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Chapter Fourteen

Once she left her father’s study, she passed the breakfast that was laid out on the table and fled to the outside grounds. It was still Fort property, and so Lord High and Mighty and Overbearing Darling could have nothing to say about it. Besides, what could he do? Pull her back into the Fort’s building with his bare hands? She crossed her arms. Well, that could be very possible, but her father certainly would not allow that.

She tipped her head high and began to walk in the usual path that she and her father had been taking each day. She waited until she was far enough away from the Fort to let out an angry huff. “How could my father just sit there and allow this? We cannot give gifts anymore or perform charitable acts? These people housed me for weeks, despite the troubles of their clan, and now we cannot even help them?” She whispered harshly to the air, far enough away from Lord Darling, but afraid that someone might be nearby to hear her outrage.

She knew the real reason for her anger at his rule to not send anything else, but she did not give voice to it. She continued speaking aloud to the trees and grassy hills. “And he expects young ladies to allow themselves to be guided by their betters like goats on a rope?”

As she walked and talked, she was getting ever closer to the Sound. With each moment, fresh anger burst out inside her at all of the horrible things the Lord had said. “And even worse! He will take part in finding me a match for marriage? That is absurd! He is not my father, nor is he my relative, and yet here he is, swooping in, with barely a word, and expects us to follow him?” Charlotte shook her head to herself. She resolved right then and there to find a time when her father was alone to try to talk to him about this. Surely, he could not allow this man to be involved in so personal a decision. He had come to advise her father in political and military matters, not stick his nose into her business as well.

She exhaled loudly, shaking with fury. She stomped along hurriedly, barely taking in her surroundings when suddenly she hit something that squealed in pain. She pulled back and watched as young Elizabeth Darling fell backward onto the ground, losing her book and her spectacles in the process.

Charlotte’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh! I am so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going!” She reached out a hand to assist the woman, bending low towards her. Elizabeth scrunched up her eyes a little. She gripped onto Charlotte’s hand, and Charlotte pulled her up.

Elizabeth continued squinting. “Oh, I am sorry. I was reading as well and didn’t see that there was someone there. Would you be so kind as to help me find my spectacles? It is difficult for me to see close things, so your face is quite blurred.”

Charlotte rushed to pick up the brassy-colored spectacles and handed them gently to Elizabeth, who hurried to place them atop her nose. Her eyes widened at Charlotte. “Oh, that’s better. I am very sorry, Miss Andrews. I’m afraid you will always find me in the middle of some sort of awkwardness. My father most certainly would not approve.”

Elizabeth pushed a few strands of hair back into her coiffure, and she began to search for her upturned book. She found it with an “Ah” and then brushed it off before turning back to face Charlotte again. Her face was slightly flushed, and Charlotte smiled. This Elizabeth was much chattier than the one she had met last night. She thought that perhaps, this woman would be much more fun to be friends with.

“Oh, think nothing of it, Miss Darling. ‘Twas I who was also not watching. My thoughts were… elsewhere.”

Elizabeth smiled back at her, kindly. Charlotte pointed to the path in front of her. “If you are not too busy with your reading, perhaps you would care to walk with me? It appears that perhaps we cannot be trusted to walk alone.”

Elizabeth chuckled lightly, and Charlotte was pleased. With a smile on her lips, Elizabeth Darling was one of the most stunning women of her acquaintance. It was a pity she had to wear those spectacles and did not often smile. Elizabeth said, “You’re quite right.”

Charlotte took her arm in her own, and they began to walk the shores of the Sound. “So, what do you think of Scotland thus far?”

Elizabeth looked out towards the water. “I find it absolutely lovely. It is the perfect place to dream and read. It suits me far better than busy London, but we are often traveling, Father and I. Ever since Mother died, I have been his constant companion.” She said the last words rather solemnly, and Charlotte felt for her.

“I suppose it is like that in a way for my father and I. He is happy to have my company ever since the loss of my mother.” She smiled at Elizabeth. Before they could continue their conversation, they heard a call from the water.

“Ahoy Mistress! ‘Tis I! Liam!”

Charlotte looked out, and close to the shore was a boat with three men inside. They were nearing gray gravel, and Charlotte’s heart began to beat rapidly at the sight of a clansman of MacLean again. She waved back, and Elizabeth’s arm tightened. “Who are those men, Miss Andrews?”

Charlotte said, “Oh, you will have nothing to fear from them, Miss Darling. They are clansmen of the MacLeans. I have stayed with them for many weeks until I just returned a week past. My cousin, Julia, is married to their laird. They are all very kind and gentle, like lambs.” Well, maybe not all of them.

Elizabeth nodded, and her grip loosened slightly. Charlotte continued as they waited for the men to land. “I suppose we ought to call each other by our Christian names, now that we’ve been properly acquainted. May I call you Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth replied, “Oh, yes, I would much prefer that. I’m afraid I was never very good at social rules and etiquette. I have so many other things to think of that always get in the way. So to call you Charlotte would be very fine indeed.”

That’s why you were reading your book instead of making conversation then.

“Excellent. Come, I will introduce you.” She walked with Elizabeth down to the water and awaited the arrival of the men. She looked around briefly to make sure that no soldiers were close enough to stop them. There were a few clusters of trees nearby, and she hoped that would be enough to shield them for a few minutes.

Once the boat came further over the gravelly shore, Liam hopped out nimbly, a big smile on his face. He was joined by Fergus, Fen, and another man that Charlotte had seen but not yet spoken to.

“Mistress Andrews, what a pleasure! I see ye are doing well, lass. That makes me happy. When I heard ye’d left in such a rush, I was worried about yer head and hoped ye would make a safe recovery.”

Charlotte smiled but watched Elizabeth out of the corner of her eye, fearing for a second that Elizabeth might tell her father what she had seen and heard. But, Elizabeth’s gaze was solely on jolly, red-headed, well-built Liam. It was as though she had never seen a man before, and Charlotte could almost imagine her mouth open in astonishment.

“Ah, yes. It was only a little painful for a few days, but now I feel no trouble. All is well. Thank you for your consideration. Let me introduce you to my new friend, Liam.” She motioned to her left, and she watched as Liam’s eyes moved to Elizabeth for the first time. And there, they stopped. Charlotte felt a tingle of excitement at the sight. Two people, watching each other with interest. Perhaps she should take up matchmaking?

She allowed them this moment for a few seconds and then said, “This is Lady Elizabeth Darling, daughter of the Earl of Oxford, come to visit the Fort for a few weeks or more.” Liam’s face broke into another huge smile. He kept staring for a few seconds but then said, “I am Liam MacLean, and this is Fergus, Fen, and Donell.”

All the men smiled at her in return. “And what are you doing today on the mainland, Liam?” Charlotte asked, realizing that she would need to save the conversation or else Elizabeth and Liam would simply stare at each other, oblivious to what was going on around them.

He coughed and turned his eyes back to her. “Angus has asked us tae do the hunt, but we brought Fen tae help us purchase building materials. Some of the barns and homes need repairs. This ye know, lass.” Charlotte nodded.
