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Liam smiled. “Aye. That’s why Mrs. MacLean thought it best that ye come. Just in case it might rouse him tae health. She is at a loss for how tae help him, and ye are the best healer for miles. ‘Tis similar tae the illness of the other villagers, but different somehow.

Charlotte took a calming breath, but her mind was whirring with so many thoughts and emotions; she wasn’t sure what to tackle first. But one thing she knew was that now she had an even better reason to break her father’s and Lord Darling’s rules and go to see Angus. He could be dying. Tears pricked at her eyes. Angus could leave forever, and she would never be able to know if it was true. Did she really love him? Would she survive if he left this world?

She tightened her grip on Elizabeth. “Liam, Elizabeth, and I were just asking Seamus if he would take us over for a visit. But, now ‘tis essential that I go. Seamus’ boat is wet and filled with soap. Would you be able to take us both?”

Liam grinned. “Of course! ‘Tis why I came in the first place. He helped Charlotte into the boat and then turned to Elizabeth. “Mistress Darling, is it?” he held out a large hand to assist her, and she gingerly put her hand in his. He held tight and helped her step into the boat securely. Charlotte noticed that he held on a bit longer than usual, and she smiled, despite everything.

She whispered to Elizabeth, “I thank you for coming. Liam can take you back later today, can you not, Liam?”

He looked surprised, but he said, “Of course, Mistress. Anything for Mistress Darling.”

He looked away then and pushed the boat into the water before hopping into it expertly himself. Elizabeth blushed and watched with interest as Liam’s arms pumped the oars into submission, sending them coursing through the calm waters towards the Isle. “’Twill not be long, Elizabeth,” Charlotte said, but Elizabeth was too distracted by the sight in front of her.

But in a few moments, she said to Charlotte quietly, “This Angus. ‘Tis him, isn’t it? The one you’re in love with?” Charlotte sighed and glanced at Liam to make sure he wasn’t listening.

Charlotte bit her lip. “I don’t know. I have to see him to find out. And now it looks like I may not even get the chance if he is as bad as they say.”

Elizabeth touched her arm. “All will be well. True love prevails.”

“Another line from a book?” Charlotte said with her eyebrows arched.

“Of course. Don’t tell me a woman as intelligent as you are doesn’t like to read.”

“No, no, of course I do, but I can’t say I’m as well-versed in literature as you are. My reading inclinations always leaned more towards science and medicine. So much knowledge to uncover there.”

“I see. Well, perhaps I can recommend a few other types of books for you to feast your eyes upon.”

“After what you have done for me, Elizabeth, I shall try anything.” Charlotte held tighter to her friend and waited, listening to the calming, rhythmic sound of oars in water. She felt the breeze caress her face softly and smelled the freshness of the Isle even though it was still far away.

It was as if a door had opened once she passed the borders of the Fort, and now the air was fresher, sweeter, and flowed more readily. She felt a tingle in her limbs. She was feeling that sweet freedom again, but her heart tensed, thinking about Angus. Had he really called for her? Surely he was simply delirious and was just calling out names of people that came into his subconscious. That was a symptom of illness, and even more so if it was the illness, the villagers also shared. It didn’t have to mean anything.

Still, it touched her. It gave her hope. Maybe he had thought about her as much as she had thought about him since they parted. Maybe he would be happy to see her and receive her apology. Perhaps they could think of some solution where she could help him out in some way to ease his burden. Unfortunately, there was Lord Darling to consider.

Even so, once she left the shores of the mainland, the threat of Lord Darling seemed to shrink from view just as the outline of the Fort and all she could think about was seeing Angus again and what it would mean. She felt deeply that once she laid eyes on him, her heart would tell her the truth. If she loved him, then she would know. If it was only a passing fancy, then her heart would tell her. She had to know. Even if she was going to be married off to a stranger soon, she had to know whether or not she had been capable of real love.

It was a briefer trip than she’d expected, for she had been lost to time in her own daydreams when they arrived at the Isle of Mull. Liam jumped out and helped the women to step gingerly on the stones. They watched as he pulled the boat into the shore, and then he led them to the castle. Charlotte wanted to run, but she kept her pace with Elizabeth.

When they finally entered the front door of the castle, Mrs. MacLean came out and threw her arms around Charlotte. “Och, I’m sorry for my forwardness, Mistress, but I am so afraid! I am so glad ye’ve come!” There were tears in her eyes, and with affection, Charlotte hugged her back.

She swallowed, trying to hold back the tears. She needed to be strong to do the tasks ahead. “I will do what I can for him, Mrs. MacLean. You know the herbs to boil for fever. Will you do so for me?”

“I tried many times, but it would not bring it down.”

Charlotte nodded. “I know. But please do so. And bring the coldest water that you can find. But first, this is Elizabeth Darling. She is my friend and wished to accompany me.”

Elizabeth smiled. “Let me assist you, Mrs. MacLean, in whatever you need.” Charlotte was touched by the generosity. She even noticed Liam lifting his eyebrows in surprise.

The women left, and Liam said in a low voice, “Come, lass. I will show ye his chamber.”

She followed after him, wishing he would quicken his steps so that she could get there sooner. In a few minutes, they arrived at the door, and Charlotte thought with a smirk, what Angus would think about her entering his bedchamber without warning.

Liam pushed open the door and allowed her entry. She entered softly, and when she saw the state of Angus upon the bed, she nearly fainted.
