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Charlotte Andrews

He read it aloud for Mrs. MacLean, and she stood, her hands clasped, listening intently. She furrowed her brow at the end. “It does nae seem that she is very happy, Angus. I hope that her father will treat her well.”

Angus coughed to cover up the flutter of joy he felt at having been asked after. But that flutter was quickly squelched after he read the words ‘his brother’s wish.’ So, she did think of him then and hadn’t forgotten everything. But what was this about Calum? Had Calum spoken to her when he was not present?

He remembered that Mrs. MacLean had said something. He replied, “Aye, ‘tis true. But I suppose ‘tis hard tae return tae one’s old life when she had so much freedom tae roam wildly around the Isle.”

Mrs. MacLean laughed. “That is very keen, Angus. I think ye are right. Well, I do hope that she’ll be permitted tae visit us. I have already written tae her and given her all the news she desires. I have even told her of ye and all that ye have been doing. But should I mention that ye have been sulking as well?”

Angus turned sharply towards her. His words began faltering. “Och, am I? I suppose ‘tis all the things on the island that need doing. Nae, dinnae trouble the mistress with my dark moods.” He felt one coming on right then, and he wished to be alone to seethe in silence.

Mrs. MacLean smiled and began to walk away. Before she turned out the door, she said, “Aye, I think yer right. Charlotte was much happier here, but I dinnae think ‘twas just the freedom that made her so.”

Having said her piece, Mrs. MacLean left the room, and Angus felt himself fall deeper into sullenness.
