date.”

Ruby drew her chin into her chest, her eyebrows scrunched. “An expiration date? What do you mean you have an expiration date?”

Amber eyed me steadily. “I think the question iswhydo you have an expiration date?”

I chewed the inside of my cheek. “Because he’s younger than me and I can’t give him a family. Because he has had a rather busy dating life from what I’ve been told, and I don’t think he’s ready for forever. Because…” I trailed off, sure I had more reasons but unable at that moment to recall a single one.

Amber leaned over me, passing me a dessert plate with her Yiayia’s cookies on it.

I swing my head forward and bash my forehead into her nose, blood streams down her face, she cries out, covering her face with her hands. Blood pours through the cracks between her fingers.

“Thank you, beautiful,” I murmured, taking the goodies. Amber knew my weakness was cookies and never failed to bring some when Yiayia baked.

I bit into one and hummed my appreciation. “She’s never going to give me the recipe, is she?”

Ruby lit up. “She invited you over to bake with her. She doesn’t actually have the recipes written down and she can’t write in English anyways.”

“Oh, I’d love that!” My mind began to whirr. “You think she’d come to the shelter and bake with the ladies?”

Amber cut in, “Absolutely. I’ll go, too. The girls know me. It’ll be fun. But we’re getting off topic. Tell us more about your man.”

I suddenly remembered the other point. “He has a child, a two-year-old girl, with his current best friend.”

“What?” Two sets of surprised eyes rested on my face.

“I know, I know. See? And she’s beautiful. Stunningly beautiful. And she’s his age. They share custody, have dinner together at least once a week, do activities with their little girl…it’s not just me, right? That’s a red flag, isn’t it?”

“You think you’re walking into some crazy love triangle?” Amber rolled her lips between her teeth. “Have you met her?”

“Yes! And that was even more bizarre! Lucky introduced me, made it clear she was interrupting our date, and kicked her out! She laughed!”

Ruby relaxed back into the couch and shrugged. “Maybe they really are just friends.”

“Or maybe they’re not and he’s just not ready to settle down,” I mused.

“That would make him the biggest kind of asshole, though. Don’t you think?” Amber asked.

“Yes. And he’s not. I don’t think.”

“What’s he doing tonight?” Ruby asked.

“His band is playing at a bar downtown. He asked me to come, but I told him I had Bookstagram with you guys.”

“Let’s go,” Amber sat up straight. “We’re done talking about alien sex, I haven’t been out on the town in ages, he already invited you, let’s go!”

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