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“Explain?” Nimue scoffed, shaking her head. “Explain, then. Tell me why ye left in such a hurry.”

“After the night that we shared . . .” Chrisdean started, but then his voice trailed off, and he began to worry his bottom lip between his teeth. “I must admit that I dinna remember much from that night. I was verra drunk, ye see, and I dinna remember what I did, but I remember that ye dinna wish to have me drunk. I . . . I’ll never forgive meself for takin’ ye by force, and I dinna expect ye to forgive me, either. If ye wish for me to stay away from ye, then I will.”

It wasn’t the kind of apology that Nimue had expected. She hadn’t realized that Chrisdean was under the impression that she had not enjoyed their night together, but now that Nimue did, she wasn’t above teasing him a little as a punishment for disappearing.

“Perhaps I do wish for ye to stay away from me,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared him down. “Is that really the way to treat yer wife?”

The look on Chrisdean’s face was that of a broken man, and for a moment, Nimue felt guilt wash over her for toying with him. Then again, what he had done was unacceptable, she reminded herself, and he deserved a few moments of agony to teach him a lesson.

“I understand,” Chrisdean said. “And it saddens me, but I will respect yer wishes. I . . . I hope that, in time, ye’ll forgive me. I left because I kent ye’d be disgusted by my behavior, and I couldna face ye then any more than I can face ye noo. I’ll leave ye be.”

Nimue felt her fury melt away. How could she be angry at Chrisdean when he had spent two days feeling like he had destroyed their relationship? He had already suffered more than enough, she decided, and she couldn’t help but forgive him.

With a sigh, she walked up to him and pressed a tender kiss on his lips, her hand wrapping around the bouquet that he had brought her. She brought it up to her nose, inhaling their scent with a smile, and took Chrisdean’s hand in hers, lacing their fingers together.

Chrisdean’s confusion was clear in his frown. He took a step back from her, but he didn’t pull his hand away. “What are ye doin’?”

“I think ye’ve suffered enough,” Nimue said with a pleased smile. “Ye didna take me by force, Chrisdean. Ye think I wouldna have put up a fight? Na . . . I enjoyed it verra much, but I am still angry that ye left without sayin’ anythin’.”

Chrisdean breathed out a sigh of relief, a shaky hand coming up to wipe the sweat off his brow. Nimue could hardly believe that she had such an effect on him.

“But ye forgive me?” Chrisdean asked, his voice shaking just as much as his hand.

“I do,” Nimue said. “But dinna disappear again.”

“I promise,” Chrisdean said before his lips turned into a devious smirk. “And I promise to show ye just how enjoyable our marriage can be . . . if ye let me.”

Nimue couldn’t say no to such an offer. With a smirk of her own, she dragged Chrisdean to the bed, placing the flowers on the vanity on her way there. When the back of his knees hit the mattress, she pushed him down onto it before climbing over him and straddling his hips. Chrisdean laughed, clearly surprised by Nimue’s boldness, before he grabbed her hips and rolled them both over so that he hovered over her.

“I thought that I was goin’ to show ye, na the other way around,” Chrisdean teased, his hands sneaking under Nimue’s skirt and up her thighs. She laughed, though Chrisdean’s touch left her a little breathless and spread her legs a little wider for him, accommodating him between them. “Have I told ye that ye’re the bonniest lass in the world?”

“Aye, ye said somethin’ like that the other night,” Nimue said, and the frown of confusion on Chrisdean’s face drew another laugh out of her. “But ye dinna seem to remember.”

“I canna say that I do.”

Nimue pushed herself up on her elbows, capturing Chrisdean’s lips in a heated kiss. She expected to feel Chrisdean’s fingers enter her at any moment, give her the pleasure that she craved, but his touch never came. Instead, Chrisdean scattered kisses on her chest, right above her neckline, before he moved lower. The entire time, his gaze was glued onto Nimue’s, even as he pushed her skirt up to her hips and settled between her legs.

Nimue frowned in confusion, but she didn’t say anything. Chrisdean’s breath tickled her sensitive flesh, and then, before she even knew what Chrisdean was doing, his tongue was on her, tracing lines around her cleft. Nimue gasped, half in pleasure and half in surprise, the sensation leaving her moaning and trembling.

When Chrisdean hummed against her, a joyful, bright sound, Nimue moaned, her hand finding its way to his hair and holding onto it, tugging every time that his tongue swiped over her sensitive spot. Soon, Chrisdean pushed two fingers inside her, intensifying her pleasure, and Nimue couldn’t stay quiet anymore. She moaned in abandon, her hips rocking onto Chrisdean’s fingers as she took him deeper into her body.

She had never felt such pleasure as the one that his lips and tongue brought her as he circled her folds, kissing and sucking on her flesh. She couldn’t help but cry out his name over and over, her body taking control and holding him right there as she moved her hips, taking what she needed from him. Chrisdean seemed more than happy to let her, flattening his tongue against her as she chased her completion.

Her climax followed soon after, her body like a taut string under Chrisdean’s hands. Her pleasure overwhelmed her, her hand locking into Chrisdean’s hair, pulling him up for a kiss that he was happy to give her. Nimue could taste herself on his lips, and even though Chrisdean’s attentions had just pushed her over the edge, she couldn’t help but want more, her entire body calling out to him.

Her hands began to claw at his clothes, trying to get him naked as soon as possible, and Chrisdean helped her with her task, all but ripping his shirt and trews off himself. Soon, Nimue had him naked, and it was Chrisdean’s turn to fumble with her garments.

Once all their clothes were in a pile on the floor, Chrisdean wasted no time before pushing himself inside Nimue, his member parting her flesh as he thrust into her. He seemed ravenous to Nimue, his gaze unwavering as he dipped his head to kiss and bite her neck, making her writhe under him, and she could do little more than let him take what he wanted from her and give her anything he wanted to give her.

His member, thicker than she remembered it, felt as though it was splitting her apart in the most delectable way, tearing down every defense that she had until all that was left was the constant thrumming of pleasure through her veins. Her second climax caught her by surprise, the ecstasy building fast in her belly until it spilled over, making her toes curl, and her fingers clutch onto the sheets. Jolt after jolt of delight rushed through her, and she collapsed onto the bed with Chrisdean’s name on her lips.

It seemed like that was all Chrisdean needed to allow himself to reach his own zenith. All it took was a few more thrusts, and Nimue could feel him as he filled her up, spilling himself inside of her.

Then, he collapsed right on top of her once more, pushing all the air out of her lungs.

Nimue laughed, shaking her head as much as she could, with the limited space that she had before she began pushing at him, trying to get him to roll off her. Chrisdean went easily, but once he was on his back, he pulled Nimue on top of him, resting her head on his chest.

Nimue was more than happy to stay there, in Chrisdean’s arms. She could hear his heartbeat, fast and erratic, but quickly slowing down once more to a steady beat, and she could feel the rise and fall of his chest with every breath that he took.

“Did I prove to ye that our marriage can be pleasurable?” Chrisdean asked.

Nimue smiled to herself, resting her chin on Chrisdean’s chest to look him in the eyes. “Aye, ye did,” she said. “Did I?”

“Mo ghràdh, there is nothin’ ye have to prove to me,” he said.

Mo ghràdh.Nimue liked that, and she liked to hear it from Chrisdean’s lips. For a moment, she thought about everything that had happened between them that could have created a different ending: if Chrisdean had accepted Nimue’s rejection, if he had sent her back to her home, if he had taken George Wentworth’s threat as something that had to be given in to and returned her to her father. If any of those things had happened, she would never have found out that she could be this happy with him.

But she had found all the happiness she had ever hoped for. If there was one thing that she could see now, it was that she wanted to stay with him in the Highlands.

She wasn’t going anywhere.
